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Bitter, Angry Old White Men

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People mock angry white guys.


Go to Ohio and mock those angry white guys. Bring a video camera. Please.


You know I'm just having some fun with you, right? No offense meant by it.

I'm not. I want to see that. Tell them you're from Hollywood and that you will sue all of them. :lol: Wear a cape. Come on, I'm sure some of them are wrestling fans!


Come on....do it, Andy!

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The real question is "why do so many blacks and latinos identify with the Democratic party?"


It's because it was all those Republican lawmakers in Washington that prevented the Civil Rights Act from passing for so long. Oh, wait.........

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Astounding video of angry white men. You don't get any more America than this.


I'll be curious to see if this makes it into the MSM, or if you're just looking at a bunch of guys about to get a visit from the IRS.




Was I the only one waiting for these guys to break out in a song and dance a la Monty Python? :lol: :lol:


:huh: I was? :blush:

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Wrestling has a connotation of forcing oneself on their victims. It was a joke and I'm sure tgregg got it.


I'm sure tgregg got it. But it just wasn't funny.


Aren't jokes supposed to be funny? I thought jokes were supposed to be funny. This wasn't funny. At all. Was it supposed to be?

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I'm sure tgregg got it. But it just wasn't funny.


Aren't jokes supposed to be funny? I thought jokes were supposed to be funny. This wasn't funny. At all. Was it supposed to be?


I'm tellin' ya, there's nothing like a good joke.


And that was nothing like a good joke.

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