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Wow, and I thought some of you guys were retarded shills

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Well, ok.

Some of you guys are retarded shills


But at least (to my knowledge) Ducky Dave, pBrain, Conner, etc, haven't gone over the top like this guy:






I saw this earlier and looked into it. That's really Davey, but he was told it would be an Obama thing on his head. Just keeps getting fooled, eh?

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Well, ok.

Some of you guys are retarded shills


But at least (to my knowledge) Ducky Dave, pBrain, Conner, etc, haven't gone over the top like this guy:






How come, as a Ron Paul supporter you decided to become a big Romney supporter? Obama's foreign policy is much more like Pauls than neo-con Romney.

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How come, as a Ron Paul supporter you decided to become a big Romney supporter? Obama's foreign policy is much more like Pauls than neo-con Romney.


Because there's more to backing a politician than following lockstep with everything they say, believe in. But I could understand why you wouldn't get that.

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You know, you're an angry little twit. So dev, the one following the GOP lockstep has a link to Gary Johnson in his sig line. :lol:


Angry? No, you are the angry one. You are the guy I purposely came onto this site to see your angry reaction to the official calling a penalty in Spanish and bingo, like Pavlov's Dog, there you were spewing indignation about it, like you were being victimized again.


And Dev is so far up Mitts hole it takes more that a like to convince me otherwise. I read it wrong anyway, though it said something about a Gay Johnson he liked so I ignored it

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How come, as a Ron Paul supporter you decided to become a big Romney supporter? Obama's foreign policy is much more like Pauls than neo-con Romney.

Considering that President Obama's foreign policy nearly mirrors that of the prior Administration all the way down to using the exact same Iraq draw-down time table, I can't see as how that would be a true statement.
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Angry? No, you are the angry one. You are the guy I purposely came onto this site to see your angry reaction to the official calling a penalty in Spanish and bingo, like Pavlov's Dog, there you were spewing indignation about it, like you were being victimized again.


And Dev is so far up Mitts hole it takes more that a like to convince me otherwise. I read it wrong anyway, though it said something about a Gay Johnson he liked so I ignored it


I tend to do that to your posts

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