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What Ralph said at dinner

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My buddy lives in Pittsburgh and is a HUGE Steelers fan. A guy who works for him is good friends with TD. I'm cutting and pasting is email and deleting his name to protect him.

I think I told you that the guy who works for me here is friends with Tom Donahue.  Anyway, he went to the game yesterday and sat with him in his box.  Apparently he also went out to dinner with him and Ralph Wilson, Tom Clemons, and someone else Sunday night.


He said Donahue and Wilson said they were extremely embarrassed. Apparently, XXXX (guy who works for me) made the statement, regarding Harrison's fumble recovery for a touchdown, that a 12 year veteran (Bledsoe) should have felt Colclough coming and pulled the ball in. Ralph Wilson said;  "Your damn right he should have...", and glared intensely...............LOL!!!!!!!


He said that they are extremely embarrassed that they were utterly dominated in a must situation by 3rd and 4th teamers, all be it they professionals.....LOL!!!!!


I found it interesting to say the least.

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My buddy lives in Pittsburgh and is a HUGE Steelers fan. A guy who works for him is good friends with TD. I'm cutting and pasting is email and deleting his name to protect him.

I found it interesting to say the least.



Its good to hear inside stuff like this, because you know we'll be given the same old stuff through the media.

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My buddy lives in Pittsburgh and is a HUGE Steelers fan. A guy who works for him is good friends with TD. I'm cutting and pasting is email and deleting his name to protect him.

I found it interesting to say the least.



The key to Drew's future depends on Ralph's reaction. If he jumps off the Bledsoe bandwagon, Drew's goose is cooked.

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Not only did he have time. The rush was coming from his visible side not his blind side. I mean come on Drew you have to be able to see that sh*t and get rid of it. Drew is as Drew does.....STUPID!!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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Was this the same buddy who was also hanging in a grassy knoll when Kennedy was shot and saw a second shooter? ........ Unidentified sources are a bunch of horsepucky!!!!



Actually, unidentified sources are the only hope we have at getting any insider info. No fan is going to identify an inside source on a public bulletin board. I have had an opportunity to have dinner occasionally with a !@#$ and I have cryptically shared what I have found out. But, I would never reveal who it is because it would embarass him and I would never get any info again. So take "insider info" with the limited credibility that it is worth but don't ever expect anyone to reveal their sources to satisfy your curiousity.

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Drew happens..... :)


The team has reached its zenith under the direction of Captain Mannequin. You think an outlandish number of kick returns and defensive touchdowns will occur next year? Don't depend on it. Drew as caretaker is about as good as it gets. Maybe his teammates have had enough of the caretaker? Bledsoe walked off the field, a wounded, lonely soul with nary a member of the Bills organization anywhere near him.


Reminded me of Hasek flying off the ice in his last game with the Sabres......hint hint..... :)

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Don't have two names moron.


What's the deal here? I have legit info I wanted to share with you guys and its open season. Geez!


It's kind of funny. We all want inside info, but we attack anyone who says they have some. Don't take it personally, there are so many fakes out there -- everyone is just used to not billieving anything from anyone.


That said, how am I or anyone else suppose to know you didn't just make it all up? I'm sure you get the picture.


But thanks if your scoop is for real.

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Like I said - cut and pasted from his email. What do you expect from a Steelers fan?



Having said that, why would a Steelers fan give you accurate inside info on the Bills and why would you believe it?

Anonymous sources always seem to have great stories to tell but never go on record with them for some reason.

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Jesus people!


It's not like this guy said his buddy heard that BF got laid!


He simply said RW is not happy with Drew Bledsoe. Why is that so hard to believe? Ralph is old, but he knows football, and is not blind yet... Jeez... if we were to ever have someone who had "inside" knowledge, they would never come back because you tear them up...

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