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Paul Ryan mistakes Colt McCoy for Brandon Weeden

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I'm not, but Romney is a foreign policy virgin, no experience what so ever, but his neocon advisors will guide him just like they guided Bush. War



Romney went to the middle east and basically told a foreign country Obama needed to set a time line for...for what? War? Neocons seem to like sending the 47% into war



And the Organizer-in-Chief had more foreign policy experience when he was elected? oh that's right because he was a foreign exchange student.

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And the Organizer-in-Chief had more foreign policy experience when he was elected? oh that's right because he was a foreign exchange student.



Romney at least has some from a trade perspective, since he was with Bain negociating moving all those jobs overseas.

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The real irony? Neo-conservatives, by definition, actually would favor a health care plan like the one in Mass.


Not that I expect Duck to know the real definition of the word or anything...


So, I suppose it's unintentional irony? Or, not as funny as if he actually knew enough to contradict himself.


Or is it more funny...because he doesn't know when he's contradicting himself? :lol:


We can't have states regulating their own affairs without Federal intervention. That's just crazy talk.

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Mitt Romney has zero foreign policy experience and has never so much as ordered a Johnny Detail into action, but his advisors are Bush's advisors








You guys are showing signs of desperation. When Regan was elected we were getting the same kind of desperate warnings from liberals how he was going to start WW3. This election is so looking like that one back in '80. Similar incompetent dufuss incumbent. Same mishandling adventures in the mid east. Same limping anemic economy.

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We can't have states regulating their own affairs without Federal intervention. That's just crazy talk.


But if Massachusetts and Kansas have different laws, that violates the Equal Protection clause. [/expected connerific answer]

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But if Massachusetts and Kansas have different laws, that violates the Equal Protection clause. [/expected connerific answer]

No joke, I had an Ivy League (aff action) educated professor argue the equal protection clause guarantees every kid in the country an equal education.

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40,000+ New Unemployed last month

Welfare recipients up 32%

23,000,000 Unemployed and under employed.


But, but, but . . . . GAFFE!!!!! Paul Ryan doesn't know who the QB of the Browns is . . .


To tell you the God's honest truth, i am thrilled that I guy I want to help guide the economy for the next 4 years has his eyes ON THE FRICKEN BALL, rather than watching football.

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You guys are showing signs of desperation. When Regan was elected we were getting the same kind of desperate warnings from liberals how he was going to start WW3. This election is so looking like that one back in '80. Similar incompetent dufuss incumbent. Same mishandling adventures in the mid east. Same limping anemic economy.

Lol at equating Romney to Reagan. And double lol @ busting on Obamas mid east adventures while giving bush a pass, especially when Romney's stated policy is bush on steroids.

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Lol at equating Romney to Reagan. And double lol @ busting on Obamas mid east adventures while giving bush a pass, especially when Romney's stated policy is bush on steroids.


Romney put Big Bird in a binder on the top of his car while putting money in the Cayman Islands!!

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Lol at equating Romney to Reagan. And double lol @ busting on Obamas mid east adventures while giving bush a pass, especially when Romney's stated policy is bush on steroids.


Obama has Middle East "adventures"? Can you even name one?

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Because your question is so stupid it doesn't deserve an answer. Seriously


Well, hey, then you finally, after scores of weeks and thousands of posts, have your chance to make me look foolish. Name one Middle Eastern "adventure" of Obama's.

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