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Where's The Defensive Fundamentals ??

T master

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Just the other day on ESPN i saw an interview with JJ Watt & they asked him about his game , one of his answers was when he would realize that he wasn't going to get to the QB to add pressure & force him to throw sooner that he would wait until he saw him get ready to release the ball & put his hands up to block the path of the ball .


Pretty simple & i would think basic fundamental defensive practice Right ??


Then i got to watch some of the replay film on BB.com of our D last week against Arizona & more than a few of the shots were from behind Dareus & not one shot that i saw did he when stopped & no forward momentum at a certain point of the play did he ever put his hands up to impede the pass & it looked as if the ball was just above his head .


Has any one else noticed that or am i seeing things ? I would think as i said earlier that , that would be a basic fundamental in the teaching of defensive principals that if you can't get to the QB at least either block his line of sight or the path in which the ball is going to take especially if it is right over your head .


Just thought i would ramble a bit about that .. Maybe Shawn will bring it up in the D meetings when they watch the tape of last week ..



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Correct me if I am wrong doesn't he already have a tipped ball INT this year? I know last year one of Brady's INT's went off his helmet. And I suspect it is a lot harder than you think to stop rushing the passer and jump when engaged with a 300 LB guard all while making sure you maintain your lane and not forget about looking for the draw play. DT is one of the hardest positions in the NFL to learn and master. It is way more than line up in the A or B gap and wait for the snap.

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