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Electoral College Prediction Thread


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Everyone's saying Obama will win Wisconsin, but I'm not as convinced. He may, but I don't see how you can explain Walker winning the election for governor TWICE (recall), and Prosser winning the Supreme Court vote, but the state won't turn red? Plus, Ryan is from Wisconsin, so that has to help right? I guess we'll see.


Your points definitely stand to reason. But for whatever reason, there is a logical disunion between state-wide politics and presidential politics. Maryland, to my surprise, experimented with a Republican Governor (Erlich) in the middle part of last decade. Maryland will NEVER be a red state. It is as reliably democratic as California. California, NY, etc. are states that have or have had republican governor's in strongly democratic states. Montana, SD, ND, WY are states that are very Republican but that have also elected Democratic senators within the last decade.


Also, Gore couldn't carry his state in 92, 96 or 2000. I don't think Clinton carried Arkansas in 92. Romney is not carrying Michigan, or Massachussets, or Colorado. George W. didn't carry Connecticut. Except for Gore, the others were at the top of their ticket.


I'm not sure how influential the VP is in carrying or helping to carry a state even though that consideration is very much ballyhooed in the mid-summer vice-presidential selection process.

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Your points definitely stand to reason. But for whatever reason, there is a logical disunion between state-wide politics and presidential politics. Maryland, to my surprise, experimented with a Republican Governor (Erlich) in the middle part of last decade. Maryland will NEVER be a red state. It is as reliably democratic as California. California, NY, etc. are states that have or have had republican governor's in strongly democratic states. Montana, SD, ND, WY are states that are very Republican but that have also elected Democratic senators within the last decade.


Also, Gore couldn't carry his state in 92, 96 or 2000. I don't think Clinton carried Arkansas in 92. Romney is not carrying Michigan, or Massachussets, or Colorado. George W. didn't carry Connecticut. Except for Gore, the others were at the top of their ticket.


I'm not sure how influential the VP is in carrying or helping to carry a state even though that consideration is very much ballyhooed in the mid-summer vice-presidential selection process.


pretty sure Clinton always carried Arkansas

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