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Question for you swing-state residents out there

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A guy on the radio this morning was talking about the election, and he said that one of the advantages of living in a "decided" state like Texas is that you won't be pounded to death by Obama/Romney commercials/phone calls/supporters. And this is quite true, because I have not seen one campaign commercial on TV during local news or shows.


I was wondering, though, what it is like for you people who live in the swing states, like Florida/Ohio/etc. How bad is the saturation of ads and supporters, and can you get away from it?

Edited by \GoBillsInDallas/
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It's completely fine and I would rather have ads/competitive campaigning than not. Also got a Nielsen journal w/ $30 bucks enclosed to start filing out this Thursday for the next 10 days...idk if it has anything to do with the election but it is timed perfectly to figure out what ads I get exposed to. So really you just feel like you are important.

Edited by TheNewBills
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Virginia. I get 2-4 political calls daily, and that's only from the ones leaving messages. probably more.


Most TV shows commercials are now 2-3 political ads with 1 product ad for every minute of commercials.


It's pretty bad. Between Obama, Romney, Kaine and Allen, plus all the congress critters. We also get all the ads on TV and radio for the stuff in maryland which have several big agenda items and some contest where it's a dem-rep and ind race.

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Vote yes/no on prop 10000


They've started something new here for local seats that you vote your top three. Well one of the seats (some local judge thing I think) only had two choices. So first choice for one, second choice for the other and third choice I wrote in "Snoopy" Oh yes I did.

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I stopped answering my phone a couple weeks ago. If they don't leave a voicemail I ignore it

Mute the commercials


2 weeks it will all be over :w00t:


Same here on both your points. What gets me about the PAC commercials is they are complete BS.


Anyone that knows me will call my cell so I also don't answer the land line.

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It was that primitive type of communication device from way back in history, the 1970's. It replaced smoke signals.


Reminds me of a Zits cartoon where Jeremy says he wants to invent a coiled plastic cord to attach to his cell phone that he can attatch to the wall so he won't lose his phone anymore. :lol:

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