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What's on the horizon?


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The NFL is a multi-billion dollar business and the biggest issue currently is concussions. What is the focal point of this hugely vast entertainment is generated by the QB position, offense and scoring points. Simply put, if you kill the head of a snake then surely the rest of the body will die.


I fully expect that not only will this issue of concussions to be addressed this off season but that aggressive preventive measures will be in place by next season. The dynamics will be altered rapidly to insure and to protect the quality of play and product on the field. Look for redesigning of helmets to be under review and that offensive linemen to be at a much more of a premium than years past.If the engine (QB) of this vehicle (NFL) can't be adequately protected than this vehicle will be greatly stalled.


I decided to do a little internet surfing to verify who actually makes the helmets for the NFL. I have always thought Riddell were the only manufacturers of helmets but they only have exclusive branding rights. Contrary to popular belief Riddell is not the only manufacturer, there are others. Players can choose what helmets that they use as long as they pass NOCSAE standards. While Riddle dominates the market with 75% usage amongst players, there is 2 other manufacturers that produce on field helmets that current players use. Schutt, who just filed bankruptcy in September, is the next closest with a 23% share and then there is Xenith with a paltry 2%. Riddell has the official rights thru 2013 but commisioner Roger Goodell has inferred that Riddell's future of having exclusive rights might be in jeopardy.


Here is where I anticipate for Nike to step up and possibly make their biggest thumbprint ever by securing the rights of being the one and only exclusive manufacturer of the on field helmets. Introducing the new wave of redesigned helmets would be monumental for decades to come. They not only have the resources but also have the image influence of introducing a futuristic helmet that not only emphasizes player safety but also bring this outdated equipment to the next generation. If I would have to venture a guess I would say a one piece helmet that integrates into the uniform would not be too far fetched. It will be exciting to see the new changes occur, regardless who manufactures it.


The next preventive measure, though much simpler in theory, will be to keep the QB upright with better offensive linemen. They will be at much more of a demand in the future drafts and the potential Free Agents will be able to demand a king's ransom and rightfully so.


To think that this issue will not be resolved or that it will be a processed at a pedestrian pace would be foolish. This is too big of a business for this black eye to linger any longer. Unfortunately it's once again it's the money that is the motivation, not what's truly important and that is the participants' safety.


This is the Tipster reporting on the future of the NFL.

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Here is where I anticipate for Nike to step up and possibly make their biggest thumbprint ever by securing the rights of being the one and only exclusive manufacturer of the on field helmets. Introducing the new wave of redesigned helmets would be monumental for decades to come. They not only have the resources but also have the image influence of introducing a futuristic helmet that not only emphasizes player safety but also bring this outdated equipment to the next generation. If I would have to venture a guess I would say a one piece helmet that integrates into the uniform would not be too far fetched. It will be exciting to see the new changes occur, regardless who manufactures it.


It will not happen. NFLPA will B word, moan, have a tantrum. etc all the while complaining about NFL and why players need choice AND higher percentage; if they try to impose it they will take it to arbitration.


* fixed format putting my statement outside quotes.

Edited by BillsWatch
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