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Report: Obama Watched Benghazi Attack From 'Situation Room'


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Lt. Col. Tony Schafer told Fox News that sources were telling him that the President was watching the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya in real-time.


Too thin of a story at the moment...little more than a rumor...but if true....oh boy.


Grounds for Impeachment?

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It's funny how the same people wringing their hands screaming over the great scandal of replacing a half dozen U.S. attorneys, yawn at the idea that our diplomats were left to die by our President. And the same conscientious libs who saturated tampons over Abu Grahib, couldn't give too ***** if the President lies and covers it up as long as he's their guy. I'm curious who, other than Duck Luckers (his idiocy is a given) subscribe to this same brand of retardation.

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It's funny how the same people wringing their hands screaming over the great scandal of replacing a half dozen U.S. attorneys, yawn at the idea that our diplomats were left to die by our President. And the same conscientious libs who saturated tampons over Abu Grahib, couldn't give too ***** if the President lies and covers it up as long as he's their guy. I'm curious who, other than Duck Luckers (his idiocy is a given) subscribe to this same brand of retardation.



Mr. Mole Hill, meet Mr. Mountain

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Obama knew about the attack, ignored three requests for help





Stand Down Obama and Biden, Stand Down






Has General Ham Been Fired?

Has General Carter F. Ham, commander of U.S. Africa Command, been fired for defying Leon Panetta on Benghazi?

Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit, ran a piece Saturday afternoon titled "Interesting Rumor Concerning General Carter Ham and Stand Down Order." This piece is presented as a rumor. It suggests that General Ham was told to stand down from sending aid to Benghazi, that General Ham on his own decided to proceed, and that he was then relieved of his command. Remember, all rumor at this point.


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Oh, sorry, saw a pointless topic and thought I'd pile on, thanks for playing :)

This duck guy is corrupting PPP badly. Not because of his 4th grade level posts, but because normal posters feel some need or obligation to answer his childish babble.

Then it goes back and forth. Thread destroyed. Please quit feeding/enabling/encouraging him.

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Will Obama’s Benghazi Cover-up Succeed?

It might be time for folk to call or write their local news outlets with questions about “what happened in Benghazi September 11?” and “why aren’t you more fully reporting the September 11 events in Benghazi?” — that way we can help ensure the cover-up does not succeed.


#BENGHAZI: “The stunning part of the story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking force. Once the compound was overrun, the attackers were incensed to discover that just two men had inflicted so much death and destruction.” Just think how much could have been accomplished if they’d had the support of their Commander-in-Chief.



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This duck guy is corrupting PPP badly. Not because of his 4th grade level posts, but because normal posters feel some need or obligation to answer his childish babble.

Then it goes back and forth. Thread destroyed. Please quit feeding/enabling/encouraging him.

No, no. I felt no obligation. I'm just bored at work, it's early, and Duck volunteered to get smacked around for my amusement. I feel no more obligation to address him than I do to rub one out in the bathroom stall.

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Obama: Upcoming election has “nothing to do” with #Benghazi murders


That’s what you think, buddy :

President Obama again on Friday defended his administration’s handling of the attack that killed four Americans in Libya, and said he’s not holding back information ahead of Election Day.

The election has nothing to do with four brave Americans getting killed and us wanting to find out exactly what happened
,” Obama said in an interview with KUSA, the NBC affiliate in Denver.

Nobody wants to find out more what happened than I do. But we want to make sure we get it right, particularly because I’ve made a commitment to the families impacted as well as the American people, we’re going to bring those folks to justice,
” he said in one of several interviews with local TV stations in battleground states that he sat for Friday afternoon at Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington.

Pressed twice during the KUSA interview, Obama wouldn’t address
in Benghazi asked for more assistance as the Sept. 11 attack was taking place, and instead stressed that his administration is engaged in a thorough investigation.



What happened here is that President Obama thought he could avoid having to answer any questions about the Benghazi murders by allowing local media affiliates to interview him ahead of the election rather than taking questions from the national media/WH press corps – which he has gotten very clever at avoiding. But KUSA had other plans. My hat is off to them for asking tough questions of this President.


And, yes, we know his administration is using one cheap delay tactic after another to stall on answers for Libya in advance of the election because they want the truth to remain hidden. They want so badly for this to blow over, for the American people to forget. But they wont. Benghazi will impact on how people vote in November. I know the military was pretty solidly in the tank for Mitt Romney to begin with, but I think his and his administration’s callousness and dodginess on this issue may persuade a not so small percentage of those in the military planning on voting for him to either not vote in the Presidential election at all – or to vote for Mitt Romney. Not to mention how it may impact independents, who are already leading Romney in key battleground states.

Edited by B-Man
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This duck guy is corrupting PPP badly. Not because of his 4th grade level posts, but because normal posters feel some need or obligation to answer his childish babble.

Then it goes back and forth. Thread destroyed. Please quit feeding/enabling/encouraging him.

Duck is on ignore. How anyone can defend this piece of **** of a president now is beyond me.

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No, no. I felt no obligation. I'm just bored at work, it's early, and Duck volunteered to get smacked around for my amusement. I feel no more obligation to address him than I do to rub one out in the bathroom stall.

You know you can play solitaire on your computer. The random card draws are FAR more interesting than ducks posts.

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You know you can play solitaire on your computer. The random card draws are FAR more interesting than ducks posts.

My company employs IT Nazis to restrict my computer fun. No Solitaire, no Minesweeper, no streaming video. Hell, I can't even get IMDB. It's a wonder they haven't figured a way to block this site yet.

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My company employs IT Nazis to restrict my computer fun. No Solitaire, no Minesweeper, no streaming video. Hell, I can't even get IMDB. It's a wonder they haven't figured a way to block this site yet.


As a proud member of the IT Nazis, I'd just like to say Sig Heil B*tch :nana:


And my comrades could block TSW anytime they please

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