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It didn't take TH long to run his mouth


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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Excuse me, but why don't you get your facts straight? We drafted Willis in April. That's April of 2003. I'd say Travis did pretty well during the 2003 season.



Why don't YOU get your EYES checked.... does it SAY 2004, or THIS year?


NO. Now go away... :)

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It's cathatic for some, methinks. I mean, how much thought does it take to say "You're a piece of sh--, Travis. Go to hell and die."


About as much thought as it takes to say "I want to go where I can be starter."



Travis has had every chance to be the starter.


He blew it.


He's not a top tier RB in the NFL. Deshaun Foster for the Panther is a better back than Travis and he's a backup.

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then blame him for signing on the dotted line.


too bad travis - I hope we keep him, and he holds out all season. That would be fun. Watch him not get paid by anyone - big baby.



Oh come on! You're making this sound like this is the first time in sports history that someone wants out.


He could have been a real cancer all season. All I'm saying if he's going to open his mouth, now is the time. And what he said was NOT THAT bad! What player wants to ride the pine?


If he does hold out, we both lose.

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No he didn't .  He just didn't go to the general public.  Probably because TD warned him he would be fined if he did.  But it sure the hell was known by the players in the locker room.



Well WTF do you think I meant?


What other "inside" info do you know?

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Well WTF do you think I meant?


What other "inside" info do you know?



is Travis Henry your cousin or something?


You're taking this awfully personal.


He won't be a Bill next year. We don't have to care about him any more.


Root for laundry. It's easier that way.

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And it would have been SO hard for him to keep that up.  He's simply not smart enough to realize how much this is going to cost him in the long run.



How will it cost him?


Man o man! He didn't blast the team! All he said that is he'd rather be somewhere he can start!

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is Travis Henry your cousin or something?


You're taking this awfully personal.


He won't be a Bill next year. We don't have to care about him any more.


Root for laundry. It's easier that way.



You're lumping me in the wrong category my friend. I LOVE Willis and took a lot of heat the last few years (up until recently) when I said Travis is very limited.


All I'm going against is idiotic fans who turn on players at the drop of a hat.


He did not say anything bad.

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Are you people joking or are you really looking for something to B word and whine about?


the season is over and Travis Henry says:

oh my God the horror, I can't believe he "ran his mouth" and "moped like a baby" like he did.


He told the media he wants to play for a team where he'd be a starter. This is not news to anyone, he will be a starter somewhere,  he didn't unload on the front office, he didn't piss and moan he said "I'm not a backup" and you guys are acting like he committed treason.


get over it.



I'm with you! I really can not believe the venom. And, contrary to recent accusations, I never really liked Travis!!!!

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He waited until the season was over. This makes him a cancer? How? 90 percent of NFL players would be saying the same thing Travis is saying, only many of them would be saying it week in and week out during the course of the season.

Your hatred of the guy is amazing. I'll be glad when Travis is gone, if for no other reason so you can turn your negativity towards someone else.

Travis was beaten out for the job by a better running back. I haven't seen one person dispute this. Not once. So what the hell is your problem?

At least Travis did something when he played. There are guys who have played for the Bills over the last few years who haven't done 1/10th of what Travis did.




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I think the point is, billsfanone, is that Travis should have just kept his mouth shut and let his agent shop him around. He waited 24 hours from the time we got eliminated (actually, less than that), to say that he not only wants out, but to say he didn't lose his starting job, rahter it was taken from him.


These are things OTHER teams do not want to hear. They want him to be a good little soldier, keep his mouth shut, and play his cards nice and quiet, and let his agent deal.


Now, other teams will see him as a loud mouth, unhappy player, or cancer, and this may (will) affect his trade value. That, in turn, screws us.

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There is no point to keeping Travis. We have a starting running back in Willis. We have a very good backup in Shaud Williams. These last few weeks, has anyone been saying to themselves, "Oh, gee, our backup running back situation will get light years better once Travis comes back to replace Shaud Williams?" I haven't. I don't think it's worth giving up a 2nd, or 3rd, or even a 4th, round pick to have just one year--one year!--of Travis at backup instead of Shaud Williams. Let's get a draft pick instead, one we can use on a guy who will be around the team for a few years to come.

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I think the point is, billsfanone, is that Travis should have just kept his mouth shut and let his agent shop him around. He waited 24 hours from the time we got eliminated (actually, less than that), to say that he not only wants out, but to say he didn't lose his starting job, rahter it was taken from him.


These are things OTHER teams do not want to hear. They want him to be a good little soldier, keep his mouth shut, and play his cards nice and quiet, and let his agent deal.


Now, other teams will see him as a loud mouth, unhappy player, or cancer, and this may (will) affect his trade value. That, in turn, screws us.



Phew! Actually a level headed response. Thanks!


I agree. But the hate that's in this thread isn't deserved, IMO. If he was badmouthing the Bills or the coaches, that's different.


I don't think saying "I want to be a starter" hurts his trade value.

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