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May shoot an email to the bills but figured I'd ask here first. I know this is a tailgate forum topic but maybe the mods can leave this here for a little bit to get some traffic. anyways, for the Thursday night game in a couple weeks were going to be trying the RV lot for the first time. We will be traveling from Ohio and plan to arrive late Wednesday night and will be leaving Friday morning after the game. Any ideas about what day and time the lot will open for a Thursday game? Is Wednesday night going to be too late to get spots? I heard at the opener it filled up and people got turned away. Also in addition to our RV we will have one of those touring van type vehicles (7 seats, back seat folds into bed, tv, etc but not a full out class B with bathroom and kitchenette). Will this be allowed in the RV lot? Would we be able to run the van to the store for ice or beer or whatnot once we secure our spot? Also may plan on bringing a propane smoker for ribs, shoulder, etc. think we will have any problems using it? Any info would be helpful as this will be our first time in the actual RV lot (normally in a private lot). Should be a great party and experience no matter what our crappy team does on the field. Go Bills


I've only been in the RV lot once before, so my information may be old but I believe you can arrive at almost any time the day before. Not quite sure what the rules are about the other van in the lot but I would assume it shouldn't be a problem. You really shouldn't need the van to go anywhere once you get there. There's a convenience mart on the corner of Southwestern and Abbott which is probably a 5 minute walk from the RV lot. Finally, I don't think you'll have any problems with the propane smoker...there will be plenty of other smokers, grills, etc. all around. Enjoy yourself and drink mo' brew.


You have to arrive before a certain time if you want to stay overnight the night before, I believe it's 10 PM.


I think Wooderson is right, at least last time I was there there were all sorts of vehicles accompanying full-fledged RVs, but I'd call or email to double check. Basically, you get a spot which is big enough for an RV and any other vehicle that'd be in tow. I assume you're probably not towing it, but if you arrive together you should be alright. Whether or not you can take your other vehicle out, you won't need to since you can walk to the store he mentioned. However, I'd pick up beer beforehand and not worry about lugging it if you're planning on getting a lot (as you should).


I've done the RV lot for the past two home openers - first let me say, great decision, you're going to have a BLAST! I always find the night before the game to be almost as fun as Sunday; we've eaten a lot of great food and drank a lot of cheap beer with with a lot of awesome new friends...


For the Sunday games the lot opens at 8am on Saturday, so I would guess you'll be looking at 8am on Wed for a Thurs game. This year the lot did fill up by about noon (though it was no where near packed, parking was sort of willy-nilly), but it didn't fill up until gameday last year. With our record at this point, you should be ok with Wed night but I would recommend going during daylight, setting up camp, starting a fire and meeting your Bills family. A trip to the Bills store is recommended the day before too, it's not packed and players always seem to swing through there the day before the game.


I'm not sure about the van, but if you claim you're "camping" in it and pay the $50, you should be fine. I had my Jeep, but had to park it in the general lot. On Saturday I was able to dip out, make a trip the airport and Premiere and get back in. But on Sunday there was no driving out. Like the crew said though, there's a store within walking distance.


You can use whatever grill, smoker, fire pit or burn barrel you like! There's just the right amount of anarchy in the RV lot...


Be sure to stop by Hammer's Lot next door, see the Pinto and say hi to any TBD'ers that may hanging about.


Have fun and Go Bills!!

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