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Presidential Election predictors thread

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Just a thread for any things you've heard that when they happen can predict the election. For example....




The Redskins play the Panthers the weekend before, so if they lose, Romney wins.




Also, since I started voting back in 1988, only once have I voted for the winner, a record of 1-5. And I know who I'm voting for, already sent in my absentee ballot.




Any others?

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I'm 0-5. Mitt probably wants me to stay home.

LOL -- never thought of it that way before. I won my first 3 in the 80s but am 1-3 since with a no vote in 2000.



But the only numbers I consider official come from the illustrious RCow.

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Predicting the Presidential Election with Baseball


Can the Winner of the World Series Predict the Presidential Election?




I don't know why I've bothered with all my polls/Silver analysis. All we needed to know is right here.






So, the Panthers won, and Detroit lost, so it's a toss up?

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So, the Panthers won, and Detroit lost, so it's a toss up?

Go outside, throw salt over your shoulder, and knock on wood. The very last thing we need is 269-269...and a Romney/Biden election.

Or a split decision. Very good chance that Obama wins Electoral vote and Romney wins the Popular

Silence frog! :lol:

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