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I don't care how good looking they are (she doesn't fit in this category) but that's a big negative to a meth head. And BTW meth heads are almost never good looking.


found 17 grams of meth...a pipe....two pounds of marijuana....a half pound of swiss cheese...a six pack of genny light...and a puppy....other stuff was in there but our light wouldn't go any further.


I bet even the drug sniffing dog was grossed out being that close. No.


Drug sniffing dog #1: Good job man. You really freaked out when you got a whif of that meth


Drug sniffing dog #2: Meth?!?! I thought that B word had a school of 3 week old dead fish up there.


Sure. I mean, after it was tested and covered in chlorine.


I think my proudest moment might one day be when a girl I already "have" becomes a "would ya"

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