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67th Annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner


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You aren't even a !@#$ing retard. You should aspire to being a !@#$ing retard. Right now, you just give !@#$ing retards a bad name.


EVERYONE dislikes you. Even the people who would nominally agree with your politics wish you would stop embarrassing them by association. They've actually posted such. If you pulled your head out of your ass long enough to read what anyone else posted, you'd know how much of an embarrassing twerp you actually are.




(And next time I'm down in Norfolk, we have to have a beer together. At this point, we need to prove to each other than neither of us is as bad as we post. :lol:)


I've had a beer with you and you are much worse than you post.

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For a guy known for his results rather than his oratory, Romney had really good comedic timing there.


Obama... wow. I'm not saying this just to be contrarian to everything O and this has no bearing on the election, but Obama's delivery was way off and overall just a slow gait. He really looks tired.

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For a guy known for his results rather than his oratory, Romney had really good comedic timing there.


Obama... wow. I'm not saying this just to be contrarian to everything O and this has no bearing on the election, but Obama's delivery was way off and overall just a slow gait. He really looks tired.


Romney...he really does. He reminded me vaguely of Johnny Carson in his delivery. Obama's speech patterns are just too slow and hesitant for comedy. If the whole President thing doesn't work out, Romney's got a far better future in comedy.


Al Smith IV was pretty damn vicious with Obama, too. I was surprised.



Full video: http://www.c-span.org/Campaign2012/Events/67th-Annual-Alfred-E-Smith-Memorial-Foundation-Dinner/10737435020-2/


I like the way Obama occasionally gets a look like "Yeah, that was funny...I wonder if I can order the CIA to kill him..." while Romney is talking.

Edited by DC Tom
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You aren't even a !@#$ing retard. You should aspire to being a !@#$ing retard. Right now, you just give !@#$ing retards a bad name.


EVERYONE dislikes you. Even the people who would nominally agree with your politics wish you would stop embarrassing them by association. They've actually posted such. If you pulled your head out of your ass long enough to read what anyone else posted, you'd know how much of an embarrassing twerp you actually are.




(And next time I'm down in Norfolk, we have to have a beer together. At this point, we need to prove to each other than neither of us is as bad as we post. :lol:)


Tom, you have such a way with words, but the term "retard", is one that went out in the 70s, and is demeaning to the reality of those who truly are...


Why might you ask?? Because people came to realize, it was a term only idiots and morons used against people they disagreed with.

What does it mean after all?? Slow??? Right???

I have one that is near and dear to me, that you would call "retarded", but in my own life, he never, ever fails to show me how ignorant I am. Me... with a 138 IQ.... Can learn so much from this "retarded" young man, and I do, every single day of my life...


Yes, he's slow... But I can give him a math problem, most of you need a calculator for, and he can do it, on paper, I'd bet, within seconds of how long it took you to turn the calculator on...


Heck, he watches the news, and could tell you, verbatim, what Obama said not only last night, but after a moment to collect his thoughts, I bet he could recite PBOs acceptance speech 4 years ago....


This "retard", is my baby brother.... A much better man than you, or I, can ever hope to be...


One time I'll ask.... quit abusing that word... It only shows how ignorant WE are....

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I think that among the best side benefits of algore's invention is the transference of "retarded" from the vernacular slams on the mentally challenged to the appropriate use on the morons and idiots. Nobody would call your brother retarded now, as it would be an insult to associate him with DiN .

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I think that among the best side benefits of algore's invention is the transference of "retarded" from the vernacular slams on the mentally challenged to the appropriate use on the morons and idiots. Nobody would call your brother retarded now, as it would be an insult to associate him with DiN .


and your wrong... it's in fact, even worse today than it was years ago, with not only the expected, children, deriding someone who is "challenged", but the adults are even worse most times.... People that know better, like Tom....


I know, I live it WITH my brother, every day....

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Tom, you have such a way with words, but the term "retard", is one that went out in the 70s, and is demeaning to the reality of those who truly are...


Why might you ask?? Because people came to realize, it was a term only idiots and morons used against people they disagreed with.

What does it mean after all?? Slow??? Right???

I have one that is near and dear to me, that you would call "retarded", but in my own life, he never, ever fails to show me how ignorant I am. Me... with a 138 IQ.... Can learn so much from this "retarded" young man, and I do, every single day of my life...


Yes, he's slow... But I can give him a math problem, most of you need a calculator for, and he can do it, on paper, I'd bet, within seconds of how long it took you to turn the calculator on...


Heck, he watches the news, and could tell you, verbatim, what Obama said not only last night, but after a moment to collect his thoughts, I bet he could recite PBOs acceptance speech 4 years ago....


This "retard", is my baby brother.... A much better man than you, or I, can ever hope to be...


One time I'll ask.... quit abusing that word... It only shows how ignorant WE are....


Hey, GG's right. The word "retard" has morphed into a description of the truly ignorant people who may or may not have an average IQ or above. In other words, guys like DiN. From your description your brother sounds more like he is "different" and may be slow in certain areas but pretty damn smart in others. Regardless, your brother is not "retarded" in today's sense of the word.

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Tom, you have such a way with words, but the term "retard", is one that went out in the 70s, and is demeaning to the reality of those who truly are...


Why might you ask?? Because people came to realize, it was a term only idiots and morons used against people they disagreed with.

What does it mean after all?? Slow??? Right???

I have one that is near and dear to me, that you would call "retarded", but in my own life, he never, ever fails to show me how ignorant I am. Me... with a 138 IQ.... Can learn so much from this "retarded" young man, and I do, every single day of my life...


Yes, he's slow... But I can give him a math problem, most of you need a calculator for, and he can do it, on paper, I'd bet, within seconds of how long it took you to turn the calculator on...


Heck, he watches the news, and could tell you, verbatim, what Obama said not only last night, but after a moment to collect his thoughts, I bet he could recite PBOs acceptance speech 4 years ago....


This "retard", is my baby brother.... A much better man than you, or I, can ever hope to be...


One time I'll ask.... quit abusing that word... It only shows how ignorant WE are....

This is an impassioned plea, and one that I find to be more than reasonable. I'll certainly honor it from this point forward.

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and your wrong... it's in fact, even worse today than it was years ago, with not only the expected, children, deriding someone who is "challenged", but the adults are even worse most times.... People that know better, like Tom....


I know, I live it WITH my brother, every day....


There is no way no how that the disabled, the challenged, or whatever term you want to use to describe people with innate mental or physical disabilities are treated worse now then they were a generation ago. You're close to it now, but trust me you'd feel much worse about society 30 yes ago.

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Hey, GG's right. The word "retard" has morphed into a description of the truly ignorant people who may or may not have an average IQ or above. In other words, guys like DiN. From your description your brother sounds more like he is "different" and may be slow in certain areas but pretty damn smart in others. Regardless, your brother is not "retarded" in today's sense of the word.

Actually, I agree with Cinga here now that he's made me think about it. It is taking a cultural descriptor and turning into a perjorative, which is unnecessarily hurtful and unintentionally (usually) bigoted towards those to whom the descriptor actually applies. It's really no different than calling something that is stupid and undesirable "gay". Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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Actually, I agree with Cinga here now that he's made me think about it. It is taking a cultural descriptor and turning into a perjorative, which is unnecessarily hurtful and unintentionally (usually) bigoted towards those to whom the descriptor actually applies. It's really no different than calling something that is stupid and undesirable "gay".


You know, "retarded" has never been in my lexicon, so I obviously have no problem not using it. I was just saying that Cinga shouldn't take it personal since others (like DCTom) have a different definition of the word. As much as it sticks in my craw to defend DC, I don't think his use of the word was any more malicious than his normal everyday sniping at retards from his imaginary balcony.

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You know, "retarded" has never been in my lexicon, so I obviously have no problem not using it. I was just saying that Cinga shouldn't take it personal since others (like DCTom) have a different definition of the word. As much as it sticks in my craw to defend DC, I don't think his use of the word was any more malicious than his normal everyday sniping at retards from his imaginary balcony.

Oh, I never meant to imply that anyone had, has, or will have malicious intent; my contention is simply that I think Cinga has made the better argument, and that I plan to honor his wishes and hope that others will follow suit. That's all.
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Oh, I never meant to imply that anyone had, has, or will have malicious intent; my contention is simply that I think Cinga has made the better argument, and that I plan to honor his wishes and hope that others will follow suit. That's all.


I will honor Cinga's wishes too, but that concession is equivalent to Mitt Romney giving up alcohol for lent.

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Actually, I agree with Cinga here now that he's made me think about it. It is taking a cultural descriptor and turning into a perjorative, which is unnecessarily hurtful and unintentionally (usually) bigoted towards those to whom the descriptor actually applies. It's really no different than calling something that is stupid and undesirable "gay".


But it's the opposite. Retarded was never a cultural descriptor. It was never a medical term. Its use towards people has always been a pejorative, and from my vantage point, I'm glad that it's finally being used at the people who truly deserve the title.

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