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Paul Ryan mistakes Colt McCoy for Brandon Weeden

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I'd like to point out that while Mitt Romney has never commited a single soldier to battle, President Obama has been openly committing troops to wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan, has ordered the assassination of a man in Pakistan, militarily supported the violent overthrow of regimes in both Libya and Egypt, has kept detainees at Guantanamo Bay, recertified the PATRIOT Act, signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law, has allowed Mexico's ongoing civil war to spill over our southern border, and has most recently pledged to answer militarily to the acts of war committed against our embasy in Benghazi.


Mitt Romney has zero foreign policy experience and has never so much as ordered a Johnny Detail into action, but his advisors are Bush's advisors









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The same Williard that's running around with the Bush foreign policy team. Most people get fired after making disasters of their job--see Iraq--but with Mitt they get chance to do it again


Davey---how many times and for what failures have you changed your screen name? Did you think changing your identity would somehow allow you to post intelligently?

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If you're an anti-war dove, which I find to atleast be admirable if not practical, it would seem to me that only one of the two candidates has the blood of thousands on his hands.


President Obama is a war monger.

I'm not, but Romney is a foreign policy virgin, no experience what so ever, but his neocon advisors will guide him just like they guided Bush. War



Romney went to the middle east and basically told a foreign country Obama needed to set a time line for...for what? War? Neocons seem to like sending the 47% into war

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I'm not, but Romney is a foreign policy virgin, no experience what so ever, but his neocon advisors will guide him just like they guided Bush. War



Romney went to the middle east and basically told a foreign country Obama needed to set a time line for...for what? War? Neocons seem to like sending the 47% into war

Neo-conservatives like sending the elderly and disabled into war? Scandalous.


Why do you keep glossing over the tens of thousands of lives our current President has ended with his endless wars, occupations, assassinations, and violent overthrows? It seems counter-intuitive to worry about possible military action one candidate may become involved in while simultaneously disregarding the military record of the incumbent.

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Who is the most intelligent poster here? Ha, ha, say it 3rd, he will be angry if you don't say he is.


So "Ducky" responds to "Davey" and he speaks of Intelligent posters? I'll bite. Yes it would have been Rob but that little thing he had with Kathleen behind Jack's back disqualifies him. Now if you think I'm going to give "props" to the mean spirited Cliff Claven, you are wrong. Intelligence isn't found in a moral vacuum. Now, getting back to you, is a double vacuum a positive?

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The real irony? Neo-conservatives, by definition, actually would favor a health care plan like the one in Mass.


Not that I expect Duck to know the real definition of the word or anything...


So, I suppose it's unintentional irony? Or, not as funny as if he actually knew enough to contradict himself.


Or is it more funny...because he doesn't know when he's contradicting himself? :lol:

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The real irony? Neo-conservatives, by definition, actually would favor a health care plan like the one in Mass.


Not that I expect Duck to know the real definition of the word or anything...


So, I suppose it's unintentional irony? Or, not as funny as if he actually knew enough to contradict himself.


Or is it more funny...because he doesn't know when he's contradicting himself? :lol:



Again, with Ducky/Dave is a double negative a positive?

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Again, with Ducky/Dave is a double negative a positive?

It's like they, and by they I mean those that use the word neo-conservative negatively, don't understand why we prepend words, with other words.


Answer: so that they mean something different than the original word, all by itself. :lol:


Duck doesn't know why the liberal elite, who do all the thinking for Duck, hate neo-conservatives....much more than they hate plain old conservatives. I refuse to tell him. The queen liberals aren't going to tell drones like him, so why is that my job? :lol:


More evidence of the hive-mind that controls the current Democratic party. Yes....the "intellectual" party. :lol:


Now...I wonder: WRT to Duck, are we talking useful idiot here, or just idiot? Are we even talking useful? Is Duck, in any way, useful to the liberal cause? :lol:


So far....TheNewBills says no. :lol: Anyone else want to sign that petition?


EDIT: And, I don't know if that was an intentional hook by Westside...but if so...nice work!

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Mitt Romney's running mate spoke to a gathering of Brownsplayers after practice and went on a pleasant soliloquy about watching rookie quarterback Brandon Weeden's heroics at Oklahoma State.

One small issue: Ryan was pointing to backup Colt McCoy, the former Texas passer and Browns starter




This makes as much sense as me saying Michelle has the "clap".




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Mitt Romney's running mate spoke to a gathering of Brownsplayers after practice and went on a pleasant soliloquy about watching rookie quarterback Brandon Weeden's heroics at Oklahoma State.

One small issue: Ryan was pointing to backup Colt McCoy, the former Texas passer and Browns starter



When asked for comment, Browns GM Tom Heckert replied "Yeah, I do that too..."

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That tears it. These are things that matter. This incredible gaffe has tipped Joe_the_Six_Pack into the even more unlikely to even think about voting for the Republican ticket camp than he was prior to this national debacle.


However, if somehow they could find it within them to embrace a more strident liberal position on well, everything - he might find it within his generous and magnanimous self to entertain the thought of reconsidering the possibility of maybe leaning slightly away from his firm conviction and strident position of absolutely, positively, without question voting for BO.

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