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  On 10/17/2012 at 2:26 AM, DC Tom said:

I'm not a victim. And Romney deserved the slap-down he got.


But why does a debate moderator have transcripts of Obama's speeches, ready to defend him?


And Obama knew she had a copy, he told her to " go to the transcript"?

  On 10/17/2012 at 2:18 AM, DC Tom said:

Because it's not just a type, it's an archtype. The single most common, popular, and recognizable assault rifle in the world.


and it is not even used in crimes. Unless they came from fast and furious.

Posted (edited)
  On 10/17/2012 at 2:05 PM, Gary M said:

And Obama knew she had a copy, he told her to " go to the transcript"?

That would explain his "proceed" comment and smirk just before Romney launched into the attack that (I eat too much) Candy thwarted.




EDIT: My take on the debate overall is that the President won but it definitely wasn't a knockout. It'll be interesting to see if independent women thought the 2 were 'too mean.' If so, then it was probably a draw.

Edited by Taro T

The general sense is that woman thought they both were mean. Which hurts Barry because likeability is pretty much all he has going for him.

  On 10/17/2012 at 2:02 PM, /dev/null said:

Conservative commentators think Romney won

Liberal commentators think Obama won

A whole lotta nothing happened last night

just two guys pointing fingers at each other, twisting each others message and telling lies of their own. American politics at its finest without a single real answer to how they will move us forward

Well, she was determined that she wasn't going to let Mitt roll her over (in flour to find her wet spot).

What she lost sight of was the debate was about the two men in the ring.

America didn't want to hear her view on anything. It still doesn't today.

  On 10/17/2012 at 3:16 PM, bills_fan_in_raleigh said:

just two guys pointing fingers at each other, twisting each others message and telling lies of their own. American politics at its finest without a single real answer to how they will move us forward


This has been out for some time. How specific do you think anyone can be in the short time frame provided in this format?




  On 10/17/2012 at 2:05 PM, Gary M said:

And Obama knew she had a copy, he told her to " go to the transcript"?


Okay...I get the outrage here, but did any of you actually watch that whole exchange? If you actually listened to what she said, she scored a point for Romney" if anything... also, I took the "go tp ther transcript" comment to be directed at Romney, the guy who was stating information which wasn't comletely factual. It is a debate, afterall.


Also, I know that Candy Crawley is fat, so that makes all the difference, but she is actually a pretty good reporter too. You don't think it is possible that, knowing she was moderating the debate, and knowing that this would likely be a big issue, she would do her due dilegence to know what was said?


In the end, the debate may have invigorated Obama supporters, but I seriously doubt this one exchange (which actually went Romney's way) is going to detract from Romney's growing momentum.

  On 10/17/2012 at 3:46 PM, Buftex said:

Okay...I get the outrage here, but did any of you actually watch that whole exchange? If you actually listened to what she said, she scored a point for Romney" if anything... also, I took the "go tp ther transcript" comment to be directed at Romney, the guy who was stating information which wasn't comletely factual. It is a debate, afterall.


Also, I know that Candy Crawley is fat, so that makes all the difference, but she is actually a pretty good reporter too. You don't think it is possible that, knowing she was moderating the debate, and knowing that this would likely be a big issue, she would do her due dilegence to know what was said?


In the end, the debate may have invigorated Obama supporters, but I seriously doubt this one exchange (which actually went Romney's way) is going to detract from Romney's growing momentum.


As I said, it felt as if Romney had TD pass and was tripped up because the receiver tripped over the refs foot :lol:


I agree at the end that she gave credit to Romney but the momentum was lost on that issue.


So I'm reading today that the Obama plan moving forward post-debate is to highlight Romney's "binders" comment from last night. The plan is to show him as a man who only sees woman as resumes in binders.


And they're doing this why exactly? Because the Big Bird meme worked so well for them? Do they honestly think THIS is the way to win the women back?


It's amazing to me that people so desperate for the female vote treats them like brain dead lemmings, unable to think or decide for themselves.


You know what this debate demonstrates, that they're both bad candidates; they're sad representatives for the nation; they're unprepared for the behemoth tasks that will confront them.


Bill Clinton would have answered Jeremy's (the college student) question with "what are you in school for?" "What do you want to do post graduation?". Instead, Romney talks about taxes and Obama discusses the Detroit automotive economy.


They are SUCH BAD CANDIDATES. Wow! They're pathetic.


Anyway, I said after the first debate that Romney was Michael Jordan and BO was Byron Russell. This round, BO won. He won on points.


They both lost on style.


I'm not sure if BO was too timid or too over-confident during the first debate. Whatever it was though, Romney picked up on it and you can see his confidence growing.


It was a different story on this go around. Funny thing is is that I thought Mitt would win this debate. I thought that he could more easily anticipate BO's strategy and diffuse it. I thought that he would have an advantage on substance, an advantage on delivery, and an advantage on style.


It's interesting that he wasn't able to capitalize on any of those things.


More interesting than that is how conspicuously quiet the "he can only use a teleprompter" crowd has been post debate. There are real points of criticism, there is bias, in then there is the "teleprompter" inanity. If your thesis is 'the man can't interact without a teleprompter', then you have to have some semblance of explanation for instances when he shows well "without a teleprompter."


It's classic Brady v. Maryland. Give up the exculpatories and address your deficiencies.


BTW, for you one trick ponies who can't internalize the concept that 'not hating' isn't tantamount to 'supporting,' this is not about supporting one candidate's policies (if you can't grasp that, please see my bolded point above). It's about trying to understand the personal dislike for BO and all the subterfuge and surrogate positions used to mask that personal dislike.


At least I just say that I don't like Romney. I don't try to couch it in policy terms. He's just irksome.


And to Doc - with regard to your question two weeks ago - I'm voting for Jeb Bush and Buddy Roemer.

  On 10/17/2012 at 3:56 PM, LABillzFan said:

So I'm reading today that the Obama plan moving forward post-debate is to highlight Romney's "binders" comment from last night. The plan is to show him as a man who only sees woman as resumes in binders.


And they're doing this why exactly? Because the Big Bird meme worked so well for them? Do they honestly think THIS is the way to win the women back?


It's amazing to me that people so desperate for the female vote treats them like brain dead lemmings, unable to think or decide for themselves.


Of course it is. Dumb soundbytes. And the inept GOP will let the BS narrative play out.

  On 10/17/2012 at 5:38 AM, Joe_the_6_pack said:

The other thing if Romney knew this quote so well and wanted to try for a semantic angle, then why didn't he correct Crowley? Instead he stood and looked like an old man whose Depends diaper needed changing. Guy obviously had no clue what Obama said or didn't say that day Because he's been relying on dopey advisors politicizing this tragedy from the very second it was reported. Now it backfired on them in what will be the most talked about moment from either debate. Serves them right , what a disgrace




If you think the Bengazi double-team on Romney "will be the most talked about moment from either debate," you'd best be suited changing your name to "Joe Schmoe."


This debate changed NOTHING, other than the fact that Mitt kicked his ass on the economy and Obama couldn't defend his disgraceful record. The only reason some people are giving the edge to Obama is that he showed up with a pulse this time. Hardly a monumental achievement.




The transcript of BO's prepared remarks on 9/12/12: Rose Garden



10:43 EDT


THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Every day, all across the world, American diplomats and civilians work tirelessly to advance the interests and values of our nation. Often, they are away from their families. Sometimes, they brave great danger.

Yesterday, four of these extraordinary Americans were killed in an attack on our diplomatic post in Benghazi. Among those killed was our Ambassador, Chris Stevens, as well as Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith. We are still notifying the families of the others who were killed. And today, the American people stand united in holding the families of the four Americans in our thoughts and in our prayers.

The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack. We're working with the government of Libya to secure our diplomats. I've also directed my administration to increase our security at diplomatic posts around the world. And make no mistake, we will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people.

Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts.

Already, many Libyans have joined us in doing so, and this attack will not break the bonds between the United States and Libya. Libyan security personnel fought back against the attackers alongside Americans. Libyans helped some of our diplomats find safety, and they carried Ambassador Stevens’s body to the hospital, where we tragically learned that he had died.

It's especially tragic that Chris Stevens died in Benghazi because it is a city that he helped to save. At the height of the Libyan revolution, Chris led our diplomatic post in Benghazi. With characteristic skill, courage, and resolve, he built partnerships with Libyan revolutionaries, and helped them as they planned to build a new Libya. When the Qaddafi regime came to an end, Chris was there to serve as our ambassador to the new Libya, and he worked tirelessly to support this young democracy, and I think both Secretary Clinton and I relied deeply on his knowledge of the situation on the ground there. He was a role model to all who worked with him and to the young diplomats who aspire to walk in his footsteps.

Along with his colleagues, Chris died in a country that is still striving to emerge from the recent experience of war. Today, the loss of these four Americans is fresh, but our memories of them linger on. I have no doubt that their legacy will live on through the work that they did far from our shores and in the hearts of those who love them back home.

Of course, yesterday was already a painful day for our nation as we marked the solemn memory of the 9/11 attacks. We mourned with the families who were lost on that day. I visited the graves of troops who made the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan at the hallowed grounds of Arlington Cemetery, and had the opportunity to say thank you and visit some of our wounded warriors at Walter Reed. And then last night, we learned the news of this attack in Benghazi.

As Americans, let us never, ever forget that our freedom is only sustained because there are people who are willing to fight for it, to stand up for it, and in some cases, lay down their lives for it. Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe.

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.

But we also know that the lives these Americans led stand in stark contrast to those of their attackers. These four Americans stood up for freedom and human dignity. They should give every American great pride in the country that they served, and the hope that our flag represents to people around the globe who also yearn to live in freedom and with dignity.

We grieve with their families, but let us carry on their memory, and let us continue their work of seeking a stronger America and a better world for all of our children.

Thank you. May God bless the memory of those we lost and may God bless the United States of America.


10:48 A.M. EDT

Then he hopped on Airforce One to chill in Vegas.


I think Obama looked like a deer in headlights in the first debate and a deer in the headlights pretending he wasn't a deer in headlights in the second debate. He sounded strong and forceful last night, but his facial expressions gave off a vibe that he was afraid of what Romney was going to say next. Obama is clearly paying the price for heavily insulating himself by refusing to confront real detractors or push backs on his policies in a face to face situation. That smooth, confident guy with all the answers and magic fairy dust is long gone.

  On 10/17/2012 at 4:11 PM, RkFast said:

Of course it is. Dumb soundbytes. And the inept GOP will let the BS narrative play out.


This tweet from Obama today: @BarackObama Romney still won’t say whether he’d stand up for equal pay, but he did tell us he has “binders full of women."


Unbelievably embarrassing.

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