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Screw this nonsense......DEATH METAL:




A lot of my friends listen to death metal. Personally I can't get behind it. Not the musician aspect cause some of the guitarists and drummers are supremely talented musicians. The part to me that takes zero talent is being a front man. I won't even give them the respect of labeling them a singer. Growling sounds and inaudible words into a microphone is not singing. To me that just doesn't take talent. Leave that nonsense out of the genre and it's def something I could get behind. I'm generally an indy/underground hip hop guy and rock listener. Although I'm open to listening to pretty much anything if there's a good tone and lyrics to it.


What country star is big enough to take the stage right now? The country music genre is over saturated with mediocre talent and very little quality. Carrie Underwood might be a big enough name, but she is out of the spot light. Taylor is young, but way too teenyboppish (I love her songs, though, not trying to be so mean!). Kenny Chesney? Tim McGraw? I'd like to see them both up there, but they'd choose a d-bag like Toby Keith.


If it was going to be country I would want Garth Brooks. ONLY if he performed the songs of his past and only if he brought it like he did on stage in the 90's.


Basically, I cannot imagine a country star big enough that can actually rock it.


How often have they done a country star? The only time I remember is from one of the Bills Super Bowls. As I recall it wasn't one country star but a whole slew of them. I remember Travis Tritt, The Judds, and Clint Black and there might have been one or two others.


I think it should be a Klaatu reunion.


Now you're going way back and way obscure.

Posted (edited)

Screw this nonsense......DEATH METAL:



thats a great track, but I agree w/ Stealth after a few songs the garbled vocals gets old and gets in the way of the musicianship. Im a fan of Children of Bodom's music, for example, but have never downloaded even one of their songs because I cant get past the vocals. That said, a half time show with someone like Buffalo's own "Cannibal Corpse" would be great.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack

I've said it before, I'll say it again:


For 25 straight weeks--from preseason through the playoffs--the NFL is nothing but truck commercials, beer ads, previews for cop shows and spots for tortilla chips and pizza.


Then--all of a sudden--when the biggest game of the year rolls around, it's mother !@#$ing ladies' night. I just don't !@#$ing get it.


Seriously, what band of over-thinking broads makes these ludicrous decisions??


This is stump-simple, Grasshopper. The previous 25 weeks are a man's game. A guy, a few guys, the occasional true female fan and a few tolerant GF and wives.

The commercials are targeted to match. So it has been, and so it will always be.


Now we get to the Superbowl, and it's a giant family party. The guys of course will still want to watch the game. But what shall the ladies watch? They must watch some super-bowl related activity, or they might decide to watch chick flicks upstairs and then conclude they could have giant family parties on some other day, and ratings would fall. This Must Not Come To Pass.


So the MALE network executives and predominently male advertising clients arrange the commercials, and the halftime show, to make the superbowl more entertaining for the ladies and Keep Those Ratings High.


Not in my house pal. I call the shots...which has landed me on the sofa many o' night. :w00t:


"The husband is the head of the house. Ah, but the woman! The woman is the neck. And the neck turns the head...any way it wants"

Posted (edited)

Yeah I think for a multi-hour extravaganza on network television and one of the biggest TV events of the year, that the ratings are kept for every time slot.


So like Hopeful says, they're trying to avoid a big drop-off in halftime ratings lest they have to charge less for advertising next year.

Edited by San Jose Bills Fan

A lot of my friends listen to death metal. Personally I can't get behind it. Not the musician aspect cause some of the guitarists and drummers are supremely talented musicians. The part to me that takes zero talent is being a front man. I won't even give them the respect of labeling them a singer. Growling sounds and inaudible words into a microphone is not singing. To me that just doesn't take talent. Leave that nonsense out of the genre and it's def something I could get behind. I'm generally an indy/underground hip hop guy and rock listener. Although I'm open to listening to pretty much anything if there's a good tone and lyrics to it.

Im with you on the death metal. I dont get it. It's like a joke that's not funny. Screaming without a point. I'm pretty sure the lyrics change each time its sung.


In Buffalo, "Graaaawwwllll in the grrrrrrrrrrooooooo with a lot ot grrrrrrzzzzzzzrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

In La, "Rrrrrawwwwwwlllllll with a lot of crazy ggggggrrrreeeaaaaaaaaarrcccccccccchhhhhh"


F that!

Posted (edited)

Why no pink in tonights game?


I guess there is some...don't see any on Seattle... SF has a small amount

Edited by The Poojer
Posted (edited)

can't wait til it's green day.


Beat me to it.


I always thought they would be a great half time show and they have worked with the NFL before when the Saints had their first home game after Katrina.


I was hoping it owuld be them this year since they have a new album out but I guess not.


Maybe another year



Edited by Canadian_Bills_Fan
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