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Normally, I wouldn't bother with this...but...this Sabres Classic game is boring, so...

HEy Conner, you seem to be even more hated here than me on this web site, congrats!!!

conner has a much longer history and depth to his silliness than you do. But don't fret, you just may make it into the big retard league someday. You have to work hard at it every day though. Start lots of threads using links that directly contradict what you are saying (always a favorite of DC_Tom).) Practice posting things like "Lincoln would be a Democrat today" and "The Surge will Fail because I said so"(and I know this due to my non-existent military knowledge).


You'll get there, but you have to put in the work, every day, just like conner used to.

You always stand corrected. Have you ever had a success in your life?

Isn't correcting him one of the basic functions of this board?


You know, 2 years ago I was close to starting a "connerFix" sock puppet handle....you know, like ComboFix. "Have an annoying virus-like poster who invades every thread and spreads nonsense? connerFix is the answer!" :lol:

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