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The '$5 doctor' practices medicine from bygone era

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From the article: "Most of his income comes from the farm that his family still owns and that is now run by a nephew. So, although he never became a farmer, the farming life made it possible for this country doctor to maintain his practice, his way."



Would that all doctors - except Birdbrain - have a farm subsidy. Birdbrain has a farm and doesn't share. He selfishly eats his own.

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From the article: "Most of his income comes from the farm that his family still owns and that is now run by a nephew. So, although he never became a farmer, the farming life made it possible for this country doctor to maintain his practice, his way."



Would that all doctors - except Birdbrain - have a farm subsidy. Birdbrain has a farm and doesn't share. He selfishly eats his own.


Wasn't there a port star who was flexible enough to do the same and got famous for it?

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An article to physicians:



Defensive Medicine: How To Survive ObamaCare


By Richard Amerling, M.D.










Wait a sec... I thought this thread was about how doctors should NOT gouge their patients/customers. All this crackpot (in your article) is worried about is himself (and maybe his family)! And he is supposed to SERVE his patients? Huh? Now we are talking about "end arounds" for ObamaCare. What a bunch of selfish !@#$s!


To the OP and the doctor they posted about: "You go good Dr.!"

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Wait a sec... I thought this thread was about how doctors should NOT gouge their patients/customers. All this crackpot (in your article) is worried about is himself (and maybe his family)! And he is supposed to SERVE his patients? Huh? Now we are talking about "end arounds" for ObamaCare. What a bunch of selfish !@#$s!

Yes, how dare anyone who spent 8 years in med school not want to be a lonely pauper his entire life!!!

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I just got a bill for $635.00 for a 45 minute pre-op visit with a Nurse Practicioner... Vitals and H&P..... When that does get billed to the insurance carrier, something few facilities can ever do right the first time, I assume Cigna will pay about $200 per contract...


$200 an hour, roughly.... That's a salary of $400k a year for an FTE... Not to bad....


The point? Maybe none... But providers are doing just fine in healthcare, just fine....

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I just got a bill for $635.00 for a 45 minute pre-op visit with a Nurse Practicioner... Vitals and H&P..... When that does get billed to the insurance carrier, something few facilities can ever do right the first time, I assume Cigna will pay about $200 per contract...


$200 an hour, roughly.... That's a salary of $400k a year for an FTE... Not to bad....


The point? Maybe none... But providers are doing just fine in healthcare, just fine....

You think that the NP, or even the doctor overseeing her, is making $400K, because the practice will get the balance of that $635? Seriously?

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LoL... 8 years... LoL... Life's tough...







LoL Indeed. Since it's only an 8 yr commitment and all. :wallbash: Hell....that's not even right. That only gets you a degree. Then internship....residency....perhaps fellowship....then the 'real world' where docs "never" take call 24/7 etc. Don't forget.....Sallie Mae comes a calling....once a month for 30 years.


For someone who espouses about Republicans being such bigots, idiots and 'douchebags' ....you sure do like to take sniper shots from your high chair.


What exactly is your personal experience in medicine (and medical education/loans/residency/lifestyle) that affords you such keen insight? You and I have been around this block before so I'm not going to re-invent the wheel as to how unbelievably misguided your 'opinions' are. I'd just like to know where your expertise comes from. If you teach me something......then maybe I'll then take a shot at deconstructing your life and career....with little basis in reality and from a far distance.


Don't even bother bringing up your sacrifices. I NEVER questioned yours as that would be lunacy. You took, and always take, this leap of nonsense every time this topic comes up.


You can offer complaints about docs/medicine all you want but spare us the Docs have it easy 'mantra.' It's pathetic. I told you before....my dad was a custodian. He taught me an honest days wage for an honest days work. If the sacrifices and skill necessary to achieve a medical degree afford a higher wage.......Why do you have a problem with that?


It's a free country man...If it's so managable......go for it.

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LoL Indeed. Since it's only an 8 yr commitment and all. :wallbash: Hell....that's not even right. That only gets you a degree. Then internship....residency....perhaps fellowship....then the 'real world' where docs "never" take call 24/7 etc. Don't forget.....Sallie Mae comes a calling....once a month for 30 years.


For someone who espouses about Republicans being such bigots, idiots and 'douchebags' ....you sure do like to take sniper shots from your high chair.


What exactly is your personal experience in medicine (and medical education/loans/residency/lifestyle) that affords you such keen insight? You and I have been around this block before so I'm not going to re-invent the wheel as to how unbelievably misguided your 'opinions' are. I'd just like to know where your expertise comes from. If you teach me something......then maybe I'll then take a shot at deconstructing your life and career....with little basis in reality and from a far distance.


Don't even bother bringing up your sacrifices. I NEVER questioned yours as that would be lunacy. You took, and always take, this leap of nonsense every time this topic comes up.


You can offer complaints about docs/medicine all you want but spare us the Docs have it easy 'mantra.' It's pathetic. I told you before....my dad was a custodian. He taught me an honest days wage for an honest days work. If the sacrifices and skill necessary to achieve a medical degree afford a higher wage.......Why do you have a problem with that?


It's a free country man...If it's so managable......go for it.

"Docs have it easy." LOL! The mantra of the inane, who likely partied their way through grade school, college, and then wondered where the high-paying jobs are.

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LoL Indeed. Since it's only an 8 yr commitment and all. :wallbash: Hell....that's not even right. That only gets you a degree. Then internship....residency....perhaps fellowship....then the 'real world' where docs "never" take call 24/7 etc. Don't forget.....Sallie Mae comes a calling....once a month for 30 years.


For someone who espouses about Republicans being such bigots, idiots and 'douchebags' ....you sure do like to take sniper shots from your high chair.


What exactly is your personal experience in medicine (and medical education/loans/residency/lifestyle) that affords you such keen insight? You and I have been around this block before so I'm not going to re-invent the wheel as to how unbelievably misguided your 'opinions' are. I'd just like to know where your expertise comes from. If you teach me something......then maybe I'll then take a shot at deconstructing your life and career....with little basis in reality and from a far distance.


Don't even bother bringing up your sacrifices. I NEVER questioned yours as that would be lunacy. You took, and always take, this leap of nonsense every time this topic comes up.


You can offer complaints about docs/medicine all you want but spare us the Docs have it easy 'mantra.' It's pathetic. I told you before....my dad was a custodian. He taught me an honest days wage for an honest days work. If the sacrifices and skill necessary to achieve a medical degree afford a higher wage.......Why do you have a problem with that?


It's a free country man...If it's so managable......go for it.


Touchy... I am sorry. I was wrong... You are the hardest worker in the world... Let me give you a key to my city.

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"Docs have it easy." LOL! The mantra of the inane, who likely partied their way through grade school, college, and then wondered where the high-paying jobs are.


I never said docs have it easy, on the contrary. Just laughing @ 8 years.. 10 years.. 20 years... Internship, etc... It doesn't matter, the job is to serve people and endure and not gut society. Is that so hard to understand? You can take what you want or think you NEED, I got no problem with that... But to quote The Band:


"Now I don't mind choppin' wood, and I don't care if the money's no good Ya take what ya need and ya leave the rest But they should never have taken the very best"


This old doc in Rushville, Illinois is not gutting society. More power to him.




Same non-answer you gave last time we had this discussion. Have a nice day.


What do you mean non-answer... I make myself clear. It is clear where the disease lies. I am sorry you are offended. But why should I sugar coat, it is obvious where society is being ripped apart and you are not helping.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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I never said docs have it easy, on the contrary. Just laughing @ 8 years.. 10 years.. 20 years... Internship, etc... It doesn't matter, the job is to serve people and endure and not gut society. Is that so hard to understand? You can take what you want or think you NEED, I got no problem with that... But to quote The Band:


"Now I don't mind choppin' wood, and I don't care if the money's no good Ya take what ya need and ya leave the rest But they should never have taken the very best"


This old doc in Rushville, Illinois is not gutting society. More power to him.

"Gut society"? LOL! Do you know that medical providers account for just 15% of healthcare expenditures? If you want to know who's "gutting" society, take a look at that other 85%. And while you're at it, take a look at the population that has become the fattest in the world and who takes poor care of themselves, yet demand everything be done, at little to no cost, until their last breath, and who will sue if they don't get it.


And getting back to the "gut" comment, a fraction of your insurance premiums go to your doctor. Your doctor may get paid $80 for an office visit once a year. How much do you spend on an oil change at Jiffy Lube every 3,000 miles? What about a movie for 4? Tickets to a football game? Your cable or cell phone bill PER MONTH? Yet when patients have to cough-up a $25 co-pay, it's as if you're holding them up at gunpoint.


As for the doc in Rushville, he charges $5 a visit. Does that include any tests he orders? Meds? Hospitalzations? Surgeries? Who covers those costs? Sounds like the doctor is making out pretty well, considering he takes no insurance, sees tons of patients who pay cash immediately, nevermind the fact that he's already independently wealthy.

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"Gut society"? LOL! Do you know that medical providers account for just 15% of healthcare expenditures? If you want to know who's "gutting" society, take a look at that other 85%. And while you're at it, take a look at the population that has become the fattest in the world and who takes poor care of themselves, yet demand everything be done, at little to no cost, until their last breath, and who will sue if they don't get it.


And getting back to the "gut" comment, a fraction of your insurance premiums go to your doctor. Your doctor may get paid $80 for an office visit once a year. How much do you spend on an oil change at Jiffy Lube every 3,000 miles? What about a movie for 4? Tickets to a football game? Your cable or cell phone bill PER MONTH? Yet when patients have to cough-up a $25 co-pay, it's as if you're holding them up at gunpoint.


As for the doc in Rushville, he charges $5 a visit. Does that include any tests he orders? Meds? Hospitalzations? Surgeries? Who covers those costs? Sounds like the doctor is making out pretty well, considering he takes no insurance, sees tons of patients who pay cash immediately, nevermind the fact that he's already independently wealthy.


My insurance premiums every two weeks is 341 dollars, my employer picks up over 400... Do the math... Yeah, it is a big deal to pay 25 dollars copay when you and your employer is shelling out over 15+K a year in premiums. The last 10 years, not 4 but 10... Premiums have been skyrocketing and service is going down. I don't mind the premiums but, stop gutting the service.

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LoL... 8 years... LoL... Life's tough...


So the implication here is that 8 years is 'very difficult?' (never mind that it is not even remotely accurate)......since you said you 'never' said docs had it easy.


What exactly is your personal experience in medicine (and medical education/loans/residency/lifestyle) that affords you such keen insight?


I told you before....my dad was a custodian. He taught me an honest days wage for an honest days work. If the sacrifices and skill necessary to achieve a medical degree afford a higher wage.......Why do you have a problem with that?


It's a free country man...If it's so managable......go for it.


Touchy... I am sorry. I was wrong... You are the hardest worker in the world... Let me give you a key to my city.


There are two questions above.....you answered neither. You then gave me a snide reply/apology about getting a key to 'your' city. (entitlement noted).


Same non-answer you gave last time we had this discussion. Have a nice day.


What do you mean non-answer... I make myself clear. It is clear where the disease lies. I am sorry you are offended. But why should I sugar coat, it is obvious where society is being ripped apart and you are not helping.


Again...your presumptions about 'me' are amazing. I'm 'part' of the problem? You don't know anything about me. I've been on multiple medical volunteer trips in this country and abroad. I've donated tons of time to youth programs as a physician. Blah...blah...blah...i can go on and on......that just means I'm like MOST of the doctors/co-workers I work with. We are in it to take care of people. You just keep slinging mud about a profession you perceive as 'criminals at work.' My buddy is a high school principal. Factor in his state pension and retirement programs and guess what?....he makes more annually than I do. Should we shut down the schools as well since they are ripping society apart? No point in sugar coating anything......


Offended? No. I'm just perplexed by your ability to tell me more about myself and my career than I can....and give up the 'innocent' routine. You're taking shots and you know it. As I said....IF you impart some of your knowledge here we may be able to equally deconstruct your career and it's certain apocalyptic effects on society.

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My insurance premiums every two weeks is 341 dollars, my employer picks up over 400... Do the math... Yeah, it is a big deal to pay 25 dollars copay when you and your employer is shelling out over 15+K a year in premiums. The last 10 years, not 4 but 10... Premiums have been skyrocketing and service is going down. I don't mind the premiums but, stop gutting the service.

Gutting what service?

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LoL Indeed. Since it's only an 8 yr commitment and all. :wallbash: Hell....that's not even right. That only gets you a degree. Then internship....residency....perhaps fellowship....then the 'real world' where docs "never" take call 24/7 etc. Don't forget.....Sallie Mae comes a calling....once a month for 30 years.


For someone who espouses about Republicans being such bigots, idiots and 'douchebags' ....you sure do like to take sniper shots from your high chair.


What exactly is your personal experience in medicine (and medical education/loans/residency/lifestyle) that affords you such keen insight? You and I have been around this block before so I'm not going to re-invent the wheel as to how unbelievably misguided your 'opinions' are. I'd just like to know where your expertise comes from. If you teach me something......then maybe I'll then take a shot at deconstructing your life and career....with little basis in reality and from a far distance.


Don't even bother bringing up your sacrifices. I NEVER questioned yours as that would be lunacy. You took, and always take, this leap of nonsense every time this topic comes up.


You can offer complaints about docs/medicine all you want but spare us the Docs have it easy 'mantra.' It's pathetic. I told you before....my dad was a custodian. He taught me an honest days wage for an honest days work. If the sacrifices and skill necessary to achieve a medical degree afford a higher wage.......Why do you have a problem with that?


It's a free country man...If it's so managable......go for it.

You do understand you're debating this with a guy who counts carp for a living.

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