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The President Is Really Showing Leadership!!

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That's not unusual. A 12 foot storm surge in the East River...that's unusual. A nor'easter on Cape Gloucester...not unusual.


Yeah, it's been sensationalized. Yeah, a lot of the areas that went into pants-wetting panic "oh-****-we're-all-gonna-die" mode overreacted (they sure as hell did in my area). But it's still more than "just a rain storm" - the Jersey Shore seems to be well and truly trashed.

That's almost exactly my point, Tom.


I will if you will.

Nevermind. I had you pegged for brighter than this, but apparently I misjudged. Mea culpa.
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I guess the President doing a pretty good job on this. Glad we didn't get hit too hard here.


Please. Being president during a massive storm has to be one of the easiest things to do if people are just smart enough to evacuate.


Too bad the consulate in Benghazi didn't just get hit with bad weather.

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So, 33 people dead, and 7 million without power... just another rainstorm...in Austin, it was pleasent and cool...don't get what the big deal is all about! Didn't affect me one iota! :rolleyes:


Last night I went and eat at my moms but she lost power right before she could make me my favorite penne + meatballs dish so I was forced to order a sub.


This storm blows :(

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So, 33 people dead, and 7 million without power... just another rainstorm...in Austin, it was pleasent and cool...don't get what the big deal is all about! Didn't affect me one iota! :rolleyes:


Yes, the highest storm surge in Manhattan since they first started measuring it in 1820. Subways flooded with saltwater. 80 homes burned to the ground. 12' of water in the Holland Tunnel. Just a bump in the road, but certainly not optimal.

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Yes, the highest storm surge in Manhattan since they first started measuring it in 1820. Subways flooded with saltwater. 80 homes burned to the ground. 12' of water in the Holland Tunnel. Just a bump in the road, but certainly not optimal.


i reserve judgement until i hear more details about the trash services around the region.


the real reason this storm got the coverage it did, is because it went right at the people doing the coverage. had it hit the gulf coast itd be a solid story nationally, but disappear semi quickly from the cycle and be isolated to local news coverage. CNN, MSNBC, FOX are all treating this a bit like local news stations would.

Edited by NoSaint
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Perhaps this appearance of leadership is so striking because he so rarely shows it ?







Perhaps. Or maybe he has just been good at stopping disasters. No 9-11 on his watch, no new wars in foreign countries. And his ending the Iraq War was leadership, as opposed to those cowards that wanted to keep our troops there, yet not much of a media event, and thank God Obama was able to end it quietly

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