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I'll answer your question, even though it's flawed, as this administration doesn't contain many moderate voices. I believe Bill Clinton was as good a President as we've had since Jack Kennedy. I voted for Janet Napolitano when I lived in AZ. I think Tom Vilsac is more than competant, and that Bill Richardson was an excellent governor. I've donated to the political campaigns of many Blue Dog Democrats including Gabby Giffords, but that's rather the point. Those individuals are all moderates who believe in compromise. If you believe hyper-partisanship to be a good thing then you believe in a doctrine of uncompromising obstructionism. When you elect ridgid ideologues with terrible character flaws because of the letter after their name rather than moderates, you tear the nation apart and have opted for a culture rife with corruption and prone to obstructionism in the best times and political violence in the worst.


Elizabeth Warren is in no way so bad that she would embarrass the Democratic Party. She is a fine candidate

Can you speak to the issues I've raised concerning her personal ethics?

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I'll answer your question, even though it's flawed, as this administration doesn't contain many moderate voices. I believe Bill Clinton was as good a President as we've had since Jack Kennedy. I voted for Janet Napolitano when I lived in AZ. I think Tom Vilsac is more than competant, and that Bill Richardson was an excellent governor. I've donated to the political campaigns of many Blue Dog Democrats including Gabby Giffords, but that's rather the point. Those individuals are all moderates who believe in compromise. If you believe hyper-partisanship to be a good thing then you believe in a doctrine of uncompromising obstructionism. When you elect ridgid



Can you speak to the issues I've raised concerning her personal ethics?


So you hate Obama, Biden and Hillary? None of them you like? Seriously????


And you seriously think Warren's ethics are so bad it disqualifies her from office? Sounds like you just like Brown because he's a Republican. So Romney supporting that senate candidate from Indiana isn't bad?


You like Ronald Reagan even though he did Iran COntra???




Elizabeth Warren is in no way so bad that she would embarrass the Democratic Party. She is a fine candidate





That just shows you how far the Democrat Party has sunk.

Posted (edited)
So you hate Obama, Biden and Hillary? None of them you like? Seriously????


I'll take intellectual dishonesty for 500, Alex.


First of all, why would you introduce the word "hate" into the conversation? Hate is for small minded ideologues who toe ridgid party lines rather than supporting centerist compromise and real solution. I disagree with those individuals and believe their partisanship to be destructive (Clinton to a much lesser degree, as most of my issues with her stem from my distaste for political dynasty).


And you seriously think Warren's ethics are so bad it disqualifies her from office?


I think that anyone with glaring and well documented ethical problems is unqualified to hold public office of any sort. Why do you feel differently?


Sounds like you just like Brown because he's a Republican.

I'm going to stop short of questioning your reading comprehension and refer you to this quote:


"On the other you have a pro-choice fiscal conservative, who with his first congressional vote sided with Senate Democrats passing a jobs bill, has sided with President Obama on every single issue surrounding the war in Afghanistan, and very vocally broke with his party voting to repeal Don't Ask; Don't Tell. Infact, being the second most moderate voice in the Senate on either side of the isle, he voted with his party only 54% of the time."


So Romney supporting that senate candidate from Indiana isn't bad?

Why are you constructing strawmen?


You like Ronald Reagan even though he did Iran COntra???

Another strawman.


Why not make an attempt at intellectual honesty and answer the questions I've been asking? I've answered yours in good faith.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker

But you would vote for a Democrat because you are not partisan, right?


Lol, you guys are so funny!


I thought Paul Tsongas had a lot of good points and was a consideration if he made it that far. I've had dems signs in my yard. Around here I'm known as a JFK conservative. Ducky, face it, you're a quak.



I'll take intellectual dishonesty for 500, Alex.


First of going to stop short of questioning your reading comprehension and refer you to this quote:

"On the other you have a pro-choice fiscal conservative, who with his first congressional vote sided with Senate Democrats passing a jobs bill, has sided with President Obama on every single issue surrounding the war in Afghanistan, and very vocally broke with his party voting to repeal Don't Ask; Don't Tell. Infact, being the second most moderate voice in the Senate on either side of the isle, he Why not make an attempt at intellectual honesty and answer the questions I've been asking? I've answered yours in good faith.


I think you need to look in the mirror. Are you supporting any Democrats in the Senate races this year?


Was Reagan worth supporting? Did you think Ronald Reagan was a good president? Do you think Reagan was a good person and an ethical person? Forget the corrupt Iran Contra stuff, I won't bring it up again, aside from that, would you support him?




I thought Paul Tsongas had a lot of good points and was a consideration if he made it that far. I've had dems signs in my yard. Around here I'm known as a JFK conservative. Ducky, face it, you're a quak.


How about this year? Any Dems in the Senate races you support? How about any of the top Dems in the administration?




It's your turn to answer my questions if you'd like this conversation to continue. I've been going at this in good faith, and to this point you haven't. Answer my questions please.


I think you need to look in the mirror. Are you supporting any Democrats in the Senate races this year?


Was Reagan worth supporting? Did you think Ronald Reagan was a good president? Do you think Reagan was a good person and an ethical person? Forget the corrupt Iran Contra stuff, I won't bring it up again, aside from that, would you support him?




How about this year? Any Dems in the Senate races you support? How about any of the top Dems in the administration?



What Republicans do you support?




It's your turn to answer my questions if you'd like this conversation to continue. I've been going at this in good faith, and to this point you haven't. Answer my questions please.


You can claim there are "ethical questions" about almost any candidate, seems like a silly point. Seems like an attempt to find ANY reason not to support the the candidate of the party you are supporting lock, stock and barrel


Now, Reagan?





What Republicans do you support?




You can claim there are "ethical questions" about almost any candidate, seems like a silly point. Seems like an attempt to find ANY reason not to support the the candidate of the party you are supporting lock, stock and barrel


Now, Reagan?






If Jerry Brown changed his affiliation to Republican, would you support him?


You can claim there are "ethical questions" about almost any candidate, seems like a silly point. Seems like an attempt to find ANY reason not to support the the candidate of the party you are supporting lock, stock and barrel


Now, Reagan?

That wasn't an intellectually honest answer, and it didn't correlate to any of the questions I asked. Furthermore, I've asked you more than one question. Go back to the post I made describing the records of both Warren and Brown and respond to my larger point about the merits of leadership and compromise as opposed to hyper-partisan divides.



That wasn't an intellectually honest answer, and it didn't correlate to any of the questions I asked. Furthermore, I've asked you more than one question. Go back to the post I made describing the records of both Warren and Brown and respond to my larger point about the merits of leadership and compromise as opposed to hyper-partisan divides.


So basically you are a blind Conservative who supports all Conservatives no matter what and you criticize liberal that support liberals. Hypocrite?

So basically you are a blind Conservative who supports all Conservatives no matter what and you criticize liberal that support liberals. Hypocrite?

I think that anyone reading this thread knows that what you just said is a gigantic crock of ****. Why can't you have discussions in good faith? Why can't you go an entire thread without throwing out ad hom attacks when I've done nothing but extend you an olive branch? Why do you insist on mischaracterizing my argument? Why won't you address my argument? Why won't you be intellectually honest?


I think that anyone reading this thread knows that what you just said is a gigantic crock of ****. Why can't you have discussions in good faith? Why can't you go an entire thread without throwing out ad hom attacks when I've done nothing but extend you an olive branch? Why do you insist on mischaracterizing my argument? Why won't you address my argument? Why won't you be intellectually honest?


Damn, Tasker you are smarter than this. You're actually arguing with Conner's twin, the one that had the chord wrapped around his oxygen source?


Damn, Tasker you are smarter than this. You're actually arguing with Conner's twin, the one that had the chord wrapped around his oxygen source?

I'm giving him an opportunity. What he chooses to do with it is up to him.
Posted (edited)

Bill Nelson v. Connie Mack


Fla Senate Race


There's a race a reasonable Repub could vote Dem. Nelson ain't bad, and Mack is a complete retard.


And of all the Repubs up...Scott Brown is clearly on the more likable. Of course the GOP has a knack for making that basically the same as winning the special Olympics but it's still saying something.


Bottom line is you don't want people who sign on to partisan quests to destroy people politically in December of 2008 when the country is in free fall...the idea that you can just sit on the sidelines and B word and not play and know that if the other side fixes it you'll get reelected b/c things are good and if they don't you resume power...that's the highlight of partisan hackery. I'm looking at you Mitch Mcconnell and Eric Cantor...and btw I'll throw Issa in there too just b/c the guy is about as transparently partisan as he could be. Of course there are partisan civilians (on this board) who look at this paragraph and say either 1) it isn't true (it is) or 2) that's brilliant (this is the saddest response).




EDIT: And just to toss a Dem under the buss for a transparent attempt to be moderate...Mcconnell may have publicly declared their goal was a 1 term presidency...but Pelosi declared her goal was to elect more democrats when she gained the majority. So ...I'm willing to toss her to the wolves she deserves it.


Then again it isn't what you say, it's if you work in good faith w/ the goal of reaching an agreement. There are tons of people who should to tossed out. Although it really comes down to the party powers who set the tone and whip everyone into line.

Edited by TheNewBills

And of course btw, Scott Brown will probably go down b/c his public reputation is basically the partisan stone on the scale that pushed the GOP bloc over the edge in the ACA showdown, probably the most politically heated event of the last few years...plus he's in a Dem state...so he'll be tied to the party either way...no matter how independent he tries to pitch himself as. And I dont' even really follow this race or know about Brown but you can see that from 10,000ft.


So you hate Obama, Biden and Hillary? None of them you like? Seriously????


And you seriously think Warren's ethics are so bad it disqualifies her from office? Sounds like you just like Brown because he's a Republican. So Romney supporting that senate candidate from Indiana isn't bad?


You like Ronald Reagan even though he did Iran COntra???

I like Reagan BECAUSE Iran Contra... Actually, no. I like Lt. Col. North because of Iran Contra.


I don't like Warren personally. I'd probably vote Brown if I lived there....

Brown is a reasonable vote for Mass-of-taxus.


Nelson is a dinosaur. I wish he would have had a Dem challenger. But, no. I vote Mack.

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