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Tonights cage match, Romney vs Obama 3

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CNN: Obama’s plan not “significantly new,” just same old stuff repackaged.

“Reporting the release of the new Obama agenda two weeks out from the election, CNN’s Jessica Yellin came out visibly annoyed: "There’s not anything significantly new in here, it’s just all compiled in a nice booklet now.’






(1) Stay the course (more of the same);

(2) and besides, everything is hunky dory and getting better each day!! [insert rainbows and unicorns here].


It can be summed up in one word (sound): Cha-ching!!!




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The funny part is: now the trolls are loose, and talking about bayonets and that the Marines still have them. :lol:


It will be interesting to see if, in a week, NewBills still doesn't have a clue why nobody cares about his point, and why nobody will take it seriously.

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I... I guess I just don't understand why anyone would object to reading posts more than a few sentences long. It is exceedingly rare that anyone here makes any sort of "point" here that isn't 100% smoke and mirrors, a rehashed partisan talking point, an obvious troll, blatant snark or dickery, or some sort of half-assed attempt to pile onto some dumb bastard who has already lost an argument to a more skilled poster.


Those drive-by bull **** posts are the ones you clowns find value in? Not the well reasoned ones which are crafted in ways that address all of the points being made in a credible fashion? Seriously?


No wonder the level of discourse here is so shabby.

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CNN: Obama’s plan not “significantly new,” just same old stuff repackaged.

“Reporting the release of the new Obama agenda two weeks out from the election, CNN’s Jessica Yellin came out visibly annoyed: "There’s not anything significantly new in here, it’s just all compiled in a nice booklet now.’


Does anyone find this a very bizarre time to release a 'formal' plan?

Regardless of content (pro or con), and as a Romney supporter, I see it as a 'good' thing. It comes off like arriving in the 8th inning of a baseball game.....where you are the manager.

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THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN: Brought to you by the letter “B”:




1st debate: Big Bird


1.5th debate: Biden


2nd debate: Binders


3rd debate: Bayonets






Fixed it for you. You forgot one. ;)

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I... I guess I just don't understand why anyone would object to reading posts more than a few sentences long. It is exceedingly rare that anyone here makes any sort of "point" here that isn't 100% smoke and mirrors, a rehashed partisan talking point, an obvious troll, blatant snark or dickery, or some sort of half-assed attempt to pile onto some dumb bastard who has already lost an argument to a more skilled poster.


Those drive-by bull **** posts are the ones you clowns find value in? Not the well reasoned ones which are crafted in ways that address all of the points being made in a credible fashion? Seriously?


No wonder the level of discourse here is so shabby.

But remember, the reason I do it is either expediency, or, trolling. :lol:


I can't fix the level of discourse here, since so many intellectually dishonest posters come and go. There's no point in going one point at a time with them...might as well throw 10 points at them and crush them immediately.


If you want to improve it, talk to the people who won't even concede the obvious, if it means the right did something right, like NewBills here.


What I can do: troll the clowns, while at the same time writing things that you may like.


But remember, most of the time it's designed to make somebody do a lot of reading...looking for a mistake. The best is when I put them in on purpose, and they don't find them. :lol: And, when they cry about long posts...but quote things I left in the middle for them, it's all lulz.

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I... I guess I just don't understand why anyone would object to reading posts more than a few sentences long. It is exceedingly rare that anyone here makes any sort of "point" here that isn't 100% smoke and mirrors, a rehashed partisan talking point, an obvious troll, blatant snark or dickery, or some sort of half-assed attempt to pile onto some dumb bastard who has already lost an argument to a more skilled poster.


Those drive-by bull **** posts are the ones you clowns find value in? Not the well reasoned ones which are crafted in ways that address all of the points being made in a credible fashion? Seriously?






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Those drive-by bull **** posts are the ones you clowns find value in? Not the well reasoned ones which are crafted in ways that address all of the points being made in a credible fashion? Seriously?


No wonder the level of discourse here is so shabby.


Blame it on pyrite-gal.

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CNN: Obama’s plan not “significantly new,” just same old stuff repackaged.

“Reporting the release of the new Obama agenda two weeks out from the election, CNN’s Jessica Yellin came out visibly annoyed: "There’s not anything significantly new in here, it’s just all compiled in a nice booklet now.’

Once again, it's behavior, not polls, that tell the story. Romney has hit him hard on not having a plan.


If it wasn't working...we wouldn't see these booklets. :lol:


Now, I don't blame them for their booklets. What else are they supposed to do? They have take a whole lot of money from Hollywood. They better do something. The "positive Obama ads" are an unknown qty. The booklet is a tangible deliverable...always a smart thing to give a nervous client.


But, I do stuff like this when I'm jumping into somebody's crisis mode, or all out panic. :lol:

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I, for one, am furious that neither candidate addressed the ongoing intergalactic struggle being waged in the Pacific ocean off the coast of San Francisco.

Me too.


Though, the careful observer would note that Obama did mention weaponizing space. That's a HUGE mistake.

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