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Sex Scandal! - Sen Bob Menendez

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Probably the only way he can get any. He's a shoe- in though.


Seriously. Most liberals think four dead Americans in Benghazi is a joke of a story and a bump in the road. Does anyone really think they care about about one of their own cheaping out on a hooker tab? His RCP average will likely jump a few points this week.

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Prostitution is illegal in the Dominican Republic like pot use is illegal in California.



Menendez in NJ is like Feinstein in California. They can be found gutting a transgender baby seal with a Prius windshield wiper and their constituents will continue to vote them in over and over and over.

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Unfortunately LA it's true.


Believe me. I know. Feinstein has refused to debate her opponent in this election because ""There's just nothing constructive coming out of their campaign."


Beyond the fact that no one knows what the hell that means, here sits Feinstein, old and gutless, with a $12.4M war chest against her challenger, Elizabeth Emken, with a war chest of $37 and a Twinkie, and she's up 26 points.


Such is California. When the people are dumb enough to bring back Jerry Brown, you know a hag like Feinstein can sit back, collect her cash, filter money to her husband and laugh out loud during the process.

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We had a shot at replacing Toricelli with Bob Forester, then when the Torch went down in the polls so badly, the machine forced him to resign and who stepped up to save the seat for the Dems? That's right - the old mummy himself 478 year-old Frightening Frankenstein Lautengerg. He's the oldest Senator maybe ever and still a big cog in a little wheel.

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