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Any hockey players out there - how do you keep gear from smelling like


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My son's started playing and it's getting bad. We take everything out of the bag to air out after each practice but that ain't cuttin it...


My son played also. We filled a tub,soap and water, and put in all the gear we could. Let it air dry and it helped. Use fabreze on the bag interior, there are other specific deoderizers but they're way expensive and due the same job. Dont let the gear sit in the bag, wet, air it out after practice.

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Can't remember the last time I washed any of my equipment outside of the jerseys very occasionally. I just open up the bag and let it air out after ever every game. Anything more is not worth it. It's hockey. Everyone's stuff stinks.

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Some places promote Ozone deodorizers. They don't work. Your best bet is to wash the things that can be washed in a little soap and bleach. Take them to a laundromat and use the big machines. Bundle your gear so it doesn't flop around. In fact use a gentle cycle. Take his helmet and soak it in a bucket of water and a capful of bleach. Best to air dry stuff. If you have a dehumidifier put your gear in a small room or closet and crank it up until it dries. If you use a dryer set to low or no heat.


Leather things like gloves, all you can do us dry them and spray them with Febreese...or just get new ones every few months.



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