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RIP Yellow-Yellow

Just Jack

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Many moons ago (25+) in the Marcy/High Peaks area I still remember the rangers warning us about "Cliff." Seems he liked to follow the bear bag rope and go for the knot! They said to tie the knot extra high and make lots of turns w/the rope... That we did... That night, while watching the fire from the edge of the lean-too, first time I ever seen a bear on his twos going straight for the knot! He followed the line around multiple trees and right to the knot! Good thing I put somebody else on my shoulders to get the knot higher! We chased him off with noise... That morning we heard pots clanking down stream in another camp... They most of got raided right @ breakfast... Went exploring to find Cliff's cache over an little hill... Scattered Pop-Tarts and cereal! LoL... Man he had it good!

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What is the point of bear hunting?


F*&%^$!@ a%!#$^(. What is his point killing it?


Dummies left their camp a mess... Poor bear, what do you expect him to do. One time out west, had one come right under our fly and steal some food... Took all the good stuff (like the Swiss Miss) and left us the plain dry granola... He was no fool! Watched him dozen meters away in the scrub have a blast with our stuff... Noise didn't pahase him one bit!


Probably had food improperly packed in that pack!

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I do and a lot of people I know. It is delicious but needs to be well cooked because of trichinosis.


They are predators that can destroy moose/caribou populations if left unchecked.

I fully understand that. Maybe I am off in my logic, but when we encroach on natures land and displace animals it should be us adapting instead of equalizing. Deer, Canadian geese, bears, squirrels, and pigeon are far too overpopulated.

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I fully understand that. Maybe I am off in my logic, but when we encroach on natures land and displace animals it should be us adapting instead of equalizing. Deer, Canadian geese, bears, squirrels, and pigeon are far too overpopulated.


Actually, I think that is a myth... We are not really encroaching on the their lands as much as people think... Actually, our (humans) methods are changing and forcing them (animals) closer to human habitats. Take for example the "green movement" and the lack of open disposal sites for transfer stations... First time ever, this is forcing, say bears, INTO towns that have existed for 200 or so years! Every action has a reaction.

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This was in the Adirondacks, not a suburb, these lands have been set aside as wilderness for over 100 years.


We go up to Long Lake... They even have bears as their logo... You know it... BUT, they never come into town... All those years they have set aside land and the towns were built... Why are they coming into towns now? They never did before? I am hinting to the old practice of open dumps... It was like the "fly paper" approach years ago... Now everything is transfered out and is contained... Where are the bears going to wander... Of course right down town... Where they never were. I don't by the myth that we are encroaching and your point is exactly right Jack, they have set aside land for over 100 years. What are we doing differently today? That doesn't mean we are doing things any better if there is an opposite reaction...

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... Why are they coming into towns now?


The lack of rain this summer affected growth of their natural food supply of berries, etc, so they're looking for other sources of food.


BTW, Yellow Yellow is the one responsible for the BearVault being banned in the Adirondacks....


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We go up to Long Lake... They even have bears as their logo... You know it... BUT, they never come into town... All those years they have set aside land and the towns were built... Why are they coming into towns now? They never did before? I am hinting to the old practice of open dumps... It was like the "fly paper" approach years ago... Now everything is transfered out and is contained... Where are the bears going to wander... Of course right down town... Where they never were. I don't by the myth that we are encroaching and your point is exactly right Jack, they have set aside land for over 100 years. What are we doing differently today? That doesn't mean we are doing things any better if there is an opposite reaction...

Do you you think bears are a new problem?

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Do you you think bears are a new problem?


No not at all. Just saying... For over a hundred years, through good and bad years, they did not wander into town... Now in recent years... They begin to wander in? I cited Long Lake... Know for their proximity to black bears... Not a problem yet, sighting with the town limits is actually going up... For a town that has been there for so long, what is changing?

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No not at all. Just saying... For over a hundred years, through good and bad years, they did not wander into town... Now in recent years... They begin to wander in? I cited Long Lake... Know for their proximity to black bears... Not a problem yet, sighting with the town limits is actually going up... For a town that has been there for so long, what is changing?



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The lack of rain this summer affected growth of their natural food supply of berries, etc, so they're looking for other sources of food.


BTW, Yellow Yellow is the one responsible for the BearVault being banned in the Adirondacks....



I read that! Predecessors of Cliff! Damn bears in the Marcy area are smart! What is it w/ that area!


Anyway... IMO, and I know I am off the cuff here... People and hikers/campers in general are lazier and sloppier than in the past (which builds with the animals... They are getting desparate). I'd get a simple bag in a tree (I know bears can climb) that they can't get! Then again, I am OCD and the bear is NOT! In some areas, it is about keeping open dumps and using it as 'fly paper." Keep the animals from getting desparate and "smarter."


BTW... No Yogi/BooBoo comments by now?


"Gee Yogi, the Ranger will not be too happy w/us stealing those picnic baskets!"


Some of the smaller ground level canisters.. I never understood... Why not get the goods into the air!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Some of the smaller ground level canisters.. I never understood... Why not get the goods into the air!


Because bears have gotten smarter. They know that when they see a bag in the trees, to follow the rope to where it's tied, they break the rope. There are areas in the ADK where if you are caught not using a bear canister, you will be taken out of the woods by the rangers and given a ticket.

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Because bears have gotten smarter. They know that when they see a bag in the trees, to follow the rope to where it's tied, they break the rope. There are areas in the ADK where if you are caught not using a bear canister, you will be taken out of the woods by the rangers and given a ticket.


That is my whole point. Why are they getting smarter in the last 30 years? What are we doing different? I can see the canisters... But you think you'd still want to put things in the air... I suppose it is more dangerous for the people though. Again, every action has a reaction... We get "greener" and the bears get "smarter." Just like invasive species... Who would have thunk that taking clean water would lead to a whole new slew of problems... Even more perplexing problems. I contend we are not encroaching as much as we ever have been... We are just changing our habits and the animals are adjusting. Sometimes the problem is with the people who's jobs are to "protect" "us" and the environment... Oh well... Interesting discussion Jack...

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