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How The Other Half Lives

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One of the causes of the French Revolution was the fact the wealthy refused to pay their fair share of taxes :)

Why are you so jealous of the success of others?  If you spent half the effort you use deriding others for their ingenuity, business acumen, hard work, and wise investment on being dynamic, business savvy, working hard, and investing well yourself, you might not be so miserable when contemplating the good fortune of others.
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It's a stupid question from a mindless idiot.

Why are you so jealous of the success of others?  If you spent half the effort you use deriding others for their ingenuity, business acumen, hard work, and wise investment on being dynamic, business savvy, working hard, and investing well yourself, you might not be so miserable when contemplating the good fortune of others.
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One of the causes of the French Revolution was the fact the wealthy refused to pay their fair share of taxes :)


Sure since you are all in favor and fully support the most partisan, class warfare instigating president in history....


I have no idea what stupid point your trying to make .... but if you are hoping our country somehow splits or has a civil war...within 5 years the "red" fiscally conservative half would be so far and away superior.

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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Sure since you are all in favor and fully support the most partisan, class warfare instigating president in history....


I have no idea what stupid point your trying to make .... but if you are hoping our country somehow splits or has a civil war...within 5 years the "red" fiscally conservative half would be so far and away superior.


We have the guns, they have the ultimate comeback, global warming.

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I don't think he is "jealous" of others success. Do you not see the irony of W Bush giving a tax keynote speech at an Investment Conference "tax haven" in the Cayman's 5 days before the election.


Please explain why Cayman Islands is a tax haven.

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I don't recall Obama ever saying Romney did anything illegal. He just tried to make the case that a big chunk of Romney's money was not where his mouth is, namely "U.S. investment and job creation."

This is an intellectually dishonest statement and I think you know it. It's dishonest because it pretends to draw an equivalency between personal financial decisions & federal policy decisions. It's also a false choice because it assumes foreign investment in a global economy and U.S. job creation are mutually exclusive - which is kind of like declaring that you can either have evaporation or rain, but not both.

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Wow! That's funny on several levels!

Why are you so jealous of the success of others? If you spent half the effort you use deriding others for their ingenuity, business acumen, hard work, and wise investment on being dynamic, business savvy, working hard, and investing well yourself, you might not be so miserable when contemplating the good fortune of others.
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