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So has the clownish right given up on the idea that Hillary murdered Vince Foster?


BenGhazi and Hillary's record of basically zero accomplishments as a Senator and SOS will be very problematic for her if she runs. Your camp should be looking for another candidate.


BenGhazi and Hillary's record of basically zero accomplishments as a Senator and SOS will be very problematic for her if she runs. Your camp should be looking for another candidate.




BenGhazi and Hillary's record of basically zero accomplishments as a Senator and SOS will be very problematic for her if she runs. Your camp should be looking for another candidate.

She still is better than any of the Republican turds that might run against her. Who do you think can beat her?


He already responded but I am surprised he didn't ask if you meant a suicide bomber wearing a clown outfit while blowing up Americans in Iraq. Because, I think that'd be funnier to him.


He'd think Americans getting killed by a suicide bomber is funny???


She still is better than any of the Republican turds that might run against her. Who do you think can beat her?




He'd think Americans getting killed by a suicide bomber is funny???

you'd laugh and hope they make a film of it staring Jim Carey and Ben Stiller so you can enjoy it more.
He'd think Americans getting killed by a suicide bomber is funny???


For a guy who found the preventable deaths of four Americans due to inaction by the WH and State Dept. funny, you're sure not much at reading comprehension.


Jihadists from at least four Al Qaeda groups in on Benghazi attack


Declassified documents contradict White House


Read more: http://www.washingto.../#ixzz2qxCIhk4D


All of them just hated the movie.







The drip, drip, drip of Benghazi


Another day, another revelation on Benghazi.








Obama: Al Qaeda 'Jayvee'


in his New Yorker interview published over the weekend, President Obama stated that current Al Qaeda was “jayvee” – and said that his analogy was often used around the White House. “The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,” Obama said. He then added, “I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.”






(*Ambassador Stevens could not be reached for comment)



Obama: Al Qaeda 'Jayvee'


in his New Yorker interview published over the weekend, President Obama stated that current Al Qaeda was “jayvee” – and said that his analogy was often used around the White House. “The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,” Obama said. He then added, “I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.”




Talk about amateur hour; this is funny coming from the "jayvee" president.


The moment we stop respecting their capabilities or commitment to attacking the US and start taking them lightly, we get another 9/11.


“The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,” Obama said, resorting to an uncharacteristically flip analogy.



just because a politician puts on a suit and stands in front of a camera and a teleprompter, doesn't make him an effective leader.


In the end you Republicans won't get any political traction on this issue. It's Vince Foster and no birth certificate level nonsense. Americans know we live in a dangerous world and bad things happen out there. The only people that care about this are ultra partisan Republicans.




just because a politician puts on a suit and stands in front of a camera and a teleprompter, doesn't make him an effective leader.


That's a good point

It's Vince Foster and no birth certificate level nonsense. Americans know we live in a dangerous world and bad things happen out there.


Especially when your own WH and State Dept. leave you for dead.


That a progressive finds the "preventable" Benghazi murder of Christopher Stevens and three other Americans on the same par with birthers tells you all you need to know about how progressives care more for their ridiculous ideology than they will ever...EVER...care about their country and the people who serve and protect it.



You should be embarrassed for your post. Of course you won't be because you find the death of four Americans funny...but you should be.


Especially when your own WH and State Dept. leave you for dead.


That a progressive finds the "preventable" Benghazi murder of Christopher Stevens and three other Americans on the same par with birthers tells you all you need to know about how progressives care more for their ridiculous ideology than they will ever...EVER...care about their country and the people who serve and protect it.

You should be embarrassed for your post. Of course you won't be because you find the death of four Americans funny...but you should be.

hey, the bombing in Lebanon was preventable too, so what?

hey, the bombing in Lebanon was preventable too, so what?


Most normal people know the difference. But then again, you think four Americans left for dead by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton is the same as questioning Obama's birthplace, so I'm not sure you would ever understand the difference.


When one delights in the death of Americans like you do, it's probably not worth trying to ask you simple questions.


Is it ok for me to replay to you? I don't want John Adams tsk tsking me for answering you. Do I have your permission to reply??


Doesn't matter. Your answer won't make a lick of sense anyway.




Most normal people know the difference. But then again, you think four Americans left for dead by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton is the same as questioning Obama's birthplace, so I'm not sure you would ever understand the difference.


When one delights in the death of Americans like you do, it's probably not worth trying to ask you simple questions.


The difference?? Ya, 242 dead Marines again 4 dead in Benbygozi






Doesn't matter. Your answer won't make a lick of sense anyway.


Then Ill take that as a yes!!! Oh, so now it's the Bengahazi excuses that matter?? Can't you partisan right wing nuts getting you scandal mongering arguments straight?

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