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I really don't understand why anyone goes to Bills home games


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FWIW, Hockey is no where near even closely resembled as a prime time sporting event. For one, most arenas have half or a third the amount of people as most football stadiums. Most games are at 6pm or after. There are many more hockey games per year. The crowd that goes to hockey games is a different crowd all together. I worked at Ingram Micro for years and could go to ANY game I wanted to. No questions asked. 200 level, anywhere between the blue lines. Anywhere in the corners of the 100s. Or even a box. It's a wine and cheese crowd wearing suits. Business's pay for rediculous amounts of tickets and give them away like water to vendors, sales associates, or use them for "look at how fun we are as a company" moments. I can't tell you that when I would go regularly, I could pick out 20-30 people in just a few sections who were there because of Ingram Micro and that was a small area. Most people behave because they are in company time and trying to make a good impression. Of course drunken stupidness happens and I'm sure you could find it in utube very easily as well. There's also no outside tailgating at venues because it is in the city and no room. It's also because of the time and traffic issues, that people generally go right from work to the stadium or might stop off for dinner somewhere before the game. It's also because many games are in weeknight a and people have to wake up early for work the next morning.


Honestly, none of it matters because the United States doesn't care about hockey and that is why they are not playing right now. It's barely a sport. Women's NCAA gets more coverage in ESPN than Pro Hockey. What's that tell you? But the joke that is hockey is for another thread at another time. And since ill probably just be bombarded with hockey fanatics about this ill **** up now. FWIW, I also worked as a bartender at a sports bar for many years while the Sabres were in thier playoff runs and I can vouche that drunken kids would get out of hand and trash the resturaunt, bar, bathrooms. Puke all over, piss on the walls, **** in the floors. You name it. It happens everywhere. Immature kids will be the downfall to the world as we know it.

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Can we not get back to why we go in the first place, to see a football game! If you want to party, get drunk or whatever there are lots of other places, most less expensive to go.


IMO for me I disagree, I am not a big boozer but love the tailgating/boozing sessions I can have at NFL games. There's a semi-responsible way to pull this off that some of us really enjoy.

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The crowd that goes to hockey games is a different crowd all together.

This line gets right to the heart of it in my opinion. I believe the vast majority of people that go to sabres games go for the game. Whereas the [vast maybe] majority of people that go to Bills games go for the event.

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I just want to make sure I'm on the same page with half you here: so what you're saying is because people have gotten drunk and done stupid things at other NFL stadiums at least once, then it is therefore impossible for it to happen more often in some stadiums than others? That is sound logic.

Nope. We're just saying to the people out there that claim it doesn't happen anywhere else. The facts are that it does. It is everywhere. Not just RWS, not just Buffalo. Everywhere. It really is a human issue. Not a league issue. Not a Bills issue. People are just scumbags everywhere you go. As you all know, I work in a prison. The stories that could tell you would make your head spin. Would make you want to vomit. Would make you want to buy a gun and start vigilante justice. That's all I'm gonna say.



This line gets right to the heart of it in my opinion. I believe the vast majority of people that go to sabres games go for the game. Whereas the [vast maybe] majority of people that go to Bills games go for the event.

of course this is true. Because the NFL is a national event like no other in the nation. In fact in the world only the Olympics and Soccer compare.
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Nope. We're just saying to the people out there that claim it doesn't happen anywhere else. The facts are that it does. It is everywhere. Not just RWS, not just Buffalo. Everywhere. It really is a human issue. Not a league issue. Not a Bills issue. People are just scumbags everywhere you go. As you all know, I work in a prison. The stories that could tell you would make your head spin. Would make you want to vomit. Would make you want to buy a gun and start vigilante justice. That's all I'm gonna say.


of course this is true. Because the NFL is a national event like no other in the nation. In fact in the world only the Olympics and Soccer compare.

One point here Soccer worldwide makes the NFL look like a chump league. There is NO comparison.Travel OUS to see for yourself. BTW I'm a huge NFL fan.

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So then I guess it's okay to condone or dismiss the issue because it happens everywhere. Honestly, I am disappointed at a number of these posts that seem to say it's no big deal because it happens everywhere and the decent folks just have to deal with it.

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So then I guess it's okay to condone or dismiss the issue because it happens everywhere. Honestly, I am disappointed at a number of these posts that seem to say it's no big deal because it happens everywhere and the decent folks just have to deal with it.


Agreed, Well said.


IMO for me I disagree, I am not a big boozer but love the tailgating/boozing sessions I can have at NFL games. There's a semi-responsible way to pull this off that some of us really enjoy.


If you are not bothering anyone else, I for one, could care less. However if your primary interest is tailgating, why buy a ticket, do it in your back yard.

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Thank you. Can we hear from some people who actually live in other cities and know what their tailgate scenes are like? I've already stated that there is none of that drunken idiocy in Denver the way there is in Buffalo. But the way this thread is going, someone is going to cherry pick an article from like 2005 and say, "look some drunk guy did something stupid at a Broncos game seven years ago." It's like if this were a thread about murder on the East Side and people kept finding articles about someone getting shot in Amherst in the 90's or something and saying, "See? Someone got shot in Amherst once. It's no more or less safe than the East Side of Buffalo." It's incredible the perspective that some people on here lack.


And also, did anyone read that story that Gordio wrote last page about what happened to him and his friends last week? That is insane. But it doesn't surprise me ONE BIT. I have been to plenty of stadiums where that would never happen to us in a million years and we were wearing the other teams' jerseys!


I having not lived in Buffalo for a long time and have been to way to many away games to count. I am also not a gear head, small guy who shies away from fights, ( have not been in one since the 7 th grade I would think) and almost 100 % of the time end up having beers with folks in the lots and at seats with the opposite team fans and have great time in every stadium I have been to.


That being said, I see drunken idiots at EVERY single NFL game I have ever been ..and I would say conservatively that has to be at least 125 games. I have had to walk away from drunks looking to start chit in stadiums like San Diego, Cleveland, KC, Baltimore, DC and Miami. Tailgates may not be as big, but drinking to excess I have seen at EVERY SINGLE GAME


Christ, after the Bills playoff win in Three Rivers, guy tried to run me and my brother down cause brother had o a Bills jersey, and trust me I am not exaggerating.

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I wish the NFL would ban alcohol at NFL games (including tailgates) for a year to see if attendance would go up, stay the same, or go down.


I think the NFL will head there eventually. They have to make the game more family friendly to keep the crowds, just like minor league baseball found out. The drunks will soon not be as profitable as the family will be.


Otherwise, the trend of just investing in a big screen and watching a game from the house with the kids will continue.

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I wish the NFL would ban alcohol at NFL games (including tailgates) for a year to see if attendance would go up, stay the same, or go down.


I think the NFL will head there eventually. They have to make the game more family friendly to keep the crowds, just like minor league baseball found out. The drunks will soon not be as profitable as the family will be.


Otherwise, the trend of just investing in a big screen and watching a game from the house with the kids will continue.

Honestly, even if they banned alcohol and the drunken dumbasses stopped going, I'd still prefer watching at home with the commercials and halftime stripped out.

There are simply too many advantages to enjoying the game in considerably less time and at the time of my choosing.

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One point here Soccer worldwide makes the NFL look like a chump league. There is NO comparison.Travel OUS to see for yourself. BTW I'm a huge NFL fan.

No disagreement there. I've never been to a world class soccer game but I know it's not comparable. That's why I said soccer and the Olympics.
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I wish the NFL would ban alcohol at NFL games (including tailgates) for a year to see if attendance would go up, stay the same, or go down.


I think the NFL will head there eventually. They have to make the game more family friendly to keep the crowds, just like minor league baseball found out. The drunks will soon not be as profitable as the family will be.


Otherwise, the trend of just investing in a big screen and watching a game from the house with the kids will continue.


No way they piss off their # 1 sponsor, as well as #1 advertiser on the networks.


Btw, I just do not see the problem...and yes I take my kids to games quite frequently .



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So then I guess it's okay to condone or dismiss the issue because it happens everywhere. Honestly, I am disappointed at a number of these posts that seem to say it's no big deal because it happens everywhere and the decent folks just have to deal with it.

From a personal standpoint what changes do you advise will help the actions of POS people around the world, in the US, at professional sporting events and at RWS?


Oh there's nothing you as an individual can do or will do about it. Guess your just gonna have to put up with it when you go, or stay at home on your couch. But watch out, your kids might hear swear words in TV nowadays, or watch shows that have nudity on national TV, or talk about raping, robbery, murder on just about every channel besides Disney. But hey, then you can talk to your kids about how well the kids stars from the Mickey Mouse club are stand up citizens. Brittney Spears is a winner. Christina Aguilera isn't a whorish looking person. Lindsey Lohan isn't a drug addict drunk whore either.


Come in man. It's society as a whole. It sucks but that's what we have to live with.

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Agreed, Well said.




If you are not bothering anyone else, I for one, could care less. However if your primary interest is tailgating, why buy a ticket, do it in your back yard.


Tailgating occurs at the games,I love to go and of course I am going to watch the game as well. You can't penalize the crowd that enjoys theirselves with a drink or two because we have some "Ned Flanders types" who want to go and are overly sensitive. Beef up security to kick out more of the "rowdy" types if it really bothers people that much. I haven't had many issues myself as I understand where I am at NFL games.

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Kids - Its a brutal game with a lot of emotion . You had better expect to hear a lot of F U ref. You dirty piece of cr** etcetc etc





Tailgating occurs at the games,I love to go and of course I am going to watch the game as well. You can't penalize the crowd that enjoys theirselves with a drink or two because we have some "Ned Flanders types" who want to go and are overly sensitive. Beef up security to kick out more of the "rowdy" types if it really bothers people that much. I haven't had many issues myself as I understand where I am at NFL games.

And this




Tailgating occurs at the games,I love to go and of course I am going to watch the game as well. You can't penalize the crowd that enjoys theirselves with a drink or two because we have some "Ned Flanders types" who want to go and are overly sensitive. Beef up security to kick out more of the "rowdy" types if it really bothers people that much. I haven't had many issues myself as I understand where I am at NFL games.

And this




Tailgating occurs at the games,I love to go and of course I am going to watch the game as well. You can't penalize the crowd that enjoys theirselves with a drink or two because we have some "Ned Flanders types" who want to go and are overly sensitive. Beef up security to kick out more of the "rowdy" types if it really bothers people that much. I haven't had many issues myself as I understand where I am at NFL games.

And this
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I just want to make sure I'm on the same page with half you here: so what you're saying is because people have gotten drunk and done stupid things at other NFL stadiums at least once, then it is therefore impossible for it to happen more often in some stadiums than others? That is sound logic.


I'd say that's a horrific summary of your opposition's point. What we're saying is that because people have gotten drunk and done stupid things at other NFL stadiums (more than once I might add), then it is therefore unfounded to say that such things do not happen in other NFL stadia, as has been said (more than once I might add) in this very thread (you don't have to look to hard to find it either).






And that is indeed sound logic.

Edited by thebandit27
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