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what happened to 40 touches for our RBs?

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So frustrating to be a bills fan.....


we have talent in our back field yet they only got 22 touches for 137 yards between the both of them, 6.22 per touch avg.. 11 a piece and CJ had the better game but no extra touches.... we moved the ball when it was in their hands!


Spiller should be a shoe-in for the pro bowl by now.


Chan uses the excuse that they have 7 guys in the box and they made us pass the ball. I want him to try even if the defense knows we will run the ball. Then use play action when we pass the ball.



With 40 touches for them this game would have been different.



I can't help but feel every every time fitz drops back he is about to throw a interception. I know he did not throw a pick today but still if I don't have respect for him, how would a NFL defense feel the fear. Am I the only one that feels this way?

Edited by buffalover4life
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I am hardly a Fitz guy...but I think he played his best game of the season today...got his ass kicked by a really good defense, and kept them in the game most of the day with accurate short-mid passes...something he hasn't done all year...even in the three wins. Fitz may have found his way back to his "okay" form the last couple games, as opposed to his awful form.


As for the "40 touches" thing...you didn't really believe that did you?


Spiller should have been the featured back today, IMO. The best way to beat an aggressive defense is with speed....Spiller has that.


And please, dear god, scrap the drive- momentum killing wild cat Chan! It is embarrassing....it is like, one day, the Bills will get a big play out of it, and then Chan can say "see...thats why we have been running the wild cat for three years...it was all for that one amazing play!"

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Bottom line is....P. Manning, E.Manning, B. Roeth, A. Rodgers and a few others consistently win games. Fitz doesnt win games and this was as stated by ANOTHER THREAD his best game of the year!


A team is built from the QB out. This team doesnt understand this. It will be such until we get a Franchise QB.


BTW, anyone see Andrew Luck throw for 400+yards against the Dolphins. This will be a great measuring stick for the Bills offense!

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I don't understand how anyone can defend our coaches. We are in a sea battle and we send out (Fritz) a rowboat armed with a musket when we have a modern battleship (CJ). On any well coached team CJ would already be a pro bowl certainty. And that is not even mentioning our other premier RB. Insanity!!! All CJ does is perform incredibly when he is given the opportunity. Is their a huge performance incentive clause in his contract the Bills are worrying about having to pay him if they play him too much or he plays too well?

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Good question. Chan's game plan was not very good. I've seen enough of our empty spread against good D fronts to know it doesn't work very well.


27 plays in the 2nd half and only 3 runs? 'Nuff said.



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I love how Chan will say we have to "try" and get CJ more touches, like its a mystery how to do it. Hey Goober, call some more runs for him, it's not rocket science. Maybe some runs out of a traditional offense, where if he gets by the front 7 he's a juke or 2 from going the distance.


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