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Straight Dem ticket!


But the important ones were Obama and Warren-Sen MA.


Being in MA since 1989 I got to vote against Romney for a third time. Felt great.


Off to cure disease! Hasta Luego!


pres: jon huntsman ® - write-in

all the rest: democrats - usually i vote for the best candidate but this year for the first time i voted to punish the republicans for their ridiculous stonewalling and other crazy antics the last few years


im hoping huntsman gets the nomination next time. then again, if he runs against hillary hes gonna get steamrolled anyway. at least we would have two excellent candidates for the first time in just about forever


pres: jon huntsman ® - write-in

all the rest: democrats - usually i vote for the best candidate but this year for the first time i voted to punish the republicans for their ridiculous stonewalling and other crazy antics the last few years


im hoping huntsman gets the nomination next time. then again, if he runs against hillary hes gonna get steamrolled anyway. at least we would have two excellent candidates for the first time in just about forever


One rumor has it that Huntsman is replacing Hillary.


President - Gary Johnson/Jim Gray (L)

Senate - Sheldon Whitehouse (D)

Congress - Abel G Collins (I)


Town Council - one ® & two (D's) you never heard of.

Can I ask what your specific draw to Whitehouse was as a fellow Rhode Islander? I wasn't particularly impressed by Hinkley, but my policy with congressional and senatorial seats is to always vote against the incumbent.

Can I ask what your specific draw to Whitehouse was as a fellow Rhode Islander? I wasn't particularly impressed by Hinkley, but my policy with congressional and senatorial seats is to always vote against the incumbent.


All three votes were more votes against than votes for. Had there been an Independent/Libertarian choice they would have gotten my vote.


Straight Dem ticket!


But the important ones were Obama and Warren-Sen MA.


Being in MA since 1989 I got to vote against Romney for a third time. Felt great.


Off to cure disease! Hasta Luego!


Warren ran a most honest campaign.


This broad is a fraud.


Living in MA myself, I can't wait for Barrack Hussein Obama to appoint Patrick and get his ass outta dodge.


One rumor has it that Huntsman is replacing Hillary.


wow hadnt heard, that would be awesome. get the guy some high profile exposure working with the half black man and set up a super showdown against billary

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