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Who is coaching this defense on game day?

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This quote by Gailey is very telling as to how this team is being run:


On his thoughts on DE Mario Williams' play today


"I don't know I'll have to watch the film. I don't watch, I got my head buried over there sometimes in things that are going on offensively so I see bits and pieces. I think I saw him pressure a couple of times and make a couple of tackles out of the back field so it looked like he had a good game but I don't know. I'll have to watch the film."


Well if Wanny is upstairs and Chan has his head buried on the sideline who is responsible for this defense during game day? Yes our D did play a little better yesterday but this is ridiculous. I still believe that when this team does win it's in spite of the coaches.

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Spot on. We do not have a head coach..a team leader. We have have a pathetic excuse for a defensive coordinator and a head coach that is little more than an offensive coordinator. There is no one watching and managing the whole game.

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Hazed, my good fellow, YE OLE heard this too in the post game and was angered by this. Chan and Wanny are great friends and Chan has the utmost respect for Wanny as a coach... as such he's completely handed all dealings with that unit to Wanny. On the flipside he completely controls the offensive side of the ball and fulfills all duties of offensive coordinator right down to playcalling. What we've ended up with seemingly is a staff that's devoid of a true head coaching presence as Chan seems more intent on solely micromanaging the offense and an offensive coordinator in Modkins who is a coordinator in name only (What exactly does this guy do?). Then you have Wanny, who had a history of being associated with some good defensive units over the years, but who has also proven to be rather mediocre to a train wreck at times as a head coach.


And I say this, because, essentially Chan has made Wanny a de facto head coach over his portion of the team. Chan even made it clear in an interview before the season that Dave works WITH Chan and not FOR Chan. Not to get caught up in semantics, and clearly Chan was trying to express the respect he has for Wanny, but we're getting to a point now where Chan has to take responsibility for this team and get things on the right track. So far this regime has given us nothing more than a slightly worse version of the Jauron era in terms of W/L. Jauron's teams were fairly unwatchable at times, but I give him credit in the sense that he consistently got 7-9 out of less talented teams than Chan has right now.

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yea, thats a weird reply for a headcoach. i could understand him saying he doesnt catch every snap, or that he wants to review the tape before commenting on individuals....


but to say he doesnt pay any attention to the D is not the right answer. ever.


clearly it isnt true, hes got to be engaged in the D somewhat... i mean... i see him watching. he is in charge of challenging plays, accepting/declining penalties, no? to those that actually get to go to the games, he doesnt stop watching when the D is out there all that often, does he?

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