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My favorite topic: Gay Marriage

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But honest about who I am. You're so full of it you have an avatar of a naked greek "god" as your avatar (a god who had a well documented fondness of peen) and still you come on here and pretend to be a homophobe by saying a horribly offensive word not once, but repeatedly.


That kind of weird is universal. But don't worry, you're already on a list.

Its a bust. Only you can see the nakedness,. In your "gay" mind. Happy I didn't use a offensive dirty word?

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Good to see. I am not pro gay marriage, but I am pro tolerance. Now tax both marriages the same: MORE. Give NO marriage, gay or straight, an "break" or an advantage. We got some bills to pay.


The Repubs are in some serious do-do banking all on being "exclusive." And yesterday, it showed! Their well is running dry if they don't start including people.


Nice to see everybody again. :-)

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Good to see. I am not pro gay marriage, but I am pro tolerance. Now tax both marriages the same: MORE. Give NO marriage, gay or straight, an "break" or an advantage. We got some bills to pay.


The Repubs are in some serious do-do banking all on being "exclusive." And yesterday, it showed! Their well is running dry if they don't start including people.


Nice to see everybody again. :-)


How do you plan to tax marriage?

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Its not my favorite topic at all...just confused why u chose to use such a derogatory term that is considered hurtful to some people


But fwiw...I support equal opportunities for all people...



If it's your favorite topic yes.

Edited by The Poojer
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Everybody that works, gets taxed as single... Gay or straight. When it comes to the IRS, there should be no marriage.



You do realize that under Obama's new "rich" tax laws single people pay less in taxes right. Two single people living together need to have a combined income of $400k to be considered "rich" and a married couple are considered "rich" at $250k combined. Smart "rich" couples would be better off not getting married.

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You do realize that under Obama's new "rich" tax laws single people pay less in taxes right. Two single people living together need to have a combined income of $400k to be considered "rich" and a married couple are considered "rich" at $250k combined. Smart "rich" couples would be better off not getting married.

But, God would be soooooooo mad.

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makes no difference what i have done in my life. and if i have said it before, i will tell you with a lot of confidence that it was a probably over a few decades ago before i really knew how hurtful words could be...


I was referring to the thread title. And you in your life never said faggot?

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