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Report: Bills Lease Deal Imminent....


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who won the super bowl in 200?


Carthage snuck out victory over Sardis on questionable TD on Ben Hurr plunge, as sudden fog over Coliseum shrouded sundial, thus rendering it inneffective.

and remember, this was before automatic replay review in final 2 minutes.




as for Lions/Christians, league investigated Lions in first bounty scandal.

Edited by john wawrow
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In time you will all see that I am the beacon of clarity. And by the way: rack me.




see, bubba, here's your problem the way i see it. you could very well be right, but what does that win you. it's not as if the franchise's demise in Buffalo is going to lead many here on this board to sit back and fondly remember how you were correct all along.

you peddle this one-verse negative rant so much and so often as if to make it out to be as something new, or something no one here has ever considered. hate to break it to you, but this is a topic that's been well-covered and hand-wringed over and over and over again.


this isn't a revelation in the least. it's instead a crooked stick you poke at a well-worn wound.

it's not news to Bills fans that they could lose their team.

and i don't see the purpose you have in reminding us in the media that there's a possibility we might have to relocate. this is something i've known since i first arrived here in 2000.


the fact that you seem to take great pleasure in constantly pointing this out, seems odd, misplaced and a little disturbing.

so why keep it up with this one-man-rant of gloom. aren't winters here long enough without you having to remind us?


so aside from you having difficulty separating what's fact and opinion, i would suggest that you are poser and pimp -- good word, Kevin. rather than calling yourself a beacon of clarity, you are instead a clarion of doom, and where's the fun in that?



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see, bubba, here's your problem the way i see it. you could very well be right, but what does that win you. it's not as if the franchise's demise in Buffalo is going to lead many here on this board to sit back and fondly remember how you were correct all along.

you peddle this one-verse negative rant so much and so often as if to make it out to be as something new, or something no one here has ever considered. hate to break it to you, but this is a topic that's been well-covered and hand-wringed over and over and over again.


this isn't a revelation in the least. it's instead a crooked stick you poke at a well-worn wound.

it's not news to Bills fans that they could lose their team.

and i don't see the purpose you have in reminding us in the media that there's a possibility we might have to relocate. this is something i've known since i first arrived here in 2000.


the fact that you seem to take great pleasure in constantly pointing this out, seems odd, misplaced and a little disturbing.

so why keep it up with this one-man-rant of gloom. aren't winters here long enough without you having to remind us?


so aside from you having difficulty separating what's fact and opinion, i would suggest that you are poser and pimp -- good word, Kevin. rather than calling yourself a beacon of clarity, you are instead a clarion of doom, and where's the fun in that?




Well Hubba like I said back in August, maybe if the media did their job and shed a little spotlight on this mess maybe it wouldn't have snow balled into the situation we have now. It's even worse now than what I said in August, that both negotiations are at a stand-still, the owner is 94 and is a recluse and the CEO spouts pablum thats accepted at face value. If I'm clarion of doom, I'm just preparing everyone for what's inevitable: there's a very good chance there's no lease tying this team to WNY and they could very well be gone soon.


So you can dismiss what I say as just rants, everyone can take their happy pills and sing Kumbaya together and watch this franchise set onto the horizon. The clock is ticking, to ignore what's happening is irresponsible and the economic damage for WNY is going to be huge.


The only bright spot is the owner wont sell until he dies so he can avoid the cap gain tax and he won't move it in his advanced age. So as long as he keeps living the team remains here, he'll keep his front office intact which will prolong the on-field losing and the franchise will continue its death spiral.


Remember it was Forbes that dubbed them "the most troubled franchise in the NFL", I don't think even you would argue with that assessment. And remember it was you and members of the media who accepted at face value the statement that negotiations were going smoothly, dare to ask this guy Brandon some of the tough questions.



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Well Hubba like I said back in August, maybe if the media did their job and shed a little spotlight on this mess maybe it wouldn't have snow balled into the situation we have now. It's even worse now than what I said in August, that both negotiations are at a stand-still, the owner is 94 and is a recluse and the CEO spouts pablum thats accepted at face value. If I'm clarion of doom, I'm just preparing everyone for what's inevitable: there's a very good chance there's no lease tying this team to WNY and they could very well be gone soon.


So you can dismiss what I say as just rants, everyone can take their happy pills and sing Kumbaya together and watch this franchise set onto the horizon. The clock is ticking, to ignore what's happening is irresponsible and the economic damage for WNY is going to be huge.


The only bright spot is the owner wont sell until he dies so he can avoid the cap gain tax and he won't move it in his advanced age. So as long as he keeps living the team remains here, he'll keep his front office intact which will prolong the on-field losing and the franchise will continue its death spiral.


Remember it was Forbes that dubbed them "the most troubled franchise in the NFL", I don't think even you would argue with that assessment. And remember it was you and members of the media who accepted at face value the statement that negotiations were going smoothly, dare to ask this guy Brandon some of the tough questions.



youbdo realize Wawrow is media right? Not a blogger. Not a beat reporter for the Albion paper. An AP guy....

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Well Hubba like I said back in August, maybe if the media did their job and shed a little spotlight on this mess maybe it wouldn't have snow balled into the situation we have now. It's even worse now than what I said in August, that both negotiations are at a stand-still, the owner is 94 and is a recluse and the CEO spouts pablum thats accepted at face value. If I'm clarion of doom, I'm just preparing everyone for what's inevitable: there's a very good chance there's no lease tying this team to WNY and they could very well be gone soon.


So you can dismiss what I say as just rants, everyone can take their happy pills and sing Kumbaya together and watch this franchise set onto the horizon. The clock is ticking, to ignore what's happening is irresponsible and the economic damage for WNY is going to be huge.


The only bright spot is the owner wont sell until he dies so he can avoid the cap gain tax and he won't move it in his advanced age. So as long as he keeps living the team remains here, he'll keep his front office intact which will prolong the on-field losing and the franchise will continue its death spiral.


Remember it was Forbes that dubbed them "the most troubled franchise in the NFL", I don't think even you would argue with that assessment. And remember it was you and members of the media who accepted at face value the statement that negotiations were going smoothly, dare to ask this guy Brandon some of the tough questions.




interesting, i don't think you've ever raised this before. :doh:



Edited by john wawrow
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Well Hubba like I said back in August, maybe if the media did their job and shed a little spotlight on this mess maybe it wouldn't have snow balled into the situation we have now. It's even worse now than what I said in August, that both negotiations are at a stand-still, the owner is 94 and is a recluse and the CEO spouts pablum thats accepted at face value. If I'm clarion of doom, I'm just preparing everyone for what's inevitable: there's a very good chance there's no lease tying this team to WNY and they could very well be gone soon.


So you can dismiss what I say as just rants, everyone can take their happy pills and sing Kumbaya together and watch this franchise set onto the horizon. The clock is ticking, to ignore what's happening is irresponsible and the economic damage for WNY is going to be huge.


The only bright spot is the owner wont sell until he dies so he can avoid the cap gain tax and he won't move it in his advanced age. So as long as he keeps living the team remains here, he'll keep his front office intact which will prolong the on-field losing and the franchise will continue its death spiral.


Remember it was Forbes that dubbed them "the most troubled franchise in the NFL", I don't think even you would argue with that assessment. And remember it was you and members of the media who accepted at face value the statement that negotiations were going smoothly, dare to ask this guy Brandon some of the tough questions.




So in the absence of ANY commentary by Brandon to the contrary, the media should just make things up when reporting the news? Last I checked, JW was NOT an op/ed contributor for the AP and he can't go around interjecting his OPINION in the story.


You, me, and everyone else HERE certainly can.


And your OPINION is in full force in this thread. More power to you. Just don't try to pass it off as absolute fact when you don't know any better than the rest of us.



Edited by K-9
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interesting, i don't think you've ever raised this before. :doh:




Interesting, i know you haven't. Rogers was going to be resolved but they were busy with the olympics, Cuomo hired a sports lawyer that was going to take care of the lease negotiations.

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LaterDude, I have to go trick or treat, maybe I'll go as ralph wilson wonder if anyone will recognize me.


You've been signing off on this thread several times today. Do you really mean it this time?



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