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It's just Hamas celebrating Barry's re-election.

Imagine the party they'll throw when Barry frees the Blind Sheik in a show of solidarity of spirit with and conciliation to The Muslim Brotherhood.


WOW... I'm compressed since we finally have a statement out of the WH saying that Israel has a right to defend itself...


Nothing at all about support of course.... Meanwhile, Iraq is calling for oil to be used as a weapon against the US and calls for a meeting of oil producing states.


Arab spring??? Liberated Muslim countries being appreciative of the US for the help??


Ah, we have such a keen understanding of the MIddle East mind; and, trading on this insight, we send our female SecSt to deal with the thorniest of issues.


Ah, we have such a keen understanding of the MIddle East mind; and, trading on this insight, we send our female SecSt to deal with the thorniest of issues.


No, we send a Chicago lawyer to deal with Iran, the country guilty of killing our servicemen and shelling Israel.







The face of the Obama administration’s outreach to Iran may have just been unmasked, and it’s allegedly Valerie Jarrett.


Last month, the New York Times informed America that the Obama administration has been running secret talks with Iran in order to facilitate a working relationship once tomorrow’s election is over. Official disavowals were not long in coming, even as off the record sources confirmed that the talks were taking place.


And thanks to YNetNews, we may now know who the administration’s designated voice is: Obama confidante and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett. From the article:


A Chicago lawyer is the key player behind the secret talks between the US and Iran, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Monday. A close friend of Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett is assisting the US government communicate behind the scenes with the representatives of Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei.


Jarret, who was born in the Iranian city of Shiraz, is a senior advisor to US President Barack Obama.




That's pretty crazy.


Anyway...w/ the tweeting of taunts and videos back and forth....neither side even cares about perception anymore. They're just going to go at it. Cease fire ain't happening. Israel probably going to use this as an opportunity to crush Palestine a little more then point at Iran for supplying arms and slide this thing that way when the time comes.


No, we send a Chicago lawyer to deal with Iran, the country guilty of killing our servicemen and shelling Israel.







The face of the Obama administration’s outreach to Iran may have just been unmasked, and it’s allegedly Valerie Jarrett.


Last month, the New York Times informed America that the Obama administration has been running secret talks with Iran in order to facilitate a working relationship once tomorrow’s election is over. Official disavowals were not long in coming, even as off the record sources confirmed that the talks were taking place.


And thanks to YNetNews, we may now know who the administration’s designated voice is: Obama confidante and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett. From the article:


A Chicago lawyer is the key player behind the secret talks between the US and Iran, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Monday. A close friend of Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett is assisting the US government communicate behind the scenes with the representatives of Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei.


Jarret, who was born in the Iranian city of Shiraz, is a senior advisor to US President Barack Obama.


Iran is shelling Israel? Wow, that's some pretty powerful artillery they have...


Iran is shelling Israel? Wow, that's some pretty powerful artillery they have...




They are supplying Hamas via Sudan and Egypt. Iran is fomenting as much trouble as they can to take the world's empathise off of their nuclear ambitions. I see you had no comment about them killing our servicemen.


They are supplying Hamas via Sudan and Egypt. Iran is fomenting as much trouble as they can to take the world's empathise off of their nuclear ambitions. I see you had no comment about them killing our servicemen.


Supplying weaponry to a nation is somewhat different to actually being "guilty" of the act yourself. By that measure, the US would be "guilty" every time US weaponry is used by one of it's client states. As for Iran killing US servicemen, I'm not quite sure of what you meant by that either but I thought I'd go with the obvious mistake.




Supplying weaponry to a nation is somewhat different to actually being "guilty" of the act yourself. By that measure, the US would be "guilty" every time US weaponry is used by one of it's client states. As for Iran killing US servicemen, I'm not quite sure of what you meant by that either but I thought I'd go with the obvious mistake.


Iran is directly supplying Hamas with rockets capable of hitting tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Without that capability I'm quite certain Israel wouldn't be stepping up their offensive against Hamas.






That's pretty crazy.


Anyway...w/ the tweeting of taunts and videos back and forth....neither side even cares about perception anymore. They're just going to go at it. Cease fire ain't happening. Israel probably going to use this as an opportunity to crush Palestine a little more then point at Iran for supplying arms and slide this thing that way when the time comes.


If Israel didn't care about perception Gaza would be leveled by now. No one wants a ground offensive.


Hamas cares about perception as well. If they could force Israel to stand down and boost up the propaganda, it looks to their people that they won making Fatah look weak.


I still don't get how anyone could put pressure on Israel to lift.the blockade. Clearly Egypt doesn't even allow full passage through rafah and they are "allies" with Hamas.


Supplying weaponry to a nation is somewhat different to actually being "guilty" of the act yourself. By that measure, the US would be "guilty" every time US weaponry is used by one of it's client states. As for Iran killing US servicemen, I'm not quite sure of what you meant by that either but I thought I'd go with the obvious mistake.



Iran is smuggling rockets to Hamas in Gaza. Hamas is a known terrorist group. Also, you know damn well that Iran was supplying the insurgents in Iraq. In fact we even caught some of Iran's Revolutionary Guard there. No mistakes made here.


Well all I can say is if China fires on some Japanese carrier over those goat islands immediately after that Israel will strike Iran and level Gaza ... idk what will happen next but I think most 17 year old kids on the CC track will be more a man than I am afterwords.


Sorry to interrupt the Petraeus sex scandal, but something's going on in the Middle East...




Clearly just a bump in the road caused by a youtube video.


Nothing to see here, move along. Romney's wife still has a horse. Bain-style vultures are conspiring to deprive us of Twinkies.


Clearly just a bump in the road caused by a youtube video.


Nothing to see here, move along. Romney's wife still has a horse. Bain-style vultures are conspiring to deprive us of Twinkies.



hehe...how long will you continue to wish success upon Romney...accept the loss...and accept that Romney was always the weak candidate he was despite his little 3 weeks where he lied to himself and thought he could be president....if you want a great conservative president run a great conservative candidate.





hehe...how long will you continue to wish success upon Romney...accept the loss...and accept that Romney was always the weak candidate he was despite his little 3 weeks where he lied to himself and thought he could be president....if you want a great conservative president run a great conservative candidate.

Why, would he have offered more gifts than Romney did?

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