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Anyone else find today's Gallup polling odd?

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I had a feeling this would happen: Romney up by 4 according to Gallup on the eve of the debate.


As far as the MSM is concerned, Obamba ALREADY won tonight's debate yesterday.


Within a few days, Gallup will have Obama up +3, for a "seven-point post-debate drop." And of course, that will be the MSM's talking point of the week, trying to paint Romney as a candidate in a freefall.


I'm a bit surprised that Drudge is biting on this, bolding it in red. Interested in your thoughts.



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Hey Bud............................................ (sorry, couldn't help myself)


The MSM wants a Obama comeback story................thats not a secret.



Most of the post debate articles are 80% written, simply awaiting a transcription of their "master's voice"..................lol



As for Gallup, ever since the government threat against them, they have fallen back in line.



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A senior adviser to Mitt Romney told MailOnline: 'The President could drive a stake through the heart of his own campaign tonight if he's not carefulsize'If he doesn't give a vigorous enough defence of his last four years in office, if he tries to place blame everywhere else, if he doesn't articulate what the next four years will look like beyond just giving away free stuff - if he fumbles all that, he drives a stake through his own heart.


Not sure if I agree with this, but it would be nice to see.

Edited by erynthered
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A senior adviser to Mitt Romney told MailOnline: 'The President could drive a stake through the heart of his own campaign tonight if he's not carefulsize'If he doesn't give a vigorous enough defence of his last four years in office, if he tries to place blame everywhere else, if he doesn't articulate what the next four years will look like beyond just giving away free stuff - if he fumbles all that, he drives a stake through his own heart.


Not sure if I agree with this, but it would be nice to see.


The advisor's out of touch with reality. All Obama has to do is make sure he looks victimized by Romney, and he energizes his base.

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US sues Gallup, alleging pollster overcharged on government ...



GOP Pollster On DOJ's Gallup Lawsuit: White House Resorts To ...



Pollsters Threatened by Axelrod and the Obama DOJ


DOJ Gallup lawsuit came after Axelrod criticized pollsters



These probably will not suffice, but the story is better resourced than 90% of the dem/Romney releases......lol



Edited by B-Man
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And please provide a link, unlike He That Cannot Be Named.






"However, the DOJ’s delayed entrance comes on the heels of tension between the White House and Gallup Polling. In April, Gallup released polling numbers that showed Governor Romney leading President Obama by a five-point margin and David Axelrod immediately responded to Gallup via Twitter, leveling charges that the poll did not utilize sound methodology.

Recently released emails show that Axelrod proceeded to aggressively pursue Gallup to send a representative to the White House and explain the methodology used in the poll. Gallup officials claim they felt threatened by request, and no meeting between the two parties took place.

The peculiar decision on behalf of the Department of Justice to enter a three year-old lawsuit during an election year leaves some pundits crying foul. Pollster and Fox News contributor Dick Morris has been an outspoken critic of the recent developments."

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Who'd the DOJ file the suit on behalf of? Because the White House shouldn't even be involved directly...this should be strictly between Gallup and the US Mint.


Which is why those links suck (*ahem* "are insufficient"). Since they set out with the a priori goal of blaming the White House from the start, they gloss over that important point - which is a really stupid thing to gloss over, since direct White House involvement would be pretty unambiguously political.

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So, two days after my original post, Gallup has Romney up by 7.


I'm still not understanding why Drudge, Fox, etc. are running with this as a lead story.


We all know what's coming this weekend or next week, after the third debate (which Obama ALREADY undoubtedly has won) -- KABOOM! OBAMA'S "MIRACULOUS" COMEBACK!



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Man, I hope. That said, I think it would be a huge mistake for the Romney campaign to spend money advertising in Pennsylvania at the expense of battleground states. I don't see him winning there.




I don't disagree, but a win in PA would be sweet. It would mean a monumental victory.

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I don't disagree, but a win in PA would be sweet. It would mean a monumental victory.


If Romney wins Pennsylvania, he will win by a landslide, as Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, New Hampshire, Virginia, Florida, etc. almost for sure would go to him as well. Monumental, indeed.


Waiting for today's Gallup polling. Willing to bet there's a significant drop (just because).



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