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This is what is wrong with the world today... you're qualifying to excuse a criminal act. Is it grand larceny? No. But those packs of gum by the checkout line only cost 2 bucks -- go ahead, put 'em in your pocket. They wouldn't just be out there in the open if the store owner didn't want you to help yourself to them.


He's not asking to watch a TV show. He's asking to illegally stream a piece of IP that doesn't belong to him. DVR is a paid service that is a part of all licensing deals -- the artists and producers are compensated for their efforts.



Have you wondered why the cost of cable and DTV has skyrocketed? It's all related, thinking that stealing one episode doesn't matter is one thing, but being naive to the impact it has on a larger scale is just silly.

1.99 is not a lot to pay for the convenience of watching it on demand. I with you tgreg. Someone paid to have movies,shows music produced. It's no different than any other product that is produced for resale. There is a guy I work with that offers me his hard drive al the time filled with the newest movies. I always refuse it. It really is an self entitled generation. No wonder it's easy to demand free healthcare, condoms or anything else

Edited by Dante
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This is what is wrong with the world today... you're qualifying to excuse a criminal act. Is it grand larceny? No. But those packs of gum by the checkout line only cost 2 bucks -- go ahead, put 'em in your pocket. They wouldn't just be out there in the open if the store owner didn't want you to help yourself to them.


He's not asking to watch a TV show. He's asking to illegally stream a piece of IP that doesn't belong to him. DVR is a paid service that is a part of all licensing deals -- the artists and producers are compensated for their efforts.



Have you wondered why the cost of cable and DTV has skyrocketed? It's all related, thinking that stealing one episode doesn't matter is one thing, but being naive to the impact it has on a larger scale is just silly.


How do you KNOW he is looking to illegally stream show? There are plenty of places you can watch TV shows on line for free.

I watch a number of shows on hulu as an example and they include current season shows


Thou protest too much! Guilty conscious?

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And stealing off pirate sites causes those cable bill to go up, in turn making the people who don't steal have to pay even more.


Stealing is stealing is stealing. It's wrong, unethical and immoral. Doesn't matter if it's a TV show or a car.






Edited by DrDareustein
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