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Thought I would update this thread now that I've finally gained a foothold.


So I ended up relapsing hard not long after I started this thread...it wasn't so much because I just couldn't put down the pop, it was mostly the convenience factor. Well, that's all changed...


At the end of July I decided it was time to make another effort and this time it's really taken hold. My current regime is plain ice water, crystal light peach tea, and skim milk. I was at the doc yesterday and I've already lost 12lb without making any changes at all to my diet. I feel SO much better. It's pretty scary, cause I have two gallon-sized pitchers that I use to mix up my crystal light. I realized by the following day that I had already drank one entire pitcher. I then figured out how many empty calories that WOULD have been in the form of pop, and it blew my mind.


So as of today, I cannot tolerate any sugary beverages at all. I'm peeing like a champ, I never feel bloated after a meal like I used to, and I'm actually feeling as if my thirst is truly being quenched when I reach for any of the three choices mentioned above. I've really re-discovered my love for a nice cold glass of skim milk...I used to drink milk like crazy as a kid, so it has that nostalgia aspect, as well. But a nice cold glass of that and a banana is one hell of a satisfying snack.


The next step will be to make small changes to portion sizes and to become more active. Hoping to be back down to my fighting weight by my birthday next year by making small, meaningful changes.


But I really think I'm done with the sugary stuff...it almost makes me sick to my stomach now that I've detoxed from it. This is the first time in probably fifteen years that I didn't even have a single can of Coke in the fridge.

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