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You are new here, so I will train you: 1st, this is what we do. This place would be boring otherwise. The whole point is to provoke. More often than not, that provocation is what gets people to drop their annoying pretense, and say what they really think, as I have done with you on more than one occasion.


Your problem has been: what you really think seems to change over pages and pages of a thread.


2nd: Don't make assumptions. Somehow, I've been able to walk through city after city, stinking drunk, and nobody has ever mistaken me for a mark. Is that a coincidence? Now, you know that, and you also know: I work in IT, so calling each other much worse names than moron is basically WTF we do all day :lol:


I know it's what you do. And you know that I respond. That is our ebb and flow. You **** talk with some substance sprinkled in. I **** talk with some substance sprinkled in. The thread descends into ****. And then we start anew the next time around.


We're both polemic - to some degree.


What I say remains consistent actually. It may be contrarian, but it's damn consistent. Many don't like it cause it doesn't fit their conception of what a republican should be. I don't hate BO. I think he is a nice guy actually. I don't hate welfare. I don't hate affirmative action.


I'm very much in the mold of a Northern Virginia conservative. We're ideologically very neo-"bull moose" Rooseveltian.


Come now. Who wants to fix entitlements? Who wants to keep them the same? Certainly you can understand that Democrat behavior on entitlements is not in line with the behavior of a progressive. Just as much as conservative views on social stuff...is conservative. :blink: The distinction, and difference ought to be clear.


Didn't disagree with you on this then. I don't disagree on this point now. I just wanted some more development on your latter point because it implicates your thesis.


This time you didn't babble, thus, this time you got a response.


Let's just say that it was not within the comprehension realm of every audience, and I can understand how some audiences could view it as "babbling" - depending on their level of political sophistication.


Right, because Republicans like Rudi Guliani don't exist ..... :blink:


Thank you for making my point. This was absolutely the point of the left shoulder, right shoulder bit. Not seeing it yet....keep thinking about it, it'll make sense.


The only people talking social issues are the Democrats...and dumbass Rick Santorum. If it wasn't for his nonsense, and forcing Romney to address the social stuff that we can't afford to care about, given the economy, and that scares women, Romney would be 10 pts up by now.


The only people who want to pretend that fiscal can't be separated from social, are the clowns like Santorum who have, personal, political agendas. Or...whatever happened, to the evangelicals who tried to co-opt the TEA party? Remember that goofy TEAvangelical book? Yeah, he was tossed out on his ass. The TEA party has no time or tolerance for religious zealotry attempting to keep them from their stated objectives.


This is a new electorate, and, the social people better get in line, or Obama will run them, over and over. Their days of running things have been over since Bush. Bush was their guy(and the neocon Jews), and the idiocy of "compassionate conservatism" and "let's blow billions on democracy wars" their ideas. That bill had to be paid, and the libertarians collected. If the fiscal policy/national security stuff can be attained, only then will their stuff get a look, and not before, and certainly not at the risk of giving the Democrats issues.


Trust me, the electorate is still very conscientious of social issues. It comes and goes in waves. It was huge in 2000...not so much in 2004. 2008 it was big again, especially in state-wide elections. 2012 it's not getting much play.


At the end of the day it's because the electorate are largely dolts. They go for the red meat and are very easily Pavlov'd.


And I know that ideologically, the social can be separated from the fiscal AND even the defense crowd. Many of the neo-cons were 60s-era flower children who marched with King but wanted to bomb the **** out of every country that had 'istan' after it. The Northern VA conservative crowd here are mostly business and national defense wonks who really do believe that affirmative action serves to address an articulable historical wrong, and that BO is a cool cat, BUT also believe that businesses should be given carte blanche to operate somewhat autonomously in a competitive marketplace and that we have strategic interests that need protected internationally, and that the current administration has been derelict in fostering an environment in which the nation can really thrive.


That's the camp that I fall into. You may call that "inconsistent." I call it self-assured and independent big tent conservatism.


Blah...blah...blah..This all comes down to: you don't know any real enterprise IT/management consultants. Hint: none of us would be caught dead working at your law firm.


Certifications...are for those who you can't tell are money in the first minute of conversation. People hire us to evaluate the tool and the people who wrote it, not be trained on it. :lol: Certification. Absurd. If you can't take a readme off github and 20 minutes, and be able to write that code, you can't be me. Same is true if you can't visualize the DB, by looking at the GUI.


Where do I get my certification in: "Please tell us how to do what we have to do in 3 months, since we've already wasted 6, given our uniquely Fed up set of circumstances and requirements, so we don't all get fired"? :lol: Don't think Microsoft or Oracle has that class. :lol: Pretty sure I, and those like me, "certify" people in that.


The true test: ask any client who he gets rid of first, his consultant(real one), or his lawyer.


They will always answer lawyer, because you are a dime a dozen, while we know their entire business process and systems better than they do, and we can either, bring all their people together, or kick their asses individually, to get big things done. You...tell them stuff, or hand them pieces of paper. It's not even close.


You really think that when the **** hits the fan, the accusations are flying, the money is at stake, the hypothetical person is going to call an IT consultant?


No, they're gonna lawyer up. They're gonna call me and I'm gonna call their people. Then my people feel comfortable.


Lawyers...dime a dozen. Eh, probably so. That's because you mother!@#$ers need us; you want us. We take care of **** that you don't want to deal with. We make you feel warm and fuzzy in a real preternatural way.


In the immortal words of Jack Nicholson:


"....my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to."

Edited by Juror#8
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