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Confessions of an NFL replacement referee

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Being a Bills fan we have been subjected to incompetent ownership and raw greed. The franchise is in very serious jeopardy of being moved when he passes. Why? Because he doesn't care other than squeezing the last nickel he can in life and death.


Yeah our owner is greedy, unlike other business owners that don't care if they make money. How the hell do you know what happens with the team when Ralph passes? I guess cause you don't you'll just guess it's cause he's counting nickels?

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In your opinion.


In my opinion they were an epic joke of incompetence.

Did you read the article?


"The replacement officials didn’t have any more incorrect calls than there normally are. If it happens during a regular game, it’s “who cares.” When we were officiating, then it was a different story."

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Money had nothing to do with it. The problem is the unions. It is virtually impossible to fire a referee - it's just like baseball. They grade everyone after every game and basically can't use that information to hire/fire refs. Its complete garbarge and I side with the NFL on the issue. The fans complained and got their refs back which is better, but not the best. We as fans basically screwed the league going forward. Again, this had very little to do with the money, and more the issue of performance.


Say what?


The issue of firing refs was never brought up in any coverage of the union referees negations that I read.


Where did you get that information from?

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Did you read the article?


"The replacement officials didn’t have any more incorrect calls than there normally are. If it happens during a regular game, it’s “who cares.” When we were officiating, then it was a different story."


Yes I apparently read the article with quite a bit more comprehension than you did.


Do you understand that the piece was an opinion piece written by one of the replacement officials and that the piece appeared in the New York Post?


Do you actually think that the sentence you quoted has anything to do with a factual evaluation of the replacement officials' performance?

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In your opinion.


In my opinion they were an epic joke of incompetence.


Just like the real refs continue to be.


Exactly. The overreaction to the replacement refs was completely driven by loudmouths like Collinsworth and newspaper columnists who needed to have something new to say so why not pick on every conceivable flaw by the officials. And as usual, the public lapped it right up.


I wish they harped on the obvious miss calls the real refs constantly make the same way they did to the replacements. Maybe then the quality would improve.

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Yes I apparently read the article with quite a bit more comprehension than you did.


Do you understand that the piece was an opinion piece written by one of the replacement officials and that the piece appeared in the New York Post?


Do you actually think that the sentence you quoted has anything to do with a factual evaluation of the replacement officials' performance?

Do you actually watch football and see the constant bad calls by the "real" refs? Or because the announcers ignore them, do you choose to do the same?

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Just like the real refs continue to be.


I wish they harped on the obvious miss calls the real refs constantly make the same way they did to the replacements. Maybe then the quality would improve.


People don't seem to understand how television and media works.


It's all about creating controversy for the sake of ratings.


If the quality of the officiating was continuing to be a problem, the networks would have no trouble making an issue of it.


Yes, the Bills-Patriots game was poorly officiated. But as I said upthread, there are over 2000 plays every week in the NFL.


Maybe it's not obvious to everyone but IMO the officiating now is much better than it was when the games were being officiated by the replacement guys.


Do you actually watch football and see the constant bad calls by the "real" refs? Or because the announcers ignore them, do you choose to do the same?


Are you gonna address the fact that you completely misinterpreted the article or are you just going to try attacking me from a different angle?

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People don't seem to understand how television and media works.


It's all about creating controversy for the sake of ratings.


If the quality of the officiating was continuing to be a problem, the networks would have no trouble making an issue of it.


Yes, the Bills-Patriots game was poorly officiated. But as I said upthread, there are over 2000 plays every week in the NFL.


Maybe it's not obvious to everyone but IMO the officiating now is much better than it was when the games were being officiated by the replacement guys.


Are you gonna address the fact that you completely misinterpreted the article or are you just going to try attacking me from a different angle?

I didn't misinterpret the article -- but I agreed with it 100%. I still maintain that the refs were nowhere near as bad as the media and fans were portraying, and that they actually seemed fair and impartial (aka: when a mistake was made, it wasn't always in favor of a handful of teams).


It's opinion for both of us, unless you want to breakdown film of every game the replacements did and compare it to every game the regular refs did.

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I still maintain that the refs were nowhere near as bad as the media and fans were portraying, and that they actually seemed fair and impartial (aka: when a mistake was made, it wasn't always in favor of a handful of teams).


It's opinion for both of us, unless you want to breakdown film of every game the replacements did and compare it to every game the regular refs did.


I thought the replacement refs did a nice job as well. I didn't notice any upgrade in officiating after the regular refs came back.

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Don't forget that many of the media personalities like Peter King are friendly with the players and not so much with the owners or they are former players. There was an angenda behind some of the journalists who drove this story and worked for major media outlets. The rest ended up following suit so they weren't the only one not writing about it.

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Don't forget that many of the media personalities like Peter King are friendly with the players and not so much with the owners or they are former players. There was an angenda behind some of the journalists who drove this story and worked for major media outlets. The rest ended up following suit so they weren't the only one not writing about it.


Fair point.

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