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OK a night has passed and NOW I let rip

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I have seen TWO Bills games on TV this season. The New England debacle and last nights woeful performance.


What frustrates me abouts yesterdays game is the total lack of conviction shown my the team down the stretch. A 9 minute drive by Pittsburgh scrubs. Over 100 yards rushing in the 2nd Half. Stupid turnovers. No reciever separation. Bad QB decisions and poor play calling.


All we had to do in this game is keep the score low with the Pitt starters in and then ram the fuggin ball down their throats as their 2nd team D came in. Instead, we made mental errors, poor play calls, ridiculous blitzing calls to open up the secondary for Maddox and we had a QB that is operating on 3/4 speed at most of the time.


What all of this tells me is that we were not ready for the big time. A lot was made by Murph and Van Pelt about how if you have momentum late in the season you have to get to the playoffs now cos you can't carry it over. Well I think that's crap. We got momentum late - but we remain a team that lost 5 out of its first 6 games, Not much chamged for us in the way we played, Our D remained dominant all season, giving up the odd stupid play, and our O had trouble getting it done for the most part when games relied on them scoring.


I don;t think we are far away from being a late round playoff team. We have to work hard on our O this off season. Ignoring the eternal QB debate I see the key areas of deficiency as WR and TE. We need get a premier TE in Buffalo. I don;t know if we have that on our roster right now or if we need to find one elsewhere - but we need to get one. Also - our WRs need to learn how to catch a fuggin ball thats up for grabs. This has pissed me off this season - dropeed balls are by far the most frustrating part of watching a game.


And then Drew. Wow - what can I say?? I screamed at the TV to get rid of the ball, that there were 8 guys blitzing and you have to see that. I went silent is horror as Drew threw balls that were regularly 5 yards short of the reciever and bouncing off the turf. I am not sure now if he needs to sit down. The idea that we lose the momentum we have gained this season by going with a yound Qb is scary. We were a playoff calibre team with Drew for the last part of this season right??? We can do more of the same next season right??? I know I am deluding myself a little here and my mind will change on this subject more times in the next 8 moths that a schitzophrenic - maybe Wyche should decide that JP is the MAN and go all out to work on him....


Also - did anyone nothice that Drews mechanics are really vewry poor - and have been all season? He old the ball wayyy to low on the dropbacks and side arms more balls that I care to mention, thus losing power and trajectory....


As as for Lindell - I mean, WTF?? Thats a makeable kick that you HAVE to make if you are going to be a playoff team that wins games. He's a liability and as far as I am concerned the best thing we could do is announce that we have cut him tomorrow. Moorman could do better........


And sorry for the long post - I just noticed Lothar has a similar thread on his thoughts for the season here Lothars thread. I agree with a great many of his thoughts.

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