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Biden: We are leaving in 2014, period

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Biden tells the truth: Ledbetter about lawsuits, not equal pay


At a campaign event in Florida today, Vice President Joe Biden did something that neither he nor Democrats have done throughout the campaign – told the truth. Democrats, Obama, faux-feminists, women, Liberals, students and unions have been bashing Republicans who are against the Lilly Ledbetter Act. The Ledbetter Act that was passed by mostly Democrats and signed into law by Obama when he first got into office. It was never about equal pay but about lawsuits. Ledbetter was a huge win for lawyers, not women. It will most likely hurt women in the workplace because employers will think twice before hiring women who could file potentially frivolous lawsuits.


Over the past few months we’ve heard continually about the fake ‘war on women’ that is somehow being waged by Republicans and how they don’t want ‘equal pay’ for women. It’s not true, of course, but foolish people desperate to keep their party in power will say anything. Biden actually told the truth today and is probably the first Democrat to do so. From the Washington Free Beacon:

All the Lilly Ledbetter said was if a woman finds out she’s been treated and treated wrongly, cheated in terms of her salary and benefits at work. That she’s able to sue from the moment she finds out. That’s all it said. Because they were locked out they said that if you didn’t learn within two years you were being cheated then you’re out of luck. But we changed the law. It’s not a –it’s a big deal for women, but it’s not a big deal in terms of equal pay. But it’s an important– and they couldn’t even support that


Hopefully he’ll tell the truth about the Paycheck Fairness Act as well. This is another bill that Democrats pushed as ‘equal pay’ but this one is about controlling business practices. The Act will hurt women even worse than the Ledbetter has the potential to but Democrats never let facts get in their way when dumbing down women. Conservatives and Republicans have been stating what Biden finally said today all along. The truth about the Ledbetter Act is that it has absolutely nothing to do with equal pay and everything to do with lawsuits. This is one ‘gaffe’ where Biden actually embarrassed his party by telling the truth.





Biden: Lilly Ledbetter Act Not Such a Big F***ing Deal After All


The Romney campaign is going to get some mileage out of this. The Lilly Ledbetter Act is supposed to be the biggest advance for women since suffrage. But Joe Biden

, in an attempt to paint its opponents as even more hostile to women



Edited by B-Man
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