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Kyle Williams on Sirius


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Adam Schein, Jim Miller on NFL Radio, Sirius XM Blitz hosting


Starts in with normal how are you's...it falls over to a comment about it all falling together, a plan coming together like the A-Team...

Last night that's what everyone expected, the defense to come up big, two big huge turnovers to close out game


I think you play well, you make plays on defense to win the game, and you win a big division game the sun shines a little bit brighter.


Do you have a have a moment this morning where you think we could have just done this earlier in the season and the BB would have a different record


You know I haven't really looked at it like hat to be honest with you. We are where we are because we did not put ourselves in that position, we haven't play consistently and then bad in others. Our main focus is everything is is in front of us, a bunch of teams in front of us left, we will focus on that and keep pushing.


We last talked to you... Mario Williams, the goals of dominance you had, are those in front you?


Yes, those are there, i think because we haven't done it consistently, u pp until last night we hadn't done it consistently and that's kinda that's what we wanna have done, that's a lot of work in front of us, keep working. keep our nose to the grind stone. keep that consistently, we'll get it week in and week out and not just in one game.


Do you guys believe Fitz is the franchise QB?


I think for us, you can only look at last week. You know, last night we struggled offensively, scoring TD's, but the week before we didn't have any trouble, he's going to put up points and do his thing, we like what he does, as a team, and we especially like who he is in the locker rom


Obviously Chan likes him and got conservative in 2nd half, relying on the D to win this game


that's the kind of defense we want to be, that's the faith we want to have, if struggling the offense can pick it up any time, if the o is struggling, we can pick up, and pick the offense up when we still need to win football games.


Kyle, when you look at Mario Williams, why is htis up and down?


I think he had this wrist deal, something said for going through it, some is going through offense we played, it all works hand in hand, to get sacks, you got to cover, to get picks you got to put pressure on guys, you know unfairly or not, based on the contract who he is, just soley on sacks, no one is going to care any type of run d, what hes doign there, which is ufair, 2nd of half of year those will start piling on


What about on the other side?


Another player off and injured, Merriman back?



Shawn made nice plays, kyle moore has played well, come in and played well as 4th end, 3 injuries, difficult to play and put pressure on the qb


byrd has knack for for football. he came up with some big plays for you last night


Yeah he did, stephon knocked it out, byrd goes running, the pick he made incredible, laid out finger tips, scott making game sealing play. 3 of biggest plays



a lot of buffalo bills fans have lot to cheer about, team we expected all year, you can see frustration, nix critic on fitz earlier, higher expectation, you see thats what it is?


i think frustration is what it is, brings a lot out, fly by seat of pants, making comments, all guilty of that, the main thing is you can get frustrated but not discouraged, but that's not when all hope is lost



does that bother youg guys in lcoker room, when gm is critical?


no i don't think so, there is no body in our building, other then us to have higher expectations if you don't understand our production busyins,, if you're not producing on the field then you don't see it and you got head stuck in sand, i dont' mind who everit is calling us out telling who calls us out


cj more of a role?

hard not to have cj involved all of the time, i'd try to give it to him all the time, you'd run him in the ground, obviously can't he's a big part, dymanic player



surprised by production of your running back but miami only got 10 carries, was that surprising?

we knew they would slip their gears with reg and 33 and i think he got 12 carries, we y were really effective on 1st down a lot of no gains, not much, its hard to run 2nd and long and feel good on 3rd and down.


how would you analyze dw?

he's done a good job keeping everyone together, honing in on what fundelementls on what he wants other todo, missed gap here, guy should have been there, not asking to do anythign superhuman (eludes to blown asignment0) being consistnetly, hope lights clicked on... carry it over and hope toget faster and faster, better.




talking about CJ's lack of knowledge on offense, he's doing it more at RB capacity, making most of it. DW might be coming together with the D. commercial


Did my best, cow is out otherwise I'd edit it.

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I listen to that show..and these guys pissed me off teh other day. I call in to talk about how the Bills could still make the playoffs, how in three weeks time they could be tied with the Colts, 5 of 7 at home etc...they asked if I was high and then when I hung up called me calling in and being optiistc as ameteur hour. They proceeded to say the Bills would in all likelyhood lose last night, lose next week in Indy as a foregone conclusion, and had no chance agaisnt the Seahawks.

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Damn, good memory fella. That was pretty comprehensive.


KW sounds like he has his head on straight. Say what you want about drafting/signing guys with good character, but they do support each other in and outside the locker room.

It was not memory. I go exactly off what they say as best I can, typing until my keyboard is smoking and my fingers are are on fire. It's kind of fun to me and helps me brush up on the love life.


I think what I took away from this is comparing it to earlier quotes from KW about talking about how players need to give more and make assignments....well, I am not sure how I feel.


and Plez, once I get the time I will call in to one of these shows. I'd love to get a Gil Brandt/Rich Gannon show. My football acumen is as up there as any, and my mouth can outrun Spiller in a footrace. The only reason I would want to call with Brandt in studio is that I have tremendous respect for him and would not make an ass of myself. But, if you gave me Shein and Gannon I'd go nuts on them. Ross Tucker and Brandy I would just drool over, so that'd not work. Ross Tucker is one of the very best in NFL radio hosting.

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It was not memory. I go exactly off what they say as best I can, typing until my keyboard is smoking and my fingers are are on fire. It's kind of fun to me and helps me brush up on the love life.


I think what I took away from this is comparing it to earlier quotes from KW about talking about how players need to give more and make assignments....well, I am not sure how I feel.


and Plez, once I get the time I will call in to one of these shows. I'd love to get a Gil Brandt/Rich Gannon show. My football acumen is as up there as any, and my mouth can outrun Spiller in a footrace. The only reason I would want to call with Brandt in studio is that I have tremendous respect for him and would not make an ass of myself. But, if you gave me Shein and Gannon I'd go nuts on them. Ross Tucker and Brandy I would just drool over, so that'd not work. Ross Tucker is one of the very best in NFL radio hosting.


I actually call in to different shows prolly twice a month..I am in sales and the other day had a 4 her drive for one two hour appointmnet, then had to drive another 6 to be in a completely different city for call 8 am next morning. The hold times on those shows are ghastly, usually at least 45 minutes, some more than an hour. But I have an unlimited plan, bluetooth for phone goes through my car speakers, just like I am listening on the radio anyway.

Best timing is call in to talk Bills like 10 minutes before KW was on..they would put you on right after interview.


I like Tucker as well, listen to him as drive the chuckleheads to school

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Nice work jboyst62, thanks for the post.


Just an FYI, Sirius is running a free preview through 11/27 so all Sirius receivers are currently getting about 60 channels whether you’re a subscriber or not. Lots of good music and other entertainment that you can’t get on regular radio.

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It was not memory. I go exactly off what they say as best I can, typing until my keyboard is smoking and my fingers are are on fire. It's kind of fun to me and helps me brush up on the love life.


I think what I took away from this is comparing it to earlier quotes from KW about talking about how players need to give more and make assignments....well, I am not sure how I feel.


and Plez, once I get the time I will call in to one of these shows. I'd love to get a Gil Brandt/Rich Gannon show. My football acumen is as up there as any, and my mouth can outrun Spiller in a footrace. The only reason I would want to call with Brandt in studio is that I have tremendous respect for him and would not make an ass of myself. But, if you gave me Shein and Gannon I'd go nuts on them. Ross Tucker and Brandy I would just drool over, so that'd not work. Ross Tucker is one of the very best in NFL radio hosting.


I used to love his columns at SI. Too bad that ESPN pretty much buried his work on like page 12. I'd imagine that doing radio is a lot easier than doing a weekly column, but it's the print reader's loss....

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