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Face Licking Dogs Spread Disease: Do You Care?


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That small a sample size and wide infection % margins leave a lot to be desired, scientifically speaking. It's also limited to Japan.


Not saying there's nothing to it, but... stevestojan! you gotta live your life.


And for me, a life without a dog is soulless. Literally. I took a 3-year break after our last died of the C-word in 2008 and it was a mostly joyless time, looking back. Kinda like "Doctor Who" with a hot female companion, I've learned that for my mental health, I should not be without a canine best buddy. Come with it what it may....

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We have a dog too - he's pretty cool, although I sort of prefer cats because they're lower maintenance (you want to go out with friends after work, no problem. With a dog, you really can't without going home to let him out first). I'm also not a fan of the face licking -- luckily ours doesn't do that very often.


Other than that though, I guess they're pretty cool. Ours was a rescue as well - they found him wandering around the city and he looked like a ball of fur (don't have a picture of that here at work). Wife fell in love instantly and it turned out the dog was only put on the floor for adoption that day. When we brought him home, it turned out that he was already pretty well trained. He knew to paw the door when he had to go out, and he knew a bunch of commands - sit, down, stay, kennel, drop it, leave it, and probably a few others I'm forgetting. To this day we have no idea why anyone would've let him go - only thing we can think of is that since it happened at the start of the housing collapse, the owners may have had to move into a place that didn't take dogs.


Here's a couple of pictures:




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Fez, my little boy isn't a kissy-face either. But... are you actually suggesting that dogs are more high-maintenance than cats? Sacrilege!

Dogs are WAY higher maintenance than cats. Try leaving a dog home by himself for 2-3 days. Not good. Now try the same with a cat. No problem!


(not trying to turn this into a dog vs cat debate, but nobody can argue that a dog is less maintenance than a cat :lol: )

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