HerdMenatlity1 Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 Why is he an Idiot?? Because he speaks the truth?? Too radical for your Liberal mind?? Always be leery of someone who says " I speak the truth".
xsoldier54 Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 What I love about America is it so diverse. At the Democrat National convention, it was a melting pot. At the RNC, it is Hitler's wet dream. There are some very good Republican leaders. But loud idiots like Coutler make them all look bad. They need to get with the times. And as a Roman Catholic, I think religion should be separate from politics. Obviously you did not watch the RNC because there was a very eloquent black women who was a keynote speaker. There was also a Cuban gentleman that gave a great speech. And I am Catholic as well. How do you separate your politics from your religion? I believe that is very convenient and disingenuous.Your religion is not just going to Church, it is the way you live your life. If Mr. Obama is pro-choice, which he is, and your religion tells you that this approach is morally wrong, how do you justify voting for a leader whose values are different than yours and your Church's and who will push this and other agendas that contradict your religious beliefs? That should be a red flag.
Alphadawg7 Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 I have already previously acknowledged that Black voters historically vote largely in a block. Your ridiculous remarks about Schwartzenegger and about me being part of the clan have rendered you no longer worthy of my time. You are not capable of comprehending my line of thought. Not your fault, you were born that way. No, you are the one who keeps insisting the African American vote for Obama was ONLY because he was black. Its your ignorance that brings this on you. Not that you differ in opinion, just the pure ignorance that it was the color of his skin despite the fact they ALWAYS vote Democrat to as high as 90% for white democrat candidates...ALWAYS. But keep your agenda of trying to prove it was because he was black this time. What a joke. Your quote back on pages 7 and 8..."I believe that Obama got 93% of the Black vote because he is Black. I dont think policy had one iota to do with it." More ignorant words have never been spoken, even after people have shown you the stats of every election for the last 50 years of them voting democrat in the 80's to 90% range for WHITE candidates.
xsoldier54 Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 I have asked this question multiple times in this thread and once in the shout box. I'm still waiting for my answer. Well as long as you know that Seriously though, I think everyone is in agreement (or should be) that Obama inherited an absolute mess of a country. To think he could solve all of the issues facing our nation in one term is ludicrous. Now he has an opportunity to really do work as he doesn't have to worry about re-election. I am excited to think of the possibilities of what he can accomplish. Meanwhile Republicans are running around saying the world will end because he has 4 more years. If we can survive 8 years of Bush we certainly can survive 8 years of Obama. So it really is all Bush's fault.
HerdMenatlity1 Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 Did 93% of any one group vote for Romney? Romney got only 60% of white male voters. 60/40 seems a bit more balanced to me than 93/7. I believe you already know my answer. I believe that Obama got 93% of the Black vote because he is Black. I don't think policy had one iota to do with it. Correction: I believe you already know my answer. I believe that Obama got 93% of the Black vote because he is Black and Romney got his votes because he is white.
Heitz Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 More ignorant words have never been spoken, even after people have shown you the stats of every election for the last 50 years of them voting democrat in the 80's to 90% range for WHITE candidates. Well, for the record Bill Clinton was dubbed our first black President, so that explains his getting over 80%...
Hazed and Amuzed Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 Obviously you did not watch the RNC because there was a very eloquent black women who was a keynote speaker. There was also a Cuban gentleman that gave a great speech. And I am Catholic as well. How do you separate your politics from your religion? I believe that is very convenient and disingenuous.Your religion is not just going to Church, it is the way you live your life. If Mr. Obama is pro-choice, which he is, and your religion tells you that this approach is morally wrong, how do you justify voting for a leader whose values are different than yours and your Church's and who will push this and other agendas that contradict your religious beliefs? That should be a red flag. So by this rationale religion defines who a person is completely? You can't be a christian AND pro choice? If this is true then no christian should've voted for Romney being that mormonism believes that there are multiple Gods/universes and the basis of christianity is that there is only one true God. That my friend is the contradiction of all contradictions.
xsoldier54 Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 No, you are the one who keeps insisting the African American vote for Obama was ONLY because he was black. Its your ignorance that brings this on you. Not that you differ in opinion, just the pure ignorance that it was the color of his skin despite the fact they ALWAYS vote Democrat to as high as 90% for white democrat candidates...ALWAYS. But keep your agenda of trying to prove it was because he was black this time. What a joke. Your quote back on pages 7 and 8..."I believe that Obama got 93% of the Black vote because he is Black. I dont think policy had one iota to do with it." More ignorant words have never been spoken, even after people have shown you the stats of every election for the last 50 years of them voting democrat in the 80's to 90% range for WHITE candidates. What part of you are not capable of understanding my line of thought did your feeble mind not understand? I stand firmly behind my original statements. You can try and rebut them and call me names from now until eternity and it will not change a thing. I don't find your responses to be of a nature that shows reason and logic and therefore they are worthless to me.
HerdMenatlity1 Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 Bull crap! The market knows what four more years of obama means. Take a close look only thing up today is medical stocks becsuse of obama care. Stop drinking that msnbc kool aid! Come back in a couple of months and tell us how the market did. It's one day. Only one day.
birdog1960 Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 <p> I have asked this question multiple times in this thread and once in the shout box. I'm still waiting for my answer. i answered this earlier today on ppp but the conservatives didn't like the answer. i'll try again with different wording: much of republican economic policy in the last 2 decades has been aimed at maintaining and even increasing the top heavy distribution of wealth. they have been very successful (and conversely, the dems quite unsuccessful). we have the most concentrated distribution of wealth in this country that has existed in most of our lifetimes. and it gets worse (or better depending on your perspective) every year. it doesn't take an economist to see that the system is set up for this to happen. at least the dems pay lip service to slowing, stopping or reversing it. one salient example is minimum wage. who does a low minimum wage benefit? who does it hurt? who's for and against it politically. answer those questions and you'll have the answer to your bigger question.
xsoldier54 Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 So by this rationale religion defines who a person is completely? You can't be a christian AND pro choice? If this is true then no christian should've voted for Romney being that mormonism believes that there are multiple Gods/universes and the basis of christianity is that there is only one true God. That my friend is the contradiction of all contradictions. Your religious beliefs define your moral values. If you say you are Catholic and the Church says that abortion is wrong, then that is what you must believe or don't call yourself a Catholic. I believe your views on Mormonism are not exactly factual. They are a Christian religion. I don't remember Mitt Romney pushing any agenda that contradicted my religious beliefs. Can you say the same for Obama?
Meathead Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 truth is if you take black social views as a whole there really should be more black republicans than democrats. blacks in general are staunchly anti-gay, evangelical, and defense oriented. its really only the post slavery residual racism that pushed them so firmly into liberalism. certainly that are large exceptions but id estimate it at least a 60/40 split i guess im just saying that when the republicans finally emerge from their pending civil war they would be wise to brand themselves to draw more of what is actually natural black conservatism and if they do they could easily regain some of their historic dominance. hopefully that brand will also purge some of the more negative aspects of black conservatism too, but i wouldnt necessarily hold my breath as we have struggled mightily to do that with our white conservatism lately
HerdMenatlity1 Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 No I'm calling you a moron for being paranoid about Obama coming to get your guns when he's never even mentioned it. And also, owning guns is not your "God given right." That is one of the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my entire life. And why would I call you a racist for owning guns? And why am I even responding to you right now? I'm hanging up on you- prank caller, prank caller. And why am I even responding to you right now? I'm hanging up on you- prank caller, prank caller. LOL holy **** Batman, that was funny.
xsoldier54 Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 Correction: I believe you already know my answer. I believe that Obama got 93% of the Black vote because he is Black and Romney got his votes because he is white. Very funny. Show me that 93% of white voters voted for Romney and I would be happy to agree with you.
HerdMenatlity1 Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 What I love about America is it so diverse. At the Democrat National convention, it was a melting pot. At the RNC, it is Hitler's wet dream. There are some very good Republican leaders. But loud idiots like Coutler make them all look bad. They need to get with the times. And as a Roman Catholic, I think religion should be separate from politics. And as a Roman Catholic, I think religion should be separate from politics Amen to that, oops sorry.
dwight in philly Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 (edited) Good point. No Obama=no debt. I agree that this Muslim terrorist is destroying this country single handedly. He inherited a country in such great shape and is running it into the ground. The way he let Bin Laden run free. Or the way he destroyed GM. If Romeny would have won, boom, no debt. It's really that simple. obama is a muslim terrorist? really, did not know that.. did he or the navy seals get bin laden?guess i must have gotten the wrong info.. Edited November 7, 2012 by dwight in philly
HerdMenatlity1 Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 Good point. No Obama=no debt. I agree that this Muslim terrorist is destroying this country single handedly. He inherited a country in such great shape and is running it into the ground. The way he let Bin Laden run free. Or the way he destroyed GM. If Romeny would have won, boom, no debt. It's really that simple.
DDD Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 Last election 95% of blacks voted for Obama. I suspect there will be similar numbers this election and is why he won. Racism?
JPS Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 Bull crap! The market knows what four more years of obama means. Take a close look only thing up today is medical stocks becsuse of obama care. Stop drinking that msnbc kool aid! That's a shallow read. See what you want to see Rush, Jr.
Alphadawg7 Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 What part of you are not capable of understanding my line of thought did your feeble mind not understand? I stand firmly behind my original statements. You can try and rebut them and call me names from now until eternity and it will not change a thing. I don't find your responses to be of a nature that shows reason and logic and therefore they are worthless to me. LMAO, you talk about logic and reason, yet just stomp your feet and say black people voted for Obama because he is black despite EVERY SINGLE FACT AND PIECE OF EVIDENCE PROVES...key word PROVES...the black vote ALWAYS for the last 50 years gone almost ENTIRELY to the Decomcratic vote REGARDLESS of color which has ALWAYS been white until Obama. Yet now those SAME people must have voted for Obama ONLY because he was black despite voting democrat for the last 50 years? Are you even serious? How the hell can you say that with a straight face? The stupidity of that statement is ridiculous. You have exactly ZERO relevant information to even suggest Obama got the vote based on race. Not one relevant fact other than you constantly repeating it was because he was black. Literally you have been bombarded with facts, yet you operate in a world devoid of logic and reason just so you can sit back and ignore them. Please, show me just one piece of information that even remotely suggests he got that high of percentage because he was black. How many of the past democratic candidates were black? ZERO...so why did they vote democrat then? Are you implying all the black vote has been converted to republican since Obama was elected president, but only changed back to Obama because hes black? I mean, come on man, this is just stupid. Your level of ignorance is not even worth addressing anymore. People like you are devoid of logic and just avoid facts like the plague because it OBLITERATES your irrational statement. You just like to profess the same lame blanket statements with no merit as proof you have logic. Incredible...racial ignorance at its best.
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