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How many of you know someone who served in Iraq or Iran?

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Our Foreign Policy expert Vice President speaks




From your link:



Vice President Joe Biden asked supporters Thursday at a Nevada campaign event, “How many of you know someone who served in Iraq or Iran?”

Biden was joined at the event by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and embattled Senate candidate Rep. Shelley Berkley. At Biden’s question, Reid raised his hand.

At the event, Biden also said that when it comes to the Young Guns – a group of younger Republicans, including Rep. Paul Ryan — the “bullets are aimed at you.”


"Stand up, Chuck":


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From your link:



Vice President Joe Biden asked supporters Thursday at a Nevada campaign event, “How many of you know someone who served in Iraq or Iran?”

Biden was joined at the event by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and embattled Senate candidate Rep. Shelley Berkley. At Biden’s question, Reid raised his hand.

At the event, Biden also said that when it comes to the Young Guns – a group of younger Republicans, including Rep. Paul Ryan — the “bullets are aimed at you.”


"Stand up, Chuck":




Biden is a satire of himself.

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I'm just trying to figure out from the OP if it was Iraq or Iran where Harry Reid knew someone that served.


I actually do know someone who served in Iran...if "accidentally crossing the Iran-Iraq border in a helicopter and getting shot at by Iranians" counts as serving in Iran.

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But look, I know a real fighter who didn't go and fight. Taggy wants to hit the president:





You really make it too easy Ducky...............you HAVE to read more sources.



Obama supporters take desperate swing at Tagg Romney


I really sense that Obama supporters are losing it, completely. I sense fear in their stupidity.

After Big Bird and the contrived “binder” fauxtroversy, they have a new cause: Tagg Romney threatened to take a swing at Obama when Obama called Tagg’s father a liar.


Of course, the entire quote makes clear this was not a threat, just an observation on how it feels to have one’s father attacked in a political campaign

What is it like for you to hear the President of the United States call your dad a liar?”


“You want to jump out of your seat, and you wanna rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him, but you know you can’t do that, because, well, first because there’s a lot of Secret Service between you and him, but also
because this is just the nature of the process

Tagg then said:

“They’re gonna try to do everything they can do to try to make my dad into someone he’s not. We signed up for it, we’ve gotta try to kind of sit there and take our punches, and then send them right back the other way….”



A complete non-story, an observation from a family member as to the difficulty of having to see a father called names and attacked.

Edited by B-Man
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Biden is a satire of himself.


You know there comes a point where successful actors always become this? Will Smith for instance is just Will Smith in most his movies...same can be said of DeNero...this is what happens when you get old and established.

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You know there comes a point where successful actors always become this? Will Smith for instance is just Will Smith in most his movies...same can be said of DeNero...this is what happens when you get old and established.


You misspelled "Pacino".

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