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Presidential Debate #2


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This is pure stupidity. There is no other way to put it. It was a bad specific point for Romney to make, it was inaccurate and corrected b/c the moderator knew it was wrong and said so. If Romney wants to attack on Libya, let him do it based on the facts. The killing of US diplomats is an act of terror. Whether people knew to what extent it was premeditated at the time or separate from the protests or an opportunistic attack..that's an entirely different question.


Do you think, OC that Romney would have stopped that from happening? It's as simple as that. What is your answer. And if you say no, that doesn't mean this can't be used as a political attack...it's just a key think to ask yourself at the outset.

You know full well there is a meaningful distinction, and right or [as it now appears] wrong, it was not her place to act as fact checker.


LOL wtf is this "Paul" multiple people saying they truly believe he is a credible source inside the Bush Admin? wow

Paul lied, people died

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I haven't been around here much lately. Was he banned or did he voluntarily !@#$ off?


He claimed he was leaving because he wasn't being treated fairly. You know, being criticized for posting outlandish stuff and not providing a link. When told he needed to provide a link he took the position that everyone could Google it themselves. The dick did leave with his tail between his legs. I think it was chafing his vagina.

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You know full well there is a meaningful distinction, and right or [as it now appears] wrong, it was not her place to act as fact checker.


I actually completely disagree. If there is a moderator who knows something is wrong, they should speak up. As for the meaningful distinction...terrorism? Seriously what does that word even mean? It's a tactic. Whether this attack was planned 6 months in advance or whether post-revolutionaries w/ massive weapons on hand saw chaos all over and attacked...it was still basically what we call "terrorism" and there is no real distinction I can find.

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CANDY CROWLEY INSERTED HERSELF INTO THE DEBATE, OUTRAGEOUSLY, to break up Romney’s most dramatic moment, when Romney was questioning what Obama said the day after the attack in Benghazi.


Last debate it was about Big Bird. This debate it was about Miss Piggy.


CRAWLy threw Obama a lifeline when Romney was about to deliver a knockout punch on Bengazi. However, in the coming days, when the "facts" are sorted out, it will not only show that Obama lied time after time, it will show that by Miss Piggy coming to his defense, she too is a liar. Or f'ing clueless.


Pick your poison, Libs.



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This is pure stupidity. There is no other way to put it. It was a bad specific point for Romney to make, it was inaccurate and corrected b/c the moderator knew it was wrong and said so. If Romney wants to attack on Libya, let him do it based on the facts. The killing of US diplomats is an act of terror. Whether people knew to what extent it was premeditated at the time or separate from the protests or an opportunistic attack..that's an entirely different question.


Do you think, OC that Romney would have stopped that from happening? It's as simple as that. What is your answer. And if you say no, that doesn't mean this can't be used as a political attack...it's just a key think to ask yourself at the outset.


Don't you mean B-man?


If you mean me, then, of course I don't think anyone can stop a-holes from being a-holes. The only thing you can do...is make the a-hole think twice. Or, better, not even start. I don't know how bowing, Russia Reset, or the rest of it accomplished that.


At the same time, I KNOW the "youtube did it" thing = a pure political play, designed to break the fall of Obama's convention assertions as they crashed and burned. So do you.


The assertions crashing would have been a 1-2 day story. The video has made this into a month-long parade of stupidity, and NONE of it has stuck to Romney, no matter how hard they try.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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He claimed he was leaving because he wasn't being treated fairly. You know, being criticized for posting outlandish stuff and not providing a link. When told he needed to provide a link he took the position that everyone could Google it themselves. The dick did leave with his tail between his legs. I think it was chafing his vagina.

No great loss. He was a step up from DIN, but that's a small step.

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For the record I could care less about some poster named Paul. Obviously to believe there were things expressed on this board that was credible inside info I would have to been here and be convinced myself. I was not. That is all there is to it.

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Don't feed the trolls. Eventually he'll take his sad, angry act elsewhere.




btw....since all the Facebook people are complaining about moderators again, can I assume Obama didn't score a big win?


Obama lied about calling Benghazi a terrorist act the day after it happened, and when Romney called him on it, the moderator confirmed Obama's lie, which is bad for both because their is video proving thelie. Unfortunately for Obama (and CNN and its moderator) this will be a big part of the narrative this week. Obama lied and the mod backed him up, and that is your takeaway.

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For the record I could care less about some poster named Paul. Obviously to believe there were things expressed on this board that was credible inside info I would have to been here and be convinced myself. I was not. That is all there is to it.


You could care less about someone who was a great friend to many of us here? Don't be an ass.

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You could care less about someone who was a great friend to many of us here? Don't be an ass.


Difficult as it may be to believe, yes. Don't take it personally. Imagine you started coming to a board fairly recently that seems to be a center of idiots (but yet you like it so still stay and contribute when you care to) and someone says "Paul" (whom you do not know and have never heard of) knows secrets and told them here otherwise not available about 911. Not trying to be an ass. But put yourself in my shoes. Don't care to think about it further, I wasn't here, I don't believe it and have no reason to believe it, and if that makes you offended so be it. But yes, I could care less about "Paul"

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Difficult as it may be to believe, yes. Don't take it personally. Imagine you started coming to a board fairly recently that seems to be a center of idiots (but yet you like it so still stay and contribute when you care to) and someone says "Paul" (whom you do not know and have never heard of) knows secrets and told them here otherwise not available about 911. Not trying to be an ass. But put yourself in my shoes. Don't care to think about it further, I wasn't here, I don't believe it and have no reason to believe it, and if that makes you offended so be it. But yes, I could care less about "Paul"



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Last debate it was about Big Bird. This debate it was about Miss Piggy.


CRAWLy threw Obama a lifeline when Romney was about to deliver a knockout punch on Bengazi. However, in the coming days, when the "facts" are sorted out, it will not only show that Obama lied time after time, it will show that by Miss Piggy coming to his defense, she too is a liar. Or f'ing clueless.


Pick your poison, Libs.




UPDATE: Didn't even take a day for Miss Piggy to

. Edited by Bud Adams
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Agreed minus the idea someone on this board had credible info not available to us all


Is that just a blanket statement that people who post on here don't have inside information on a whole slew of activities, be it politics, military, business or sports?

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Difficult as it may be to believe, yes. Don't take it personally. Imagine you started coming to a board fairly recently that seems to be a center of idiots (but yet you like it so still stay and contribute when you care to) and someone says "Paul" (whom you do not know and have never heard of) knows secrets and told them here otherwise not available about 911. Not trying to be an ass. But put yourself in my shoes. Don't care to think about it further, I wasn't here, I don't believe it and have no reason to believe it, and if that makes you offended so be it. But yes, I could care less about "Paul"


I don't know, I guess I have more respect for people's relationships than you do. I assume if he has proof that there was no evidence of WMD you'd probably say " really? Tell me more about this Paul person".

Edited by Chef Jim
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