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It didn't take TH long to run his mouth


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What a laugh this thread is. TH wants out, he waits until AFTER the season to say so publicly. Problem? Oh that's right, a bunch of "reliable insiders" on this board somehow know for a fact that Travis was bitching every chance he got when the media wasn't around. If you hate the guy so much, just say that and be done with it. He can't fuggin win. IF he complains publicly, he's a POS. If he doesn't then he was OBVIOUSLY complaining privately so he's a POS. With fans like this, I can't imagine why he would want to start anew.


So he thinks he can be a starter in this league, how dare he think this? The great counter-argument to this theory is that he wasn't good enough to beat out a practical rookie coming off knee surgery. As if Willis is the worst starting RB in the league. Just because he couldn't beat McGahee, doesn't mean he can't be #1 somewhere else. Do you people really think that Willis ranks so low on the list of starting NFL RBs?


But that is all a matter of opinion. The truly disturbing part is the total lack of humanity that "fans" show for the players they watch every week. What happened to the days when players moved on from the team they were either wished luck or fans would shrug their shoulders. Now it's "he's a piece of sh*t. He's F'ing retarded. He's a whiny B word. He's a cancer." (Oh and the irony of BF accusing someone else of having Gump-level intelligence).


I wouldn't want to play for a team who's fans turn on their players with such vindictive hatred. Would you actually walk up to someone you did not know and call them a piece of sh*t or a whiny little B word? It's sad. Especially someone who was hailed as a warrior with a huge heart just one year ago.

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What a laugh this thread is. TH wants out, he waits until AFTER the season to say so publicly. Problem? Oh that's right, a bunch of "reliable insiders" on this board somehow know for a fact that Travis was bitching every chance he got when the media wasn't around. If you hate the guy so much, just say that and be done with it. He can't fuggin win. IF he complains publicly, he's a POS. If he doesn't then he was OBVIOUSLY complaining privately so he's a POS. With fans like this, I can't imagine why he would want to start anew.


So he thinks he can be a starter in this league, how dare he think this? The great counter-argument to this theory is that he wasn't good enough to beat out a practical rookie coming off knee surgery. As if Willis is the worst starting RB in the league. Just because he couldn't beat McGahee, doesn't mean he can't be #1 somewhere else. Do you people really think that Willis ranks so low on the list of starting NFL RBs?


But that is all a matter of opinion. The truly disturbing part is the total lack of humanity that "fans" show for the players they watch every week. What happened to the days when players moved on from the team they were either wished luck or fans would shrug their shoulders. Now it's "he's a piece of sh*t. He's F'ing retarded. He's a whiny B word. He's a cancer." (Oh and the irony of BF accusing someone else of having Gump-level intelligence).


I wouldn't want to play for a team who's fans turn on their players with such vindictive hatred. Would you actually walk up to someone you did not know and call them a piece of sh*t or a whiny little B word? It's sad. Especially someone who was hailed as a warrior with a huge heart just one year ago.



Best post on this thread. Well said Bart.

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Why don't YOU get your EYES checked.... does it SAY 2004, or THIS year?


NO. Now go away...  :)



So, you're saying that Travis has been a cancer since April of 2003? Yeah, he sure was a cancer during the 2003 season, when he was the ONLY offensive player on the team that didn't look like they just awoke from a coma.

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great post Bart.




Yes...it has his fault we were 3-13, 6-10 and 8-8. All his fault. Nothing to do with average players up and down the offensive roster and lousy coaching.


Wait a minute. I thought that was Bledsoe's fault!


Man, we need a Blame Forum so I can go back and keep track of who to blame from week to week.

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Would you actually walk up to someone you did not know and call them a piece of sh*t or a whiny little B word?


I do it all the time.


It's sad. Especially someone who was hailed as a warrior with a huge heart just one year ago.



Even more sad that football players are considered heros.


And let's face it...we're talking about a guy who picked up a teenager at a gas station. He's not exactly a paragon of mature judgement anyways...

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
So, you're saying that Travis has been a cancer since April of 2003? Yeah, he sure was a cancer during the 2003 season, when he was the ONLY offensive player on the team that didn't look like they just awoke from a coma.





Whose posts are you READING??!? NOT MINE!!!!!


Go back. Read my posts... no cancer. no 2004. no this year.


READ the quotes by TH after we drafted Willis. There is a PATTERN. OBVIOUSLY there are a HECK of a lot more people than just me who noticed this; so I'm not CRAZY!!! Rabid, yes, crazy? no.

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its sad because after his 1st season here he said he wanted to play for the bills his entire career. well its over for that idea. this could be a priest holmes sitiation, left the ravens then ripped it in kc. travis has already established himself so it wont such a great out of nowhere story like holmes but for his new team it will be.



...oh yeah, and please stop the "hes a cancer" madness. i swear some people hear a certain phrase or statement on tv or a message board and take it as gods speak and run with it until everyone and their mothers favorite sh*t to say is "locker room cancer".

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its sad because after his 1st season here he said he wanted to play for the bills his entire career. well its over for that idea. this could be a priest holmes sitiation, left the ravens then ripped it in kc. travis has already established himself so it wont such a great out of nowhere story like holmes but for his new team it will be.


Oh yeah, Travis Henry compared to Priest Holmes. Very accurate. :P

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I wouldn't want to play for a team who's fans turn on their players with such vindictive hatred. Would you actually walk up to someone you did not know and call them a piece of sh*t or a whiny little B word? It's sad. Especially someone who was hailed as a warrior with a huge heart just one year ago.





I'm in disbelief at some of these comments -- I can handle a colorful QB debate at this point, but to dog on Henry is absolutely ridiculous. What does the guy have to do for you people? He played like a mad man when he was on the field and had a FANTASTIC season last year. He accepted his role as backup gracefully this year and waits until the end of the season to express his desire to leave ... And your goodbye present is a heaping pile of dung?


And whoever said that he was a cancer in the locker room this season -- Why the hell didn't you mention it during the season? ... Exactly.


Here's hoping that Henry continues to do well in the NFL, and hoping that his dedication on the field isn't spoiled by sh*tty, ungrateful fans off the field.

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read closely alaskan, "priest holmes situation". you didnt read anything sayin travis IS priest holmes. let the sh*t marinate in your brain a second before you jump on me.


Maybe I'm a little slow on the uptake but I don't see much of a difference. Perhaps your superior intellect can explain it a little more in depth so I can understand better, though I doubt it.

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if you didnt have a picture of a doberman and this wasnt a message board i think id hate you. no, i know id hate you. you understand that better?


That's not a doberman. That's actually Darin. Word is, the chicks dig the long snout and hanging tongue.

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