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Yup, sure is, except it didn't lead us into a war and all...


Tell me about it. I look forward to Hillary running for president and explaining why she pushed so heavily for that war. Hillary lied, people died.


Tell me about it. I look forward to Hillary running for president and explaining why she pushed so heavily for that war. Hillary lied, people died.


Let me be clear: She didn't support that war, someone else made that happen. Period.


Tell me about it. I look forward to Hillary running for president and explaining why she pushed so heavily for that war. Hillary lied, people died.





“Had we had a carrier in the Mediterranean or an Amphibious Ready Group, we could have done something meaningful, that is assuming the chain of command was interested,” writes Admiral Lyons. “However, the bottom line remains unchanged—‘we didn’t even try.’”


Lyons has previously pointed out that the U.S. had a “130-man Marine force recon team” at Sigonella, a Naval air station in Sicily, Italy, that could have been there within two or three hours. The time from the start of the attacks in Benghazi until they were done was approximately eight hours.


Another member of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi, Retired Air Force General Thomas McInerney, told AIM that the “Bottom line to me is that the Administration deliberately did not have ships positioned at the most vulnerable/highest risk locations in the Mediterranean on 9/11/12!”


The question remains, why was the Navy—and the rest of the military—so poorly positioned for the anniversary of September 11th that year? The House Armed Services Committee (HASC), in its most recent majority-authored interim report, said that it would continue to “evaluate why DOD found it unnecessary to begin to prepare fighters and make other arrangements, especially in light of the concern that the hostilities could spread to Tripoli.”


“As noted, above, the majority members believe the White House’s pre-September 11 security review failed in that it did not result in direction to the Department of Defense to react to the deteriorating security environment in Libya,” they write. If these military assets were actually not available to support Benghazi in the face of ongoing threats, we must ask, ‘Why not?’”


Didn't she vote to give Stupid more bargaining power to force Saddam to give up the WMD Cheney, Rumsfeld and company said he had..


Ah, the old "Just because we authorized the president to use force doesn't mean we gave him permission" argument.


Also known as the "It's not our fault, we're just dumber than Bush!" gambit.


Egg meet face.


Maybe they should contact CNN, who had an interview with the lead suspect responsible for the deaths of four Americans after the WH and State Dept. left them for dead.

Well, if you go the CNN route, you may have to deal with Candy Crawley's fat ass, now telling you that no, in fact they didn't interview the suspect, they only interviewed a witness, or some such distortion.

Ah, the old "Just because we authorized the president to use force doesn't mean we gave him permission" argument.


Also known as the "It's not our fault, we're just dumber than Bush!" gambit.

Now I get to haul out this gem from 2006:


How can George W Bush be a total idiot,


so devious and intelligent as to contrusct a huge lie, devilish enough to suck in Hillary Clintion...and John Kerry,

at the same time?


:lol: I've never heard a rational response to this, because any response that affirms both, defies logic. It's a shame really, where have all the self-assured Ds who were so prevalent here in 2006, run off to? This one was a very lulzly troll back then....


It's similar to:


How can Belechick be a draft genius


wait until the 6th round to draft his HOF QB(or only have 2 defensive players stick with the team over 7 drafts, of largely defensive players)

at the same time?


:lol: I lump the irrational D ball-lickers right in with the irrational Belechick ball-lickers.


Of course, given the voting record of Massachusetts...it's likely that these are the same people.

Obama’s ‘Blame It on The Video’ Was a Fraud for Cairo as Well as Benghazi — More Proof


The “blame it on the video” fraud so carefully orchestrated by the Obama administration in connection with the Benghazi massacre on the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks has always rested on a premise that remains unquestioned by the mainstream media – and that is itself a fraud. To wit: the Libyan violence, in which a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were murdered, was triggered by rioting at the U.S. embassy in neighboring Egypt which was unquestionably provoked by an anti-Islamic video (an obscure trailer for the more obscure film, Innocence of Muslims).


As I’ve previously recounted, “blame it on the video” was a fraud as to Egypt as well – a calculated fraud set in motion by State Department officials in Cairo who began tweeting about their outrage over the video before the rioting started. At the time they did so, our government well knew both that there would be demonstrations at the embassy and that those demonstrations were being spearheaded by al Qaeda. In addition to the general animus against the United States that is its raison d’etre, the terror network and its Egyptian confederates were animated by their long-running campaign demanding that the U.S. release the Blind Sheikh (Omar Abdel Rahman, the master jihadist I prosecuted in the nineties and who Osama bin Laden later credited with issuing the fatwa that approved the 9/11 suicide hijackings).


There is now more evidence corroborating the fact that al Qaeda-linked jihadists, not the video, propelled the Cairo rioting — just as al-Qaeda-linked jihadists, not the video, propelled the Benghazi attack.




More at the link................


More at the link................


All president's lie. The difference here is that this lie included the extra hilarity that comes when four Americans are left for dead by the WH and State Dept. [/gatorman logic]

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