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Personally, I think the "optimal" thing really only shows one thing: Obama is on cruise control. When journalists or TV people like Stewart ask interview questions, they tend to use words they want the person being interviewed to repeat.


Q - "Do you thin xyz was catastrophic?"


A - "I think in some ways it could appear catastrophic."


Headline: XYZ appears "CATASTROPHIC."


Most people frequently interviewed are aware of this, and usually only fall for it when they are just cruising through the interview. Obama on "The Daily Show " is like Romney being interviewed by Sean Hannity. It's home cooking, so being on cruise control is somewhat expected.


The "optimal" meme is kind of stupid, but it's no surprise for a guy who, I'm starting to suspect, is just not up for the hard part of governing. He wants it all JayZ and Clooney all the time, and things like a murdered ambaassador is really not that important to him. Which is why he's stupid enough to think he can save his ass on Libya by appearing on a Comedy Central TV show.

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Posted (edited)

The mother of an American diplomat killed during a terrorist raid on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi has hit out at Barack Obama for describing the attack as 'not optimal', saying: 'My son is not very optimal - he is also very dead





I've seen an interview with her before. She's grieving for sure, but she definitely acts like the president was baby sitting her 10 year old and let him fall down stairs.


In any event, if someone asks u if security was optimal and u say what obama said...that's called no big deal. This topic is pathetic

Edited by TheNewBills



I've seen an interview with her before. She's grieving for sure, but she definitely acts like the president was baby sitting her 10 year old and let him fall down stairs.


In any event, if someone asks u if security was optimal and u say what obama said...that's called no big deal. This topic is pathetic


Would it still be a pathetic topic if Bush was in office?


Oh, the irony! "Binders full of women" is the takeaway from the last debate, but Barry parroting "optimal" is being nit-picky. :rolleyes:


The mother of an American diplomat killed during a terrorist raid on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi has hit out at Barack Obama for describing the attack as 'not optimal', saying: 'My son is not very optimal - he is also very dead





You know, when you divorce yourself from the situation, it is easy to fall into the comment I made above. It kind of turns into an abstract. And that may be exactly what Obama was talking about --- in the abstract. But as President, in a situation like this, you can't deal in abstracts when talking about dead people, especially dead people who are dead because of a failing of the bureaucracy you head.


That is an actual person who died, and their family is entitled to be pissed, especially in a sleight (however small or unintentional) like this.


I can pardon it as stupid word choice. But the family is the one feeling this and their opinions matter most.

Posted (edited)

I don't have to see the tape, I know it's a ..."yes John, clearly that's not optimal" thing.


Might as well have said "Ya think?" Same meaning. Better words.


There's plenty to get on Obama about besides "not optimal".


And the "binder" thing has now done more for the S&M crowd than a super bowl commercial. :lol: Perhaps that's the real agenda here? Liberals are trying to support alternative lifestyles...by constantly positing a metaphor where none exists...that provokes thoughts of doing nasty things to women?


Is this the residual, 50 Shades of Grey, effect still lingering? :lol: Do they still have that on their minds? :lol:


I'm heading to the bar. Perhaps I will troll around and ask women if they want to see my binders, or better, just make them aware that I have them? "Btw, I do have some very nice binders, and I enjoy putting women in them". :lol: Yes, of course I shall. This should be fun....

Edited by OCinBuffalo

In all fairness, I heard that Jon Stewart asked him a question that included Stewart bringing up the question about it being optimal. That's when Obama said it wasn't optimal. I'd wait until I heard the conversation and put it in context before judging.



Posted (edited)

Oh, the irony! "Binders full of women" is the takeaway from the last debate, but Barry parroting "optimal" is being nit-picky. :rolleyes:


Binders full of women ...is also stupid. So what exactly is your point? That every time something stupid comes up against your candidate instead of actually thinking it's stupid you are just mad and waiting for your own stupid thing to go on about?

Edited by TheNewBills



Binders full of women ...is also stupid. So what exactly is your point? That every time something stupid comes up against your candidate instead of actually thinking it's stupid you are just mad and waiting for your own stupid thing to go on about?


Except this wasn't anything stupid against Romney. Neither was "optimal" against Obama. I don't think you want to debate this.


Binders full of women ...is also stupid. So what exactly is your point? That every time something stupid comes up against your candidate instead of actually thinking it's stupid you are just mad and waiting for your own stupid thing to go on about?

For the life of me, I can't figure out what was so stupid about Romney's "binders full of women" comment. To me it was manufactured outrage because, again, libs have nothing substantive to slam Romney over.


However saying "if four Americans get killed it is not optimal," is much more stupid, even if Stewart was the one to use the word. What he should have have said was "if four Americans get killed it is a tragedy" or something similar. In an effort to continue the illusion that having been elected and taking out UBL are the reasons "Al Qaeda is on the run" and "we're winning the war on terror," Barry is losing the people with his lies and poor word choice ("bumps in the road" and the above).


What’s Not Optimal

  • Having a president who perpetuates a falsehood to the American people about the cause of a terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of four Americans.
  • Having a president who uses $70,000 of taxpayers’ money to promote that falsehood on Pakistani television.
  • Having a president who broadcasts that falsehood to the world using the megaphone of a speech before the U.N. General Assembly.
  • Having a president who repeats the falsehood in front of the caskets of the four Americans killed in Benghazi.
  • Having a president who will casually wreak havoc on the life of an obscure video producer to protect that falsehood.
  • Having a president who, before a television audience of 65 million Americans, evades answering the question of “who denied enhanced security” to the consulate in Benghazi.
  • Having a president who feigns offense at the suggestion his machinations regarding the Benghazi debacle may have a political component.
  • Having a president who believes killing bin Laden constitutes a foreign policy.
  • Having a president who projects confusion, weakness, and diffidence to our enemies.


Posted (edited)

Oh, the irony! "Binders full of women" is the takeaway from the last debate, but Barry parroting "optimal" is being nit-picky. :rolleyes:


I agree, the whole "binders full of women" thing is really silly...the words...as if Romney somehow accidentally admitted to the world he was a serial killer. What is more puzzling about the "binders full of women" thing, is not those words on their own, but the question being answered when they came up. Romney made it sound as though he had never met a competent woman, and he and his staff had to dig for them... but it sounds as though he appointed a many women (as many, or more, than anyone in his position at the time) under political pressure from women's interest groups. But, that was back in his liberal leaning Republican days...they passed weeks ago!


The "optimal" thing is stupid too. As much as you loathe Obama, I am sure, if you saw the complete interview, and were being fair minded, you would agree that much is being made about nothing here.


I can't wait for the election to be over....whatever happens...we need to move beyond all this silliness... it is more depressing than anything. And, I will agree, Dems have been every bit as guilty throughout this campaign. It's all just juvenile.

Edited by Buftex

For the life of me, I can't figure out what was so stupid about Romney's "binders full of women" comment. To me it was manufactured outrage because, again, libs have nothing substantive to slam Romney over.


However saying "if four Americans get killed it is not optimal," is much more stupid, even if Stewart was the one to use the word. What he should have have said was "if four Americans get killed it is a tragedy" or something similar. In an effort to continue the illusion that having been elected and taking out UBL are the reasons "Al Qaeda is on the run" and "we're winning the war on terror," Barry is losing the people with his lies and poor word choice ("bumps in the road" and the above).


When I say it's stupid there, I mean it's stupid for people to think it's anything...not that it is actually stupid. Both are stupid "to care about" plain and simple.


I agree, the whole "binders full of women" thing is really silly...the words...as if Romney somehow accidentally admitted to the world he was a serial killer. What is more puzzling about the "binders full of women" thing, is not those words on their own, but the question being answered when they came up. Romney made it sound as though he had never met a competent woman, and he and his staff had to dig for them... but it sounds as though he appointed a many women (as many, or more, than anyone in his position at the time) under political pressure from women's interest groups. But, that was back in his liberal leaning Republican days...they passed weeks ago!


The "optimal" thing is stupid too. As much as you loathe Obama, I am sure, if you saw the complete interview, and were being fair minded, you would agree that much is being made about nothing here.


I can't wait for the election to be over....whatever happens...we need to move beyond all this silliness... it is more depressing than anything. And, I will agree, Dems have been every bit as guilty throughout this campaign. It's all just juvenile.


WRT "binders" is this more of a New England word? It means a notebook to keep a collection of papers --- and in using it, Romney was saying he got a bunch of resumes of qualified women for his administration in MA. .... You know, during the debate, I kind of flashed on that old Calvin & Hobbes comic strip series where Calvin submitted a shoddy one-paragraph book report that he expected to get an A on it from Mrs. Wormwood because it was in "a clear professional plastic binder." I gotta admit that I was a little nonplussed when people the next few days were bringing up "binder" in some kind of sadomasichism toy sense. Again, is it New England word? I don't know.


WRt the substance of the answer... well, here. Read this: http://douthat.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/10/19/binders-full-of-women-and-the-partisan-mind/


While it didn't become 50-50 on his watch, Romney's administration hired significantly more women than previous MA governors'. It's not something that can be changed / equalized overnight. He did hire a number of women in prominent posts in his cabinet / directors. You can't dispute that. You can be a skeptic and say it was 'political pressure' and whatever other excuses you want to come up with for why he did the right thing, but... he did the right thing. And he'll do the right thing as president.


You know, admittedly, he kind of whiffed on the question. If he didn't support the Lily Ledbetter legislation, he should have said why. I think it's probably because it falls on any employee to have some idea of their value to a company and to demand that value. Twenty or thirty years ago, it might have a point. But this day and age, we have computers and an amazing breadth of and access to information. If you look up your job's comparative salaries/wages and see that it's not in line with what you should be earning, then you talk to your boss and/or send out resumes. That's how it works. But from the hiring side, of course employers are going to try to get help for as cheap as they can --- for anyone, regardless of gender. Same way people take the cheapest bid for designing their kitchen or plowing their driveways. Is it fair? Maybe not. But it's incumbent on people to take some interest on what they're worth, and not sit in the same job for 20-30 years, never look into it, and assume they're getting paid equally. I don't think we really need to or ought to legislate and add more bureacracy for something that people should be doing their damn selves.


Romney also whiffed that question in the sense that he didn't point out Obama's hypocrisy on the Lily Lebetter Act. It was reported some time ago that women working in the Obama White House --- right then, after LLA was signed sealed and delivered--- are making less money for the same job title as men! Some women were making $60K compared to men making $71K for the same exact job in 2011. So, with all due respect (... and it's not much) Obama can take his speechifying on 'equal pay' and shove it up his *.




WRT "binders" is this more of a New England word? It means a notebook to keep a collection of papers --- and in using it, Romney was saying he got a bunch of resumes of qualified women for his administration in MA. .... You know, during the debate, I kind of flashed on that old Calvin & Hobbes comic strip series where Calvin submitted a shoddy one-paragraph book report that he expected to get an A on it from Mrs. Wormwood because it was in "a clear professional plastic binder." I gotta admit that I was a little nonplussed when people the next few days were bringing up "binder" in some kind of sadomasichism toy sense. Again, is it New England word? I don't know.


WRt the substance of the answer... well, here. Read this: http://douthat.blogs...-partisan-mind/


While it didn't become 50-50 on his watch, Romney's administration hired significantly more women than previous MA governors'. It's not something that can be changed / equalized overnight. He did hire a number of women in prominent posts in his cabinet / directors. You can't dispute that. You can be a skeptic and say it was 'political pressure' and whatever other excuses you want to come up with for why he did the right thing, but... he did the right thing. And he'll do the right thing as president.


You know, admittedly, he kind of whiffed on the question. If he didn't support the Lily Ledbetter legislation, he should have said why. I think it's probably because it falls on any employee to have some idea of their value to a company and to demand that value. Twenty or thirty years ago, it might have a point. But this day and age, we have computers and an amazing breadth of and access to information. If you look up your job's comparative salaries/wages and see that it's not in line with what you should be earning, then you talk to your boss and/or send out resumes. That's how it works. But from the hiring side, of course employers are going to try to get help for as cheap as they can --- for anyone, regardless of gender. Same way people take the cheapest bid for designing their kitchen or plowing their driveways. Is it fair? Maybe not. But it's incumbent on people to take some interest on what they're worth, and not sit in the same job for 20-30 years, never look into it, and assume they're getting paid equally. I don't think we really need to or ought to legislate and add more bureacracy for something that people should be doing their damn selves.


Romney also whiffed that question in the sense that he didn't point out Obama's hypocrisy on the Lily Lebetter Act. It was reported some time ago that women working in the Obama White House --- right then, after LLA was signed sealed and delivered--- are making less money for the same job title as men! Some women were making $60K compared to men making $71K for the same exact job in 2011. So, with all due respect (... and it's not much) Obama can take his speechifying on 'equal pay' and shove it up his *.



"Binder" is the only known word for a 3-ring book allowing for detachable pages, and was obvious in the context. Again it's manufactured outrage by feminists who want to perpetuate the myth that Repubs want to return things to the cavemen days.


Romney doesn't support the LLA and he shouldn't (Crazy Joe actually admitted that LLA "is not a big deal in terms of equal pay"), which is why he instead talked about hiring women to work for him. But I agree that he should have mentioned that report about Barry's women staffers making less than their male counterparts, as well as Nancy Pelosi's.

What is more puzzling about the "binders full of women" thing, is not those words on their own, but the question being answered when they came up. Romney made it sound as though he had never met a competent woman, and he and his staff had to dig for them... but it sounds as though he appointed a many women (as many, or more, than anyone in his position at the time) under political pressure from women's interest groups.


Only a liberal would hear a man specifically state that he pro-actively took steps to ENSURE he hired women to his team and suggest that the man needed help because "he had never met a competent woman."


And to think this logic has replaced the Big Bird story. You literally have POTUS on the stump mocking the binders bit, and if you are even remotely paying attention, you see liberal comments en masse yelling "Dude...put down the choom. You're embarrassing us now. Please stop."


If the women thing was even remotely a good idea, more than 10 people would have showed up to the Sandra Fluke rally in Reno yesterday. THAT's how bad it is.


WRT "binders" is this more of a New England word? It means a notebook to keep a collection of papers --- and in using it, Romney was saying he got a bunch of resumes of qualified women for his administration in MA. .... You know, during the debate, I kind of flashed on that old Calvin & Hobbes comic strip series where Calvin submitted a shoddy one-paragraph book report that he expected to get an A on it from Mrs. Wormwood because it was in "a clear professional plastic binder." I gotta admit that I was a little nonplussed when people the next few days were bringing up "binder" in some kind of sadomasichism toy sense. Again, is it New England word? I don't know.

Is this really what the controversy is about? I thought it was a head scratcher but didn't pay it much mind because, like most contrived scandals, it only resonates with those predisposed to demonizing Beloved Leader's opposition. Are they really insinuating that this relates to bondage?


If this is true I just want the Dem followers to bask in the reality that their chosen party is banking on the hope that their supporters are too stupid to understand the concept of a 3-ring binder?


Pair this with the "act of terror" b.s. and it becomes clear that the Democratic strategy is to mislead as many people as possible, and when caught lying to hide behind semantic technicalities. And I know that's politics, but never in the history of Presidential elections (Including Kerry/Edwards or Obama '08) can I recall such a transparent attempt to lie and hide behind semantic word games to rationalize it. And no, binder is not a New England world. I live in the civilized world (i.e. south of the Mason-Dixon line) and "binder" is common parlance.


Also, is there anyone here who really believes this Lilly Leadbetter bull **** isn't just a cheap ploy to play on identity politics?


Only a liberal would hear a man specifically state that he pro-actively took steps to ENSURE he hired women to his team and suggest that the man needed help because "he had never met a competent woman."


That's because any real liberal (and I'm not talking about moderate Dems here) is incapable of rational thought and choses to live in a fantasy constructed of hard stereotypes and preconceived notions, while ironically railing vehemently against generalizations.

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