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Obama Supporters threatening riots if Romney wins

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Maybe they should remember that it's generally the Republicans that have the guns.


Come to my house to do harm, Obama will be buying lots of ACORN flags to drape over closed caskets.


As happens in riots, tho, they'll really only manage to burn their own community and kick themselves in the nuts.

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Yea like 12 people ran their mouths on twitter. Big story!


Haha seriously. It's pathetic honestly some of the posts on this board that paint the picture of the fictional democratic candidate supporter in any given election as nothing but minority, welfare, moochers.


In any event, these people are idiots, threatening to riot. No more idiotic than the the other idiots who threatened civil war if Obama wins again.


idiots are idiots


EDIT: although I will admit it's is more badass to threaten civil war than riot

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Here's some guys that might object to a little rioting:







Five hundred retired generals and admirals are running an ad in Monday's editions of The Washington Times calling on the country to elect Republican Mitt Romney on Tuesday.


In plain terms the officers, who paid for the ad themselves, said they support Mr. Romney: "We, the undersigned, proudly support Governor Mitt Romney as our nation's next president and commander-in-chief."


The ad then goes on to list all of the officers, in alphabetical order, in four columns of print.


• Click here to view the ad (PDF)


The retired admirals and generals said they decided to take this public stand to try to head off "having to live through four more years of what has been experienced since January 20th, 2009."




Read more: Retired top military brass push for Romney - Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/inside-politics/2012/nov/4/retired-top-military-brass-push-romney/#ixzz2BMVjSyo0

Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

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Here's some guys that might object to a little rioting:







Five hundred retired generals and admirals are running an ad in Monday's editions of The Washington Times calling on the country to elect Republican Mitt Romney on Tuesday.


In plain terms the officers, who paid for the ad themselves, said they support Mr. Romney: "We, the undersigned, proudly support Governor Mitt Romney as our nation's next president and commander-in-chief."


The ad then goes on to list all of the officers, in alphabetical order, in four columns of print.


• Click here to view the ad (PDF)


The retired admirals and generals said they decided to take this public stand to try to head off "having to live through four more years of what has been experienced since January 20th, 2009."




Read more: Retired top military brass push for Romney - Washington Times http://www.washingto.../#ixzz2BMVjSyo0

Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter


That's pretty impressive.

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That's pretty impressive.


Yeah, but don't forget that Ann Romney has a horse! A horse, mind you. That's a pivotal issue facing our nation in these trying times when BO's message isn't being communicated well enough. No wonder that azz wipe wants another four years. He'll need at least that long to find time to play another 200 rounds of golf and take another 37 vacations.

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Here on earth we don't get that personal with the equus and it is frowned upon to even contemplate those thoughts.

That cannot be true. What about the stage play that won all those awards? The one where the Potter kid was running around with his gibblets out.

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That cannot be true. What about the stage play that won all those awards? The one where the Potter kid was running around with his gibblets out.


That hasn't come out yet for us mere mortals. I'm still watching first run episodes of Bonanza and Hee Haw.

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